"oh...my...god..." Mellody whispered to herself as she read the paragraph, amazed at how Lana had felt. "She... wow..."
"Wow..." Mellody commented scrolling down to see more. "She really was depressed..."
bada bada bada baja bada baja bada! translation: do you understand?!?!!?!?!?!
Mellody sighed, waiting patiently for Lana. After a few more minutes of waiting she eventually looked over at the laptop and shrugged, reaching over and turning it on. After 5 or so more minutes she noticed something of small interest and clicked on it. Lana's diary huh? she thought to herself smiling evily.
you're school's suck... no offense... but then again...
you have a larger break than me.. ;-;
hey cupcake... <_< >_> badabu...
ooc: Death, my comp has the same issue and i go back and check... or at least i do when i get bored... and i don't know what to make L do... Demi is it still morning?
Demi... you never look ******ed... -_- and my dad's trying to cut my hair! i spent forever growing it this long again!!! ;-;
"He wouldn't push you away..." L reassured immediantly knowing what was going on. "And if you're that worried about it, do it before you all go to bed, just ell him you have a special gift for him as he gets ready to go to sleep."
"no, but it's here and now, and it allows me to get back for Mello..."
"well, maybe you should kiss him for his birthday..." L suggested half-heartedly.
Mellody smiled at her. "Well, gotta get over it sometime right?" ooc: why? they're harmless!
"I see..." L muttered thoughtfully for the upteenth time that day. "Well, after your fight i guess it makes sense"
Mellody nodded, a small grimance passing over her face as she let go of her last piece of pride.
"Yes... Mello..." L muttered thoughtfully, memories of the nergetic young boy floating through his mind. "Speaking of which how are you two coping?"
"I guess..." Mellody surrendered at last.
"Well" L started in-between mouthfuls. "It's not my fault"
"We gotta set the bombs up! every second we waste Kira kills osmeone, and the closer we get to having to reveal Near on public cable!"
"I never thought you cared." L explained turning around and walking off, more strawberries mysteriously disappearing into his mouth.