"Fine..." Mellody agreed reluctantly. "But..."
L looked at her a bit surprised, but simply ploppeda strawberry in his mouth.
"Lana, we've gotta set up the bombs..." Mellody reminded, obviously eager to go.
"Thanks..." L thanked taking the plate quuickly, and actually smiling (if onyl for a split-second) for once.
"Yeah." Mellody reassured a little too quickly. "Not comepletly gone but i'll manage, so let's go."
L glanced over at her. "Can i at least have the strawberry?"
Mellody smlied dusting herself off slightly. "we... can't post-pone for much longer, we really need to set these bombs..."
thanks..... so what's new?
bada! ^-^ *waves* Translation: cyas soon! *waves* ^-^
bada... ._. something my ex said...
lmao XD random: ba...da...bu *cries*
yes it was...
^-^ well, i served to help you wit hstress before, might as well g ofor round 2 (sorry for the lame joke, but today's been really boring and my nephew being born has been the only exciting thing...)
Hey Destiny, i am an uncle!!! =D
hey everyone, i haven't said hi in awhile... ._. but i must say this... i am now officially an uncle!!! =D
ooc: We need someone to post on this... L stared blankly at the cake on the bench in the kitchen. It was exactly what he wanted but it seemed a little too convienant. ooc: Random, but it's something...
Destined, can you hope on MSN quickly and talk with me for a few minutes or are you heading straight to bed?
"La-Lana...?" Mellody asked walking after her...
damnit i missed Destined!!! T-T
damn straight!