Denithan shrugged at the small ghost like dog. After what'd happened he really wasn't expecting less and instead went to pat him.
"Zero?" Denithan asked walking after her again.
hi everyone
room for a nerdy scientist whom for some reason acts cooler then that cool kid's do? i can come up wit ha serum that meks anyone who eats a cookie puke.. then we'll have more reinforcements! >D so what do you say? the Nerdy scientist in?
"What?" Denithatn asked looking at her. "I did!" ooc: i noticed lol, okay, i'll try to wait for you to get back.
"Walked" Denithan replied smiling mockingly.
"Bit of both i guess..." Denithan explained queitly.
Denithan looked like he was going to say something and then just shook his head.
"No thanks" Denithan forced a smile back. "Though you're right... this place is rather queit..."
"I guess..." Denithan agreed.
"That's disgusting..." Denithan commented emotionlessly.
Denithan nodded thoughtfully following her.
"Thanks." Denithan thanked smiling warmly and walking in.
"Cool..." Denithan commented walking up to the gate. "How do i get through?"
"It's back at the mansion..." Denithan muttered slowly. "Shouldn't we go to the graves first?"
"Well, the most interesting thing about me is i glow... and i have a scythe..." Denithan explained looking at her. "Other than that i'm just normal."
"I take of the coat in those cases" Denithan replied a confused smile on his lips. "You're a very curious person aren't you?"
"I'm fine..." Denithan shrugged walking back out. "I bought the coat for a reason after all..."
"I guess i understand..." Denithan stated following Treat patiently.
"They said they're closed..."