hi... *shudders* Saint's MSN raping meh!
he's one of those wedding people... and hi everyone, me and one of my frirneds had the smart idea to go into the middle of a bush fire and i'm asthmatic so i was in like a coma or someting fo the last few hours... anyone else on?
keep it alive for 24 hours and i've found you a new recruit lol
random: APPLES = BADABU!!!
O.O wtf...?
well, Destined tells me everything and all he would tell me in this case was that he had a bad experience with a tampon... wit that said i hope he deosn't maim me...
uuuhhh... DS44 he said people were complainging cause you were a little too perverted but it's none of my business.. wait yes it is... i'm confused... and Saint, i will hunt you down should you not come back, and you will wish you had!
cya my perverted other, you don't come back i will hunt you down ^-^ have some fun while you're over there ok?
it's okay, could use a little more detail but other than that perfect.
i stayed up all night and till 10.43 am just because you wanted me to, i wil complain if i want to. anyway, no more fighitng, k V let's see what'cha got?
i'm here, but in the same sense not here... (A.K.A. i pulled an all-nighter adn Demi wants me t ostay despite the fact i can't walk straight XD)
cya SORA!, hope i eventually do see you again, here or elsewhere.
sh*t Mellody thought as she didn't get a reply but instead a dead line, almost immediantly barging through the doors to HQ afterwards.
"Sh*t... i forgot to ask what floor she as on..." Mellody sighed palming hre on face, and calling back the number that had previously called her.
"okay, i'm on my way!" Mellody hung up, jumping into her car andalmost litterally flying to the SPK HQ...
"Where are you i'll come find you!" Mellody yelled rushing out of the house as she talked.
Mellody jumped lightly and pracitcally leaped at the phone, answering it midair as she crashed into the couch. "lana, that you?!"
I'm always up for a good rp... Name: Denithan Jones Age: 16 Sex: Male Weapon: Crescent Blade Info: An ex-agent for an orginazation he has no memory of, He has natural skill wih the blade, he also has multiple scars on his left arm, revealing what would normally be reffered to as mysterious scars. He has also discovered that when in trouble, the rose pettle picture on the tip of his blade lighs up, making crescent marking in the air when he swings it. He also wears his customary, over-sized white shirt, black pants and red torn up scarf. Magic: Light Other: doesn't talk much, and shows obvious signs of being raised with child abuse... ooc: can i join? oh, and if you're wondering, compliments of the fifth element.
"Well..." Mellody started biting her lip. "Now you have someone to tell... and maybe i can help you act upon you're feelings..."
morning Destined... i wanna write something but can't be f*cked... >.<