For goodness sake. im dieing from the intellectual vonstrosities. i mean really? Humans in America don't want to think, they just want to be entertained.
*boop* free cake. now it is the coolest thread. i mean ask what?. im way too cool for this thread. so having me here, makes it god-like.
umm... yes? i think... its possible.
I personally like it and have no bad critisism (spelled wrong). What did you use to do it? photo shop?
LMAO. it never gets old. I specifically didn't make that as an answer becuz i didn't think anyone liked them both the same. i was wrong.
Chocolate. Vanilla. Cream. Icing. Coconut. They taste the same? ;( Wow. i epically failed. Nice catch
Hoozah for the Cake heros!
did you lose it like its gone? or did you do an epic fail?
I personally prefer cake. I believe what? prefers pie but im not posotive. I think cake is better because even though it may have icing on it, you can still have whipped cream.... Pie though, does have its good things. You can't have apple cake. (well you can but its not very good) And, you normally have ice-cream with pie. But, cake can make up for ice-cream. AND you can have the thing called Ice-Cream Cake, wich is the BALLS. ok... D-Blade Out
Next is the ninja pandas... oh wate... they exist. :O
listen here what? you better stop making us mid-teens seem stupid! or ill. make you seem stupider! yeah...
i didn't know that someone born in 1997 had an iq of 50 higher than mine. :ninjacat:
xD theres an orgy in my mouth
*boop* free cake :D
LMAO. i didn't know you attended walmart weddings what?
I read it in 8th grade. obviously i was made to do it. but i mean it was ok. i surprisingly liked it, the whole idea of another place like this was just intreaguing. Definitly i recomend it to anyone that has notread it.
seriously. were you at a walmart wedding?
How can you not like cake? i mean ok. Pie is pretty good. but have you ever heard of a wedding pie?
Boop *free cake*
ok then the dude in your sig and avatar is a guy? i thought it was a