true... the first one was really good. lol. does kik ever log on in?
yeah thats what i meant. number 3 was pretty lame. :\
Jurassic Park pownz all other dino movies
Well. ignore her... maybe she'll talk to you again after this. maybe a little of her own medicine is just wat she needs.
not much... just chillin. wating for meh rp buddehs to get on
oh lol i thought it was misunderstanding. k lol
oh... k....
OOC: i doubt it will till tomorrow. im basically the only one on. unless poeple are in invisi mode.
why is she always in invisi mode? its really annoying. i can never see when shes on
meh. suit yourself. i was just replying to my last topic. is kik on?
Well then... you wana go to walmart with me and try bras on?
OOC: soryr guys i didn't get on time. IC: Tyler brushed the hair out of his face. He turned the cam-corder towards him and spoke quietly. "Day 22. I have about 1 more weeks food from the cupbards. enough water though from the spickets. If no one comes in less then a day then ill know im the only survivor. Thats why i have my pistols nearby. Signing out" He shutoff the camcorder and breathed heavily.He looked at the dew stained windows. he saw his fingerprints had smeared the glass. he wrote "Help" into it.
Anybody on?
yes lol. Rock on xD
I wouldn't give u - reps for that. everyone has their own opinion. even if that opinion be wrong... xD
aww :nono: they are still a really good band. but they tour in Europe so freakin much. if u have the oprrutinty to go you should. and if you meet Matt Tuck. get him to right down on a peice of papaer hi Darkest blade! lol. brb in like 15 minutes.