Yes .
Quite possibly.
Let's show them this thread :B|:
Is daring.
When will we talk about Gamefreak destroying what Pokemon used to be? ; ;
I KNOW RIGHT?! That's exactly what I told Arch and Janime.
How so? @-@ Wouldn't it be easier without duct tape and rope? That is... if I don't run to Jason :=D: He maks better sex than bondage rape.
Yeah, I agree. I was just saying that to Arch the other day. I miss our old humor ; ;
I don't need to be duct taped to make those noises. And sigg'd.
I have a lv. 100 Dragonite. O:
Put it back down.
I agree 100%
You're so lucky 8D
Lol. I don't buy anything from Gamestop. Which is kind of funny. I buy from this other place near me called Games Plus. it has everything from...
I'm honestly not even taking this poll seriously.
Warranty for everything. I think you should get warranty on games as well as consoles. That's just my opinion though.
Just imagine it. He'd be the most popular kid on your street. Your kid will be all like, "Can I go play with my new friend Anthrax?"
People pay way too much for games, and get barely any warranty D: I got a job by being EXTREMELY persistant. I kept coming in the store saying,...
I lol'd so hard at this. Fuckin' 4chan, I swear.
I wanna be an astronaut rockstar chef unicorn when I grow up c: With a son named Anthrax.