Holy crap. Kikame your a dude?!
Drinks Lipton Green Tea's arch enemy notpil's green tea. yeh.
HAHA... but kika isn't here...
i dont go make burgers and then tell you how to make burgers...
And those big guys in the hills called giants... "Biggs"
FOOOD mmhm tasty tasty chicken wings and burgers... oh god... look at my avatar...
unbelievably! xD. we should have named the death start.... "Moon looking Spherical Ship"
I'm soo lost. i dont read or watch these nerdy comics that you guys do................................................................................... ok im lieing. wich one is this?
LMAO. Ninja cat it shall be.
hmm... idk... ninja cat? xD im not good at names... you come up with it lol xP
:ninjacat: oops. my :ninjacat: mated with another :ninjacat:
goodnite *fillers*
OMG what a GLORIOUS DAY!!!! :ninjacat: <-- *credit to him helping me take over*
Pukes the steroids into their mouth while they sleep
oops. i just invaded Xaales User Page... HAHA we shall call it bladeoria
What face is that??
what happens when a momma goofy and a pappa yuffie are in love? an oof
add the letter a onto their name and they are the equivalent of a small cellphone company.
those morons at oxyclean... cuz i never learned what an oxymoron was...
Do i hear sarcasm? or am i just imagining things.....? LMAO... i Love this avatar... i thought it woulda been too many pixels for the sight so i put it in my siggy but then tried it out and im so happy it worked. its freakin amazing