*Plays music: "Waking the demon"-bullet for my valentine* *Click* -->Attack -->Spell -->Item -->Summon <-- *click* -->Chuck Norris --> Peter Griffin --> Spongebob -->Littlefoot <-- *click* Littlefoot calls pride and stomp him. DAMAGE.
is actually an iceknobpillow
cough cough scribbles all over xaale's new msn. HA! i wrote on your Email! TAKE THAT SOCIETY!
ooh wow. do you have a sig making shop? i would like you to make one for me :D
*casts CHEESE SPELL. Eats fieries cheese katana"
dodges bullet and throws shuriken
thats really awesome. who made it?
I'm thinking that xaale has anger issues. *puts paper over name in my sig...*
*Shoots Revolver outta firy's hand* HAHA! your out of cleaning implements!
:( that stinks.
umm. H.O.R.S.E.?
oh. do you know how much i need for my second block? cuz im at 55 =D
Yeah but it was umm crap whats the guys name that came to him before he was gonna do suicide. then BAM he told him not to kill himself.... so he could kill him? WTF?
dangit i was sure it was fall of the monkey lord... umm fall of the monkey lords step-dad?
oh... umm pin the tail on the donkey?
Oi. i wana know why the heck he killed him. SERIOUSLY. they better tell us. i didn't like him relaly cuz he was like insane. killing the on girl with teh chopper.
Fall of the monkey lord?
romeo and juliet
what do you mean?
ooh hide n seek? I love that game. except that one really bad thing that happened.