Denithan smiled lightly opening the door expecting no one to be inside.
Denithan sigheda s he reached the door, reaching for a small light he had in his pocket, and knocking on the door.
Denithan sighed, trying to comfort himself and increasing his pace towards the mansion.
Denithan raised his eyebrow as he felt someone looking at him, glowing a very light pink he looked around slowly...
Denithan cuddled tightly to his coat, his large sbythe discarded a few miles back as he gazed at a haunted mansion, walking towards it slowly.
up to you... i'ma little rusty with my Rp'ing so yeah...
i can't write anymore... it's all gone i swear ;-; damn! night V... cya soon...
Name: Denithan Age: 16 Appearance: Yes he has a scythe Gender: Male Ability: Cresence, An odd ability Dein has which dioes little but cause a small distraction, Crescence has never been activated by chocie. Whenever Dein is under high pressure, embarrased or simply rushed, anything in constant contact with him, and he himself, will glow a lightish pink colour, often leading him to further embarrasment. Bio: Dein has never been very special, and is more feminime than musculan (a side affect of Crescence perhaps?) His childhood was supposeply tragic, though no one knows since he never talks about his own past. He has a liking to leave in dark places away from others, and although he loves company, he's a loner of sorts. mind if i join Des?
that's true... what did they name it?
nothing much, you? heya Destiny, i'm bored as well, so i might read one later...
Hey V, D's on.
damn... how do i always miss big D... v-v
damn... oh well, change of plan anyway, dad caught me so i gtg, cya!
don't even ask Ansem... and i have an order for you... you pm me now, we plan rp, we rp, we have fun! have you recieved your orders?
ooc: Well... i'm bored adn Mellody kinda disappeared... so.... yeah... Mellody sighed in deep-relief as she spotted Lana, running up to her. "Bloody hell girl! where have you been?!"
i missed you... by 8 minutes... >O
D stands for my real name, i got the nickname from my friend and i use it for forums and the like when i get bored of Heiro...
hi everyone...
as i said, all of them who are WORTH your time love you like a sister.
Demi, not everyone hates you, in-fact almost everyone wort your time loves you like a sister.