LOL while i picked this page up i was watching the office. it is my new favorite show... my brother HATES it tho..
i've never changed my name =D and i probly wont... this is the same name i have for my Wii Guitar Hero 3 name online. so that way if anyone on here has been beaten horrifically by me... they can come cry to me... hehehe
ugh. i just got ova the flue. then this morning i was swimming in my own sweat.
Ehem. i am now starting my take over of your User Page.... sucks to be you!!!
LOL me too. i played umm... crap wich one... 6? i think... i was on a train and in some huge mansion... in the mansion it wasn't scary at all... in fact i shot out the lights to try and make it scarier... I mean it was really gay... But Fear is just... omg scary. i can't take it. I really hope you check it out
I feel terrible for you and i hope that you find something that helps you. Just to tell you, whenever my loved ones died (one recently did) i wouldn't dwell on it. I know thats vauge but its helpful. Literally tell yourself im not gonna think about the death, im gonna think about the awesome times I had with my dad. And hopefully you'll be finding yourself smiling while your crying. Try and get outside. It being still cold and depressing where I am being inside could be even more crippling then anything. Now this may sound stupid but it actually works. (For Some) Whenever i watch a Scary movie... i can't get it outta my mind. Or. If i watch a Really Really funny movie. Its very important that you dont watch anything sad or anything that refers to death too much. I really hope you get everything sorted out and turn out Ok. :-) We're all with you.
if you ever find the time... wich you should. just search up the website... And you'll see why i love/hate this game. This game... made a guy... who LOVES scary movies. Leave a room. CRYING. literally crying. GOD. its so freakin scary. BTW the guy is 24
Are you the hyppie jesus from the Wii online Guitar Hero 3 leaderboards...?
Anyone here played F.E.A.R.... or F.E.A.R.-Project Origin?
Their first love was a pet rock
thought so hard about their comeback they forgot their comeback.
OMg dude. the freaking elementary school was scary as ANYTHING. It seemed fine at first. especially up until the dude playing the piano. then i was like WTF? is this level any scary? Then Bam. My flashlight flickers off, lockers start flippin open and off the walls, Then the only light inside the entire school turns on for .7 seconds outta every 5 seconds. Then hand-to-hand combat with Alma!? WHAT THE HECCCKKK!? this game is so freakin scary im having nightmares over her.
oogly boogly boo.
*puts white out on name in siggy...* nothing to see here folks... just... making... changes to my... siggy..?
:ninjacat: :ninjacat: :ninjacat: :ninjacat: :ninjacat: :ninjacat: they killed yours...
Screw the Random Ninjas!!! NINJA CATTTSSSS :ninjacat:
Spoiler OMG I WAS RAPED BY ALMA i seriously didn't see that one coming... i mean WOW. Oh and what's with all those critiques saying it isn't as good as the first? The games graphics improved IMMENSLY from the first to the second. The Mech Suit and the Turret are Extremely fun to use. Alma is even scarier in this game. appearing in basically EVERY interval to scare the freakin crap outta you. Enemies are harder... (thats what she said.) And theres even more fun weapons to use. Sniping is even better in this one. So whoever says that this game is crappy hasn't gotten through the first halucination...
Perfect Example- Aiden. Great Song of their old stuff- "Last Sunrise" Their new stuff doesn't scream at all. its categorized under Alternative. idk what happened for them to do this.
Read the first post in the entire Thread... hopefully you'll understand then...
Spoiler i shall protect you! Get Back FOUL winds! xD