Larxene kept looking at Marluxia, he knows I'm looking at him, so why doesn't he say anything? she wondered. Luxord snaped his fingers, "I know what we can to while we wait for Axel's hand, watch this video!" he said. OOC: the video
Axel grinned, "I say that we make an army of were-dragons and Werewolves, and then go and eat everyone's cattle!" he said, the urge to eat freshly killed cattle was realy strong at the moment. Roxas stood up, he was taller than everyone else, "does anyone remember where we left the book?" he asked.
Joshua climbed out of the hole, "did anyone see where that little gopher I transformed went?" he asked, as he grew bird wings and flew up to his jet, which took off with him on it.
The ground began to crack just a little bit outside the circle, and a giant dragon beast rose out of it, snorting fire at the group, and then taking off into the night sky, a mile away within ten seconds.
Axel walked over, "your gonna like it a lot less when the full moon hits, I'm gonna be a wild dragon man, that is looking for wild animal prey, who wolves happen to be a delacacy for dragons by the way," Axel said, showing his slightly pointer than usal teeth.
Roxas shruged, "I also kinda feel like ripping someone's arms out of their sockets," he said. Axel laughed, "what, are you supposed to be a wookie?!"
Furtim light-speeded back inside, and grabbed Seth and Cat, who had been forgotten by Church, and then he spirited them out of the collapsing base. Joshua grinned, "disgusting? no, Little? yes," he said, as he melted away again, disapearing into the ground.
OOC: ?????????????????????????????? BIC: Genservant looked at her, "what do you mean? She's awake, she just can't move or talk," he said, "that's all, she isn't asleep!" Kouri was still watching Traxon.
Krystal walked back over, "the fire's out," was all she said, as her keyblade vanished from her hands. Mark nodded, "okay then, see you later," he said.
Axel nodded, "that's the monster in you, belive me, I've been having cravings for freshly killed sheep and cattle," he said. Roxas nodded, "I want to walk slowly back and forth in front of a camera, so only my blured form gets seen by the tv," he said.
Joshua just seemed to melt out of Church's grasp, and he re-formed several feet away, "you know one problem about jumping realy high inside of your own base? When it begins to fall apart from the hole in the celling!" he yelled, as the base began to collapse.
Axel grinned, "what family, we are nobodies, remember?" he said. Roxas started scratching again, "yeah, nobodies got no family exept for the Organization, which you are part of by the way," he said.
Joshua ran at Kaia while Church was distracted, and kicked again, this one even harder. Furtim peeled himself out of the wall, and shot a blast of light at Joshua Norris, but it did nothing against him. OOC: What? Chuck Norris was on my mind!
Roxas looked at him, "shut it, emo," he said. Axel snickered, "if you want, Deymx, I could burn some of that black hair off your head!" he said.
Mark nodded, "yeah, she went that way, why you looking for her?" he asked. Krystal sighed, "I'm gonna go put out the fire on our ship," she said, walking away.
Josh recolied in pain, then transformed again, this time into a copy of Chuck Norris, who proceeded to attack Church with a massive kick that could shatter bones, while his other hand shot up in a fist, and knocked Furtim back into the wall.
Genservant looked at her, "I think that she is paralyzed, at least for now, the electricity messed with her nervous system," he said. Kouri was still watching Traxon. OOC: KH2man, would you mind checking into Organization afterlife, it's your turn to pick again.
Joshua transformed back into the gorila, which had no tail, and smashed one of his massive fists towareds Church. Furtim dropped his gun, and grabbed his sword, and charged forwards.
Joshua transformed into a massive gorrila, and threw Church off of him, he stood up, and changed again, into a chetah, and ran at Furtim. Furtim fired his pistol again, but only managed to clip the chetah's shoulder.
Mark looked after Taylor/Xaylor, "that was different," he said. Krystal sighed, "now what are we gonna do without a ship?" she asked him. "We have a ship, it just happens to be on fire at the moment," he said.