Is outsmarting me multiple times. And I don't even know how.
'Cause I am amazing :=D:
idk XD I'm too sleepy to think of something.
Last year I had a health teacher that slept in class and had a weird thing on her chin.
Just a conversation starter c:
Again? :why?:
; ;
Bro .
What's up?
Agreed. c:
Lol, yeah XD
Cool .
And yet it's considered stupid if you don't put on your seatbelt.
yep c: I <3 the spam zone.
I do. It's my favorite smiley face c:
I could never get rid of my stuffed animals :why?:
Hey :B|: Stop that DX
Talking with you, and posting lots in the spam zone, and possibly about to go back to sleep.
Same here. It is a strange pokemon indeed @-@
Is online now.