heh... well, either way you're my friend so i dun really care...
but Demi, you scare the f*cking hulk when you're p*ssed... lol
lol, well anything interesting happening?
lmao! anyway, away from the subject of... well me >.< how're you? anything new on your end?
lol, exactly Ansem, exactly. And i bet either i'll fall asleep or something'll keep me from getting on later on tonight XP
Friend's fine, now i have like half the school trying to kill me though XP and Destined! where have you been! if only my sis's BF DIDN'T kick me off, i would've been able to talk to you!
yesh it is... ._.
i dunno... i honestly dunno ._. i remember him hitting my friend and grabbing a metal ruler and then there's a blank >.< according to my friend i didn't do anything he did it to himself, but i dunno...
lol, well before you even ask, i wasn't the one cut... though i WAS the one cutting appparently...
well, if you want to get technical, you are the mother figure... ._. meep...
lol, wow, i didn't know we already had a mother figure... umm... well, we'll say some sh*t happened and some guy ended up with a cut so deep he's gonna need stitches...
Chron, is a fanfic Destined' writing for the sheer amusement of writing it, so there are plenty of funny moments, he's also guaranteed that almost everyone in the writer's family'd appear... like i appear as Cian in it, and he appears as Rick i think... *shrugs* Sora's funny though XD Heya. Random but i might be getting suspended from school tommorow.
hey everyone.
Destined, that song you showed meh was beautiful... ;-; *claps* and damnit! i was looking forward to talking to you...
you kill brains with them... ._. it makes them smarter in the long run, so i guess it's justified...
sweet added. and i'm still decent in my opinion... ask someone who actually rp's with me cause i honestly don't care, it's fun and that's all that matters... anyway, let's rp together again soon, deal? oh, and the nerd half of me wants to say something... about the DBZ/DBGT part of your siggy: Straight up, it is not a kamehameha wave, it's name got changed in the namek saga of DBZ, it was originaly the kamea kamea wave... though ,i swear i'm the only person who actually knows this... probably 'cause i watched the series begining to end XP i miss DBZ... and screw you DBGT! you are a insult to the great legacy of dragon ball! and Destiend... i will murder you!! !>O that song you showed me was so beautiful it almost madem e cry you ba$tard!
Ansem! holy f*ck how long's i t been since we last rp'ed together?!?! and sure you can join, just give meh a title...
hey everyone... who esle here (besides me and big D) hates the happy act?
NO! I AMT NOT!... isn't anyone even gonan try to help meh?
NO NO I AM NOT!!! *pukes* hideous!!!!