Luxord laughed at her, "quiet, Gorgeon, we perfer our skin not to be a shade of cement!" he said. Luxord then turned to Zexion, and passed him a hand of cards, "never doubt my skills at poker, my powers are of time, not cards, I just happen to be good with my sleight of hand," he said.
Namine thought for a moment, "it is hard to explain, it is like, you are just a machine almost, you only act on what you know, and on logic, you don't judge people by who they are, but by what they do," she said, "but... you always have this illogical yearning to feel, you understand emotion, so you want it back."
OOC: I'll do it. BIC: Eventus looked around the metal walls, some were dented in, scratched with claw marks, mechanical doors were thrown around the room, where Nex had broken free of this facility all that time ago, "Man, this place is trashed," he muttered, as he looked around the room he was in. BEEP BEEP BEEP! A femnine groan sounded from a mess of bedsheets, and Kai sat up out of them, half asleep, she turned off the alarm clock, "damn, why did I set that?" she wondered aloud, as she got up, and ready to leave the hotel she was staying in.
Namine managed a smile, "that just shows how much heart you have, the fact that you feel any remorse at all, Roxas and I have at least parts of our hearts, due to the fact that we were with our sombodies," she said, "when we left them, we took bits and peices of our hearts with us."
Namine sighed, "what is worse is that it is like fighting my sister, because that is what Kairi feels like to me, a sister, and now we are on opposite sides of this war, when I would have been content to stay with her," she said.
Namine thought for a moment, "hmmm... well, the feeling I'm getting from Kairi is exited, yet she is also sad in a way, I think she is probably trying to figure out a way to take down organization Thirteen," she said after a moment of thought. Roxas walked over to Axel.
Namine shook her head, "no, actualy the only relation we have is that our sombodies know eachother, and hang out together all the time, plus the fact that they both have keyblades," she said. Roxas walked back into the grey area.
Mark held up his bag, "there is enough gold left in here to get two rooms, but how long are we supposed to say here? We can't exactly stay long," he said.
OOC: only if you like the word Nom, Nomed is only a word if you like Nom, if you don't like Nom, then Nomed is not a word, XD. BIC: Nick just ate his fish in silence. Jenifer ate her fish too, while she purred from how good it tasted.
Mark was busy fixing up the room in the hotel, so that it wouldn't look like a were wolf had torn up the bedsheets the night before.
OOC: it hasn't yet, they don't die until it has been more than a month or so, but if it isn't too far gone, you can still bring it back. All we have to do is delay it's death until Cicanda Killer gets back, hopefuly then everyone will start posting again. BIC: Namine unlocked the door to her room, and she and Roxas walked in. "It isn't much, but it's mine," Namine said. Roxas pulled the mattress out from underneath Namine's bed, and layed it out on the floor, "here is the extra mattress, if you want to sleep on it," he said, as he walked out of the room.
Mark opened the bag, revealing a worn-out looking set of body armor, "this, it may not look like much, but it is still good for combat, and this way it won't draw attention to us," he said.
Mark went back over to the gummi ship, "okay, Krystal, why don't you go and look for a gummi parts shop, while I get down to fixing this thing?" he asked. Krystal nodded and silently walked away, maybe I'll get a second shot at that ***** while I'm at it, she thought to herself.
OOC: quoted this cause you never replied, and it is my turn to post in this. BIC: Luxord laughed, and gestured towards where Larxene went, "okay, since medusa is going to go uglify Riku and Sora to death, why don't we play a game of cards?" he asked, pulling another deck of cards out of his pocket, along with some poker chips.
OOC: quoted this cause I am posting again in this, so had to delete the last one. BIC: Roxas looked at Mya, "okay then, Namine's room is this way, if you will follow us," he said, walking out one of the doors. Namine laughed, "common Mya, this way," she said, following Roxas. Meanwhile.... Kairi thought for a moment, "hey! I have an idea!" she said exitedly. "Sora, you remember what you told me about the large enemy ship you took down, you flew the gummi ship inside it and blew up the power core, right? Well I remember when you, Donald, and Goofy fought Saiix, there was a power core in The World That Never Was, and right next to a window too!" she said exitedly.
Mark grinned at her as he walked into the shop with his heavy sack. A little while later, he came out of the shop, the bag was considerably lighter, but he had something just as heavy in his backpack.
Eventus looked to Rako and Kyteis, "let's get this over with, the sooner I kill you, the sooner I can repay my debt to Phisoxa," he said.
OOC: Xigbar was walking on foot, he abandoned his horse. BIC: Xigbar grinned at her, and laughed, as he drew his arrow guns, he looked around, and noticed the wild cat tracks, and stalked along them, "here kitty kitty, I'm not going to hurt you or your freind, as long as you come out now," he said.
Mark smiled, "that's what comes from being famous, lots of money," he said, "I'll be right over at that armor shop over there, okay?"
Eventus's keyblade glowed with fire, "that's fine with me, I don't care which of you I fight, I will win, no matter how many I have to face, because if I lose, then I won't be able to repay my debt, and nothing can stand in the way of that," he said.