Unfortunately for you... the name of your thread is 'metal' appreciation. i said their new stuff isn't close to it just meaning that they got even CALMER from their old stuff. in no way did i say that they were ever deathmetal.
Spoiler sorry to tell you but... hes old
I like the theme for LOTR.... what thats totaly clasical...
Are you kidding?? your just on time!!!
1. Bullet for my Valentine. (new stuff isn't really death metal but it is stil metal. 2.Underoath :D I really love the meta genre. its the new generation of music and is growing larger and larger. Power to the Metal!
is actually really smart. and well put together.
pooped on a doorknob then licked it illegaly.
*points at girl and wiggles finger to come over, when she coems over say* "i made you come with this finger. imagine what i could do with all of them.
5'3. i was't really close... :\
da do tsh *fillers*
they have alot of videos but i've enver watched any of 'em.
Suicide did seem to linger. i never wanted to do it and never will. but its just sittin there in the back of my mind constantly.
xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
yep me too. i hope they explain why ben killed him
yeah Faraway or day.. the mother of the dude already on the island.
has tow ate for next meaness gotta help brother with guitar hero... hes making mem lose
if you dont wana talk about it then fine...
has man boobies and squeezes them in public.
takes that as a compliment. is morbidly obeise
i don't think i've ever seen you in a good mood :starwars: Whats wrong with you all the time?