Denithan stopped noticing the other people. "So.. you wanted to see my scythe right?"
"You really wanna figth?" Mellody giggled, planning her next assault on him.
"She won't disagree, trust me, now will you or won't you?" Mellody asked, plucking the hair out this time and grabbing some more.
"I guess..." Denithan replied not really caring.
"The nagree..." Mellody ordered darkly, pulling harder on his hair.
"Just do it!" Mellody ordered pulling his hair lighlty. ooc: XD
Denithan loked up. "I don't know, i never thought about that."
"I'll make you a deal... i'll make sure nothing happens to you, if you promise to marry her after the kira case." Mellody offered sensitively. ooc: msn again... ._.
Mellody had had her second phone on record but stoped it now. "how would you dissapoint her?"
"Whaetever you say..." Denithan sighed following her carefully.
Denithan facepalmed himself. "Are we or are we not?"
ooc: thanks ^-^ damn... Mellody giggled. "Don't believe it? i'll get you her laptop, just give me a bit, and then you'll have your proof... you see, she used to cut herself before she met you... you're the reason she stopped..."
ooc: yep, the on in Mellody's house :3 and MSN screwed up again ;-;
ooc: it's Lana's conffesion to loving him...
Mellody smiled evil, taking out her phone clicking on the recording and putting it near his ear.
"I Am?" Mellody asked slyly.
ooc: soz for taking so long ^-^' Mellody smiled evily as she walked up behind him, leaning on his shoulders and whispering into his ear. "I have proof that Lana loves you..."
Denithan shook his head. "We're lost aren't we?"
"Agreed." Denithan agreed, turning to her. "I have no idea where i'm going so you lead."
NOW Denithan watced the dog in amazement. "Damn it's smart..." ooc: Kairi's amazed, and Denithan and Treat have been talking, seen the three witchs and but of course are now in the graveyard talking.