Kouri raised her fists, now in a fighting stance, "we don't need powers to take you down," she said. Genservant nodded, as he stepped up, also in a fighting stance, fists raised, "all we need is freindship," he said.
Furtim walked over to the ship's residue, "it seems like this is only from an hour ago... so Kaia couldn't have made it far, right?" he asked. Joshua/Kaia walked down the hall, "see you later, Trent, I'm going to my room," he/she said, walking into Kaia's room, and shutting the door.
Furtim grinned, "thats it? only ten miles? Okay, here we go!" he said, and in a flash of light, they were now ten miles south of where they had been. Neco grabbed Josh's throat, and began to squezze, "are you going to talk? Or do I have to kill you?" he asked. Joshua/Kaia stomped his/her foot again, "common Trent! Maybe you'd have more freinds if you talked more!" he/she said.
Mark grumbled, looking over the wreakage of the old ship, "it isn't my fault that we can't afford to keep it maintained, and also not my fault that the warp drive blew up from a tangled circut, or that the explosion destroyed our engines!" he said angerly. Krystal sighed, "calm down Mark," she said.
Zexion shook his head, and held out the book, which was turned to the very back page, it appeared to be written in blood, "these are instructions on how to do it," he said. Kill a world, and as it's heart leaves it, and the world crumbles, follow these steps. Mark the ground with a pentagram, and place a keyblade at the center. Use the Keyblade to sacrifice one Heartless, and one nobody, while a human stands in the middle, when this is done, the human must use the keyblade to stab his own heart. The human's heart shall fuse with the keyblade, world heart, and the essence of the heartless and nobody, which will become the Nephilm, and the human itself will vanish from existence. Zexion translated the text so that Demetrio could read it.
OOC: Crap! I missed that! BIC: Furtim nodded "sorry, I zoned out for a moment, now where is your hometown?" he asked. Joshua in Kaia's form stomped his/her foot, "well, Trent? Are you going to talk to me or not?"
OOC: yes, indeed yay for those! BIC: Genservant grinned at this, "you can do it, Cooper," he said. OOC: sorry, I was thinking about your other OC character that you only used once. BIC: Kouri nodded, "and now, to deal with a little girl who thinks war is all fun and games," she said, as she turned to face Xengla.
Genservant looked at Favian, "I'm a re-formed nobody," he said, "and you need to come with me, now!" With that, Genservant grabbed Favian's hand, and flames swirled around them, when the flames cleared, they were gone.
Name: Mark Age: 18 Gender: Male Allignment: Good Personality: Brave and Honorable, is normaly a loner, but helps out those in need. Appearance (Human): http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=2244&pictureid=23788 Appearnace (Werewolf): http://www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/ems/images/stories/grey-wolf-snow.jpg
Mark nodded, and then Hwaje shot into the air behind Shia and Mya, as Mark rode him. I've always wanted my name to be Hot Stuff, can we go with that? Hwaje asked Mark. "Not in your life," was the only reply.
OOC: Sakura's power is Sky, right? BIC: Kouri grinned, "of course I do!" she said, and the light flew to Cooper, entering him, as he gained all of their powers, Ice, Magnet, and Sky. Malum watched as his master took the hit, you can do this master, a weakling teenager cannot defeat you, he thought.
Malum re-apeared back at the World That Never Was. Genservant ran through the forest, until he came to Favian. Favian drew his pistol, "w-w-what are you?" he asked.
Roxas smiled, "I can just remember what Sora felt like when he was with Kairi, that is what if feels like for me to be with you," he said. Saiix was getting ticked at Xigbar, "hurry up freeshooter, or we will give third place your captianing spot!" he said. Deymx began to play his sitar. Larxene looked at him coldly, "knock it off!" she said agressively.
He got one of the congressmen to sign off on it, because that particular congressman's state will not have to pay the increased tax, while the rest of the U.S. has to, which is ilegal.
OOC: Did you check the list? Xemnas already has a soldier type, and you didn't even follow the OC form. So you can have Xemnas, but you don't need the OC form.
Name: Genservant Side: Nobodies Weapon: A fire sword (red and gold hilt, with a sliver blade) Description: here is a picture, exept I want him in different clothes (Red+white+black Jumpsuit), and to look a little bit older: http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=2244&pictureid=23788
Larxene walked over to Axel, "do yourself a favor, don't pick Deymx this time," she said. Saiix looked at Xigbar, "okay, are you ready to pick now?" he asked. Roxas looked into Namine's eyes.
The ship rocked from the friction, and before long the air breaks began to snap off the ship. Mark pulled up right before impact, and they skidded along the ground, sliding to a stop right in front of Miteta, the ship a smoking, burning wreak as Mark and Krystal climbed out.
Zexion nodded, "it appears that the nobodies and Heartless are not the first race to attempt to gain the power of Kingdom Hearts, another race, one long extinct, known as the Nephilim, attempted it, and in the process became super natural beings like none of us have ever seen, if we could use a world heart to revive even one, we would win the war," he said.
Mark nodded, and ran to Hwaje, and climbed on his back, "alright then, let's get going!" he yelled to the rest, as Hwaje began to flap his wings.