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  1. Pistol Schoolboy


    Uh ... Esplode?

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pistol Schoolboy

    Gawd, Peru and Argentina sure as hell know how to protect themselves. D:<

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy

    The game is called Pandemic, for all who don't know. And if you get bored with that, they have a more explained and detailed Pandemic II.

    Might I add that the game is very fun. Makes you feel like God, which I think got some serious controversy.
    But anyways, nice scores, you guys. xD

    Crono vs. Madi -- Now that's something worth spending a few hours watching.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pistol Schoolboy

    I think I just fell in love with your poetry. Not only did the flow run nice and smooth, but the "love" kanji gave that nice look to it as well. Gave a vintage kind of vibe to it.

    Nonetheless, great poem. Can't wait to read what'll come up next.

    Might I add, this poem reminds me so much of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. Pistol Schoolboy

    Are You Gonna Fly My Way // Lenny Kravitz


    Love Me Dead // Ludo

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    Hm ... it seems like when you say "Xion", it slips out as "Shion". Which, in fact, is an obvious Japanese name of choice.

    Personally, the speculation I have is a name relative to "eon". Seeing how the translation of "eon" in Japanese is "ion". Perfect match.

    Hell, maybe the name could be "Nen" for all I know of. Oh crap, I think I made a discovery ...

    And the title "358/2 Days", sounds like a year to me. And an eon is relative to it, in a way. So, maybe we might expect the 14th Organization member to be a anagram to the title itself.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    It's 2:21 AM, and I am as bored as hell. So, why not make a random topic? Y'know.

    So, the title pretty much says it all. What is in your Favorites / Favorites Center?

    Rizon Dubs
    Kuro-Hana Productions
    Ningen Anime Wallpapers
    KH-Vids.Net (homepage)

    Millefiore Tempesta
    Dengeki Online
    FFR The Game
    cP-AnG3L's Photobucket

    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pistol Schoolboy

    LC Reviews: Double Pack !
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and School Days

    Today, we've got a special double pack edition of reviews from yours truly, Skyler Jorgensen. This time, I finally go back to the roots of Japanese entertainment, and search for some of the most sick, maniacal anime that ever found it's way into the hands of otaku, and slapping it across like a disease. And today, I review School Days, one of the most controversial games, and the only anime that is normal, and sick. And also, the comedy / horror anime So Long, Mr. Despair.

    First, let's start off with School Days. Now, why is this controversial. Alright, it's a normal storyline, and it basically is one of the most messed up animes you will ever have your young, enthusiastic eyes laid upon. But goddamnit, this is an addicting anime. No matter how sick it gets in the future. So, this review will be filled with spoilers, so if you haven't watched the anime, go to the next one. But anyways, it starts off pretty seldom. A boy who falls in love with a quiet girl, and somehow, an enthusiastic one runs in the middle of it, and helps out the boy, who's name is Makoto, to get her to be his girlfriend.

    But before he knows it, about half way into the story, Makoto starts to fall in love with the other girl, Sekai, instead of the root of his love, Kotohona. From here, and until the ending, is where the series gets messed up. And once you get to the ending, you will be both happy, yet sad. Poor Kotohona ... and poor Makoto. As you all have probably known, Kotohona was in a boat, holding Makoto's severed head. Now, once I saw that, I both barfed ... no for real, I puked once I saw that ending. But anyways, I also felt remorse for the series being ended like that.

    Hopefully, they might do the same thing Higurashi no Naku Koro ni did, and make an alternate storyline with the similar touch. However, it's all said and done, right? Anyways, this is a big recommendation for both soft anime readers, and those horror fanatics who can't stop but rape their Elfen Lied DVDs. BEWARE OF THE ENDING, FOR ALL NEW WATCHERS. NOT FOR FAINT HEARTED.

    Heading over to the other anime, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, this is a short anime, that actually has a second season. However, this is an anime that doesn't really deserve a second season, so I consider it all just a 26 episode series. This is a rather comedic anime, whilst at the same time is romantic, yet horrific at the same time. The entire anime, there is a suicidal teacher who has to put up with a kikikomori, a split personality girl, a stalker, and much more. And each time he tries to kill himself, he is saved, but is nearly killed in the process.

    Great anime, and you have to dig deep into the scenarios to truly understand the comedy. But, there are some blunt jokes like the general headdesk anime stances. Or maybe you might laugh at when the teacher consistently yells "this has left me in despair." Nonetheless, this is a recommendation for crossover anime lovers. Crossover anime, in definition of an anime with unorthodox genres actually mixed into one like a digestive track.

    So, that's my review. Sorry for it being so short compared to last week's Twilight review. Hope to see you guys again with another review !
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Pistol Schoolboy
    Indeed, it is.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pistol Schoolboy

    Can I get a huggle? I mean, it's like a sammich. C:

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pistol Schoolboy

    Now we just have to wait a few months until the third season comes out.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy

    Aren't you just adorable, Alex? C:

    You are very welcome, might I add. (Huggles galore.)

    By the way, I'm sorry I couldn't get on. I was asleep. D:

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pistol Schoolboy

    This may be completely off of the topic explained, but I noticed that the video said "Oyashiro-sama".
    Last time I checked, that was Higurashi. Not Touhou.

    Oh well.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Pistol Schoolboy
    Hey, but you know, at least you have a house. And on the plus side, it is a very colorful, and nice house, I bet. :3
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pistol Schoolboy

    Reptar :D

    The guy at the very bottom looked familiar, so I guessed it was Nana, but cute manga, nonetheless. :3
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pistol Schoolboy

    Eh, her friends are adorable, but Reptar conquers them all, honestly.

    Love her hair, and her smile. You look amazing, Reptar.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. Pistol Schoolboy

    Reptar :D

    Oh my, would that be Nana in your signature? :3

    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Pistol Schoolboy

    Promise Me Tragedy // Halifax

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Pistol Schoolboy
    Awards thing is serious, and I'm trying to keep myself busy whilst it is still going on, so yeah.

    And plus, I didn't the next awards to be all ... boring ... I mean, it would just suck, and I seriously don't want that. No matter how random it is.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pistol Schoolboy
    I really appreciate that, Kiki. Very descriptive and kind of you to say, and I swear, I will live up to that.
    I will try my best to at least make the Awards at least be awesome, y'know. Not let it just be a couple of paragraphs and words, but how about, like, a live video or something?

    Dunno, ideas are seriously flying out my head.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone