"I am so confused..." Denithan muttered to himself following Treat.
"Graves?" Denithan asked, a completly stumped look on his face.
Denithan sighed, walking after her. "Fine... i'll come..."
"Not really..." Denithan shrugged. "Will if you want me to though." ooc: thanks ^^
ooc: wow, that must've been confusing to her... lol brb in 10-20 minutes, so please wait ^-^' Denithan shrugged. "Nevemind. But why do you think i might want to go see the rest of the town?"
Saint's back everyone!
"Are you asking me out?" Denithan joked around. "No, i'm good in here, unless there is any specific eason why i should see the town."
Denithan shrugged. "I just felt like coming here i guess..."
"No idea..." Denithan stated getting up at last.
"Well, i'm officially confused..." Denithan muttered sitting up and not botherin to get up.
"Don't look at me..." Denithan stated innoecently, currently expecting anything and everything to happen.
yes it was!
Mellody smield evily to herself, taking a step back from Lana and heading back up to Near's room. "Oh, near, i have somethign to show you..."
So they're bonding... L thuoght as he walked by. i guess that's good...
"What's up?" Denithan asked looking over at Treat.
"Lana..." Mellody sighed deeply. "You're tkaing it too seriously, just calm down... anyway, we NEED to set the bombs, so we'll talk later, let's go!"
Mellody shrugged. "You say that now, i say give it three months."
"It's not pathetic." Mellody explained looking at her. "I was like that at one point... and alot of girls are, so i can tell you it's not pathetic and it's actually quite likely.."
ooc: nothing much, just Denithan and Treat having a conversation really...
Mlloedy sighed leaning against the nearby wall. "You know before long this thing'll keep you up at nights and all you'll EVER think about is him and so on... really it's simpler to just say you like him..."