Kouri's hand glowed with blue light, and a sphere of her power floated above her, Nyoko, and Sakura. Malum looked at Lexah, "you didn't actualy think Nexon would fall for that, did you?" he whispered.
Because it is taking away even more freedom from the average american, now we will be forced to buy health care, not that that is a bad thing in itself, but it goes against america's morals of freedom to force our citizens to do something. Not to mention the fact that Obama broke laws in getting this Healthcare plan to be signed.
Saiix sighed, "alright, since Xigbar isn't doing anything, Axel, why don't you go now, and Xigbar will go later," he said.
Kouri put her hand out, touching Nyoko and Sakura. Kouri focused, her power moving out of her body, and into the point where all three of their hands met, her sword vanishing as she did so. Gensevant turned around to Nyoko, Sakura, and Kouri, he saw what they were doing. Then he looked to Xengla, "you see, we help our freinds, which is much more then the kings can say for themselves, why do you want to join a group that is just as likely to stab you in the back as help you?" he asked.
Name: Eventus Age: 22 Appearance : Gender: Male Personality: He doesn't like to talk much, but will help anyone who needs it, and is very brave. Abilities: Summoning a keyblade, and control over fire, he can use it for anything from creating a miniture volcano, to flying for short distances. Civilian or Worrior : Warrior Location in the world : exploring a remote medical facility, where some of the research that created the nex was done. history: Enroled himself in the military, because he had nothing better to do, he had been able use his keyblade, Trial by Fire, since a young age where he survived a large fire in his apartment building, where his parents died, but he went strait through the flames that the firemen were afriad to go throgh, and rescued a young girl. Text colour : Red Theme song: Dearly Beloved: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0H8YHAuaNg Name: Kai Age: 19 Appearance : Gender: female Personality: she usaly tries to get people to leave her alone, as she has problems dealing with them after a tramatic event in her past. Abilities: fire control, has extreme control over fire, can use all forms of it. She can also heat up the blade of her sword to make it cut through almost anything. Civilian or Worrior : Warrior Location in the world : in Southern California history: She was orphaned durring a fire in her appartment, she was rescued by a boy, and now she is trying to find him. She works as and archologist, and found a magical sword which gave her control over the element of fire, even when she didn't have it in her possesion. Text colour : pink Theme song: Isn't it Lovely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0UEc2FPMoE&feature=related
XD, whatever, I was planning on making an RP about it though... oh well.
My personal take on this, is that it is fun to pair them up, in ways that people think that they would interact, I know of not one instance in the entire kingdom hearts saga where Larxene actualy shows hatred for Deymx, but how many fan-fics or RP's have you seen about them where they actualy got along? It is fun to show that you can understand things by playing around with these characters, because so many gaps were left open in their story.
Mark looked at her, "and that is why you need to get Shia to fly slower than normal, so that the rest of us can keep up with you two," he said.
Okay, I will be sure to look deeper into my facts before I use them next time, that was a mistake on my part. And belive me, I make many mistakes, as I am only an ameture at this.
you know what I just realized, that your new "The war of the Nobodies" thread is titled "The Nobody Wars" which happens to be the title of one of...
Mark nodded, "okay then, we should get on our way now, the flight will take time," he said, "and we should realy decide where we are going."
Kouri grinned, and looked to Nyoko and Sakura, "Genservant and Cooper have the right idea, we need to unite our powers," she said, as ice formed in her right hand, and grew and shaped itself into a sword, where it solidified into metal, she was now holding her ice sword.
Genservant dodged most of the debris, only getting hit by minor pecies that barly left cuts on his skin, needless to say, he would be sore tomorow.
Genservant released the energy, which flew to Cooper, bonding with him, and temporarly alowing him to use Genservant's powers, as well as giving him a cool looking uniform. Genservant would not be able to use his powers durring it though. Kouri narrowed her eyes, "yes, I never would have attacked you had you not been involved in the battle, but now, durring our private moment, you attack us!"
Albert finished what he was wrighting, it read: "welcome to your first day of class, here are the rules: blah blah blah blah and here are the real rules: question what you are told listen to what I say, but also what others say in the room never raise your hand always carry a test tube in your right front pocket have a good day those are all the rules, please follow them, unless you wish to have a chemical explosion included in your next meal." Albert nodded, "this will get their attention tomorrow!" he said.
OOC: Could you please read all of the rules?