IS HERCULES! c: And yay, I made someone smile <3
No. Well, depending on what bullshit your parents pull. Alot of their sentences will probably start with, "Well now that you're sixteen..." When they say that, you know you're screwed.
I just don't like them as much as the old ones. D: I miss your main objective being 'To become the Pokemon Master' 8D It's till interesting how they mix the types up XD
My life is a crappy comedy film.
You're very welcome 8D
That actually wasn't such a bad idea. Until my Brother came into the bathroom to pee and flipped shit when he saw me in the tub.
The wonderful thing about Midnight Star is, that she's the only one. ♪ seewhatididthere? Durrhurr.
Well, if you've been paying attention at all, I quite like the games. My bad, but still. Why is a grass type a ground type? D:
I have not seen you RPing in forever O: And what's up? We haven't talked in like, a year :]
Aw, but you know you want dips on him. There's no hiding it. You've been caught. Just come out Archie.
I saw the rock off thread. Now I want to be your friend.
Happy birthday!
Do lip piercings hurt? I only ask because I'm thinking of getting snake bites, and I want to know if they'd hurt more than others D:
Wow. That makes 5 people. I've never done this with so many people before O:
My favorite was Crystal. It's pretty much the same though. And yeah, I guess that could mean Team Rocket is back D: Well, I was looking at this pokemon, one of the Sinnoh starters, and it looked like a grass type, but it was also(I believe) steel type. This I thought was very strange.
That's Lugia O: Likes... Crumpets 8D
I am stuck in a crowded hotel room(10 people) every night, with only two beds, and my big brother won't even let me sleep next to my Jason. ; ; I have to listen to my grandma and my little brother snore VERY LOUDLY every ****ing night, and I don't have earplugs. My little sister has to sleep with a nightlight, and I can't get to sleep with ANY lights on. I. Hate. Family. Vacations.
Will do ;o
Oi! I resent that... Just because it's horribly scripted, doesn't mean it's a bad movie.
It's a really cool avatar 8D