BOOBIES! Not like me 8D8
8D8 Is happy. << ;
*insert random word here*
The Fuk? is God.
Daw, I think we would all still be bored, but if KHV was still active, we'd be mucho amused.
I used to be like that. That's your body's way of responding to the stress of not being rested. I learned that from my Biology techer 8D8
Lopunny actually.
Have an ongoing insomnia that won't go away?
is bored D:<
Sadly I must decline your offer. You should sleep more. Sleep is definitely good.
Yeah, I read yours, and happy birthday by the way, but I also read a thread about it being Rissy's birthday a few days ago, and I didn't see the birthday icon at the bottom of the screen :[
Same kinda. Except, I'm stuck in a hotel room with 10 people D:
Is located in Ancient Greece :\
It is. We have to sleep with our bedroom doors open, but it is :3 How are you?
Fine. my mom is letting my boyfriend move in 8DDDD
Needs 1 more post to have 300.
Hey there ^^
So, when there's no birthday array icon at the bottom of the screen, does that mean there's no birthdays today?
It is. I can't help but laugh my ass off.
Awh, thanks :3 @-@ Thank you?