D'aaaaw, look how ready for combat he is :P
EPILOGUE: CONTINGENCIES "SECRET ENDING #5" The beacon to guide them Mickey Mouse found himself in the dark in both the figurative and literal sense. What was he doing there? He didn't know. What just made that spine-tingling sound right behind him!? He didn't know that either! All that did go through his mind was shouted aloud in panic, "I gotta get out of here!!!" he hollered, throwing his arms up and using his hands to shield his eyes from the eyes in the dead trees which seemed to be peering down at him. Eyes were everywhere he looked. There was no escape. Everything was out to get him, and everything from logs in the water to shadows between the trees was alive. Racing for his very life, Mickey dashed over dirt path and hurdled over exposed roots. Hostile sounds were closing in on him. There seemed to be no escape! That was the case until he saw a breakage in the woods. The trees cleared away to reveal a castle, dimly illuminated in the moonlight. Dare he go closer to it? The woods were not so welcoming, so there was no option for him. He ventured on, dashing as fast as his feet could carry him. He scarce noticed the ground below his feet start to feel more like cloud than terrain. His eyes were fixated on the castle. He only hesitated once he got to its mighty doors. Tender-footed, Mickey knocked at the door and shrank away. He only hoped the Master of the Castle was home; or maybe it was better if they weren't. Such a forboding air hung about the place. "H-Hello? Is anyone there? I've been lost in the woods nearby, and I-I need a place to stay for the night." Light footsteps were heard as a man in a white Cloak exited the woods and showed up behind Mickey. "There you are," The voice spoke from behind the mouse. "I was wondering where you had scampered off too." He glided along the dust filled pathway as he made an abrupt stop before looking down at him through his hood. His stature was much smaller in comparison, as he towered over him. "You look confused... well that's to be expected I guess." He extended his hands wide in a gracious greeting. "You may call me Dreamer. And while I may not seem it, believe me... I am a friend." He went down on one knee with his cloak flowing along to reveal white pants and boots beneath the white coat. "I understand you must have a lot of questions, and we'll have time for all of them." He reach into his coat pocket and pulled out a glowing red crystal. "But for now, we have a bigger task to deal with it." He lowered the crystal into mickey's hands to get a better view of it. An evil sorceress has imprisoned nine people inside this castle, including Minnie and several of your other friends. Her ability to manipulate memory is preventing me to rescue them myself. I'm powerless in there..." He looked down on himself, while the red crystal shimmered in Mickey's hands. "That there is the Red Crystal Gem. It holds the very essence of some one you know. It is a set of seven that a witch has created after capturing your friends." Mickey recalled this memory after he and the other wielders left Wasteland. Without keyblades to protect them, they were left victim to the witch's scheme as she fled with Minnie, Pluto, Donald, Goofy, Daisy, Pete, Max and Oswald. Mickey could only wonder who resided in the red gem. Dreamer got off his knee and stared up at the looming castle. "And right now they are all trapped until they can be saved... Do you understand so far?..." "Gosh, I'm not sure," Mickey responded, holding the red crystal like a carefully guarded treasure. "The essence of someone I know, huh? Well, who is it? And just how do I get them out of there? Are they okay? Oh no! Is Minnie alright?" His questions grew more anxious the more he asked, clapping one hand over his head when the stress became too much. It was a lot to take in, and it looked like, once again, it was up to him to save his friends. More steadily, Mickey furrowed his brow and looked up to the man in the white coat with stern understanding. "You just tell me what I have to do to put a stop to her and help my friends. I imagine they're counting on me, and I can't let'em down." "Give it time Mickey... I know you'll save them all." He looked at the strange design of the castle. "With each gem you find, some one will return to you. But they are currently sleeping in a core memory. You see, everything that is or ever was, can be salvaged with a memory. And that's what this castle is Mickey. Memories and Illusions designed to tamper with your mind. The sorceress can not be so easily defeated. She is protected by five guardians. Each more powerful than the last." He looked back to the crystal in Mickey's hands. "But with the help of those trapped in the gems, I know you'll find your way..." He walked alongside with Mickey to where he revealed the Cornerstone of Light in a small clearing. "Is that-" "Yes," Dreamer affirmed. "The symbol of light to ward of the darkness. Or in the eyes of others. The Core Memory to restoring Disneytown." He began to walk away from the castle and looked up as he dove into thought. "You always do," he sighed. "But you won't be alone. While the witch has prevented my interference, you'll have the help of that friend. The higher you climb, the more friends you will free. But be careful... This castle also pits you against your darkness and most hidden fears." He stood parallel from Mickey and looked to him. "Remember that the castle won't let you leave until you've conquered your darkness and saved your friends... Your mission ends once all 10 of you are safely united." "All ten. I got it. Thanks for all your help,--- I --- I guess I call you Dreamer." Mickey did not take the mystery man's words lightly. "I figure I got some danger ahead of me, huh? And I'll have ta keep an open mind to make sure I don't fall for any of those illusions ya mentioned." He faced the door, gripped the crystal tight, and ventured in. Dreamer watched him leave as he then set his sights on the Cornerstone that he had taken from Disneytown. Quick flashes of worlds falling into darkness swarmed his mind. He sighed as he placed one of his white gloved hands onto the sentient orb of light. "I just hope I know what I'm doing..." His hand dragged down from the glass totem as he wandered about the pathway. In front of him stood stood a dark, and poorly lit castle of darkness. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," a small hungarian woman's voice echo. "I'm sure Mickey will do just fine." from at the base of his foot, he found two small mice left from the Cornerstone's base and walked forward. A small and slender mouse with white fur and a purple cap and bow around her neck smiled. Behind her was a bucktoothed, portly grey mouse with a red sweater and brown cap. "Geez did you look at the size of that fella," the male spoke. "And they say I'm big," he looked at his stomach in dismay. "Oh Bernard, hush!" the female mouse spoke out. Dreamer looked in awe at the two smile mice. "I suppose you two are stowaways. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remove you from that world." "Oh that wasn't our world, I mean did you see the noses on some of those people- ridiculous!" Bernard stammered when he talked, still in disbelief of how cartoonish a lot of them seemed. "But yeah, Miss Bianca and I are from the uh- Rescue Aid Society." "Rescue Aid Society?" Dreamer repeated. "We never fail to do what's right," both exclaimed. "We are delegates from a small organization of mice that go from world to world, answering calls of help from children in distress." The mission of these mice touched dreamer. He offered his hand and lifted them both up to match his hooded eye level. "That's a very noble cause. I believe I may be able to help." "Whoa whoa there mister, not a an inch closer!" "But Bernard, he seems like a good enough man." "No good man would cover himself in a hood. That's for criminals!" he argued. "I assure you, I hide my identity for only the best of reasons. I'm just like you. Trying to head the call of those who need help. Because in a way... I feel connected to them." Bianca looked concerned as she looked at Bernard who let his guard lower. "Alright, so what's your plan then?" "Mickey will fight his way to freeing his friends. After that, they can hopefully begin to help those in need. I have a friend whose working on getting them a vessel as we speak." "Well, I'm sure the Mouse guy will get the job done. Us mice always do," Bernard sniffed pretentiously as he adjusted his sweater. Dreamer put the two mice on his shoulder. "If you two are still working on your mission to help the worlds, I have a group of young rescuers who could use a few extra hands." "Well are they associated with the R.A.S? There are proper channels for these kinds of things you know. There are forms, and-and- documents-" "We will be glad to help where we can" Bianca volunteered. "Excellent. Mickey will save his friends, but they alone cannot defeat Mizrabel's darkness.That will be a job for the weilders of the key." "Right, the key kids... So how are they gonna do that? Last we saw, they didn't have anything to protect themselves." "The keyblade is a powerful weapon Bernard. It lies dormant in the strongest of hearts. Mizrabel's powers of illusion will likely challenge them for their hearts. And that is where their will shall be tested. They will be forced into completing three trials as they dive into the most sacred part of their hearts; What is most important to them... What they want out of life... And their greatest fear." "But mister Dreamer, how will they find their way here?" Bianca questioned. "Yeah, last we saw those kids got all split up in limbo." Dreamer placed his hand back on the cornerstone. The light inside began to burn brightly as a large pillar extended to as high as the eye can see. "Even in the darkest depths, people can always find their way with the help of a beacon."
OC Accepted.
Oc accepted
Opening 4 is posted on the channel. Looks like a greatly welcomed upgrade to story and quality.
OC accepted! Will add to the main thread when I get the email chance
EPILOGUE: CONTINGENCIES "SECRET ENDING #4" Pieces that are still in play Back in Central Haven, Krowley entered the thrown room where mast No Heart sat diligently in the thrown room to the Order. Sitting in the head of the five seats, No Heart was examining the records that were digitally stored in the archives. Krowley was slightly irked at the fact that his seat was being commandeered by his partner. "I can hear you staring," No Heart replied. "Relax. You're still in charge of your stronghold. I merely need a refresher course. It's been ages since I've been in this room..." He typed away at a few keys before heaing a negative beeping noise. No Heart slammed the holo keys in disapproval. "Why must this confounded system lock me out?" Krowley seemed almost glad that he was having trouble. "What's the matter? Didn't see that coming? I thought the great and powerful No Heart knew all. Or was that all just a ruse?" "Mind your tongue, Krowley. I know enough to assure your own demise if I willed it so." "And I know enough about you to spoil your little surprise party. So don't go waving around those idle threats of yours." Krowley went and sat at DJ's former placing to inspect his console. "Figured. DJ's put a lock on most of the system records." "So hurry up and unlock it," he commanded. "You think I know how to use that? Hah, my role in this order was not one of the technical sort. Fetch one of your three apprentices to do your work." "If I'm not mistaken I'm down to two now." "You say that with such a calm demeanor.. Let me guess. It was already foretold?" "Yes, Vanitas has undoubtedly sided with Maleficent's council. I always considered it a possibility, but never kept mind to it as a threat to our objective. It's just as well, though. They both no longer serve a purpose to the main goal." Krowley could see No Heart was still frantically trying to access the records. He felt the need to tease him. "It must pain you to not know something. All that time hopping and you can't recall a few simple facts." "They are more than simple facts you fool. DJ created three time belts and one is missing..." "And how is that a problem to the great and mighty No Heart?" "We have the ones that Aux and Hikaru were using, but it seems, DJ has made off with the final belt. That could cause... obstacles beyond even my control." "So fetch Nequa or Aux to deal with him." "Both have been instructed to keep an eye out. Until then I've had Aux dispose of the ragtag brigade in Disneytown." Krowley stood up in a ferocious reaction. "YOU WHAT?! You realize that destroying them will-" "Relax, they were powerless. I had to make arrangements to parry their attention away from me. Think of it as a little sabbatical for them..." Krowley tried to look into the eyes beyond No Heart's mask. "What are you playing at?" "Beg your pardon?" "Our goal was to eradicate the darkness from all worlds. I helped you put them down the path in hopes they would aid the cause." "So what's the problem?" "The problem is that you're aiding the darkness a little too well!! What is your endgame here?!" No Heart stopped trying to enter the computer and looked to Krowley, having already drawn his keyblade. He began to list off names. "Kel. Luna. Stratos. Ignis. Karina-" "And what do any of those names mean to me?" Krowley instigated. "They are just a select few from the key wielding party that are known quite well in the future. They are Legends. And Legends they will remain." "YOU'RE PLANS AREN'T MAKING ANY SENSE! Are you in this fight for Light or Darkness?" Before No Heart could reply, a digital envelope appeared on the screen. A new message had just been delivered. "Hold that thought." No Hearts tapped the envelope, which opened and began to do a quick system scan before DJ's face appeared on the screen. "Greetings from your former Master of the order!" DJ exclaimed through his recording. "With any luck, this message has relayed to Central Haven's console. If I recall correctly, some guy named No Heart is in charge..." "What is-" "Listen to the rest," No Heart interrupted Krowley. "Now judging by your ability to take down our base, I'm gonna assume you're a pretty tough dude. You took down Shiro. Caught Mizu. And as for Krowley. My guess you've either captured or recruited him." Krowley's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth. "And if you're listening to this Krowley. I never trusted you. No man is THAT good a person. So just in case, I'm setting up a few contingencies of my own." DJ's voice continued to echo as different shots of people can be seen.Scrooge is seen commanding everyone on his vessel as Launchpad is seen, revealing a new plaque that reads 'DISNEY STATION' "In the small time you've been around, you've hurt a lot of people." Shiro is seen in the recovery bay as Seiza tends to his injuries. "Some of who you considered to be your team mates." Yue is seen slashing menacingly through a horde of shadow heartless, relentless in finding Nequa. Lea is seen walking through the darkness, carrying his old flaming chakrams to avoid heartless swarming him. "Your teachers" Eraqus and Xehanort remained in their pods, with a statue Yen Sid placed in between them to form a sleeping trinity of masters. "Your students," Mizu is seen in a sleeping pod, being transferred by Delta via electronic machines. DJ slapped his head almost humorously over his out loud thinking. "But man, that's not even the worst of it. During your little power play, you made one really dumb mistake." Krowley listened intently while No Heart remained amused. "You pissed off a group of teenagers." In the realm of darkness, Ananta is seen walking around aimlessly from her unexpected wasteland departure. A shadow heartless was preparing to attack her, but was silenced by the keyblade of a young purple haired girl wearing goggles. Xara grinned as she waved hello. "And not just any teenagers. We're talkin' rebels with a cause here." Karina stood emotionless in a random pathway in darkness when a speedy Steel managed to catch up to her, offering a hand and a weak smile in hopes she would move forward. "People who were both chosen, and forced into the will of the keyblade." D'daear and Raisor were seen walking the long road ahead as one shrugged to the other in their next objective. They find an unconscious Kaida and rush to her aid. "A battle some may not have even wanted in the first place. But that's what makes these kids such a threat." Beuce and Kel both managed to find each other at a fork in the road. Kel offered a modest fistbump to which Beuce replied with his good arm. "They've been to worlds. They've seen what lies beyond their small borders." Stratos found himself in a small cavern where he saw Luna trying to gather resources. Stratos offered a seldom bow, knowing Aux had revealed her princesshood. "They know that the hopes and dreams of others, are just as important as theirs. They've seen whats at stake. They know their path." Glen is seen finding Hikaru who is holding his shoulder painfully, his eyes wide with disbelief. Glen puts on arm over his shoulder helpfully as the two trudge on. "And while you sit in your chair, and do your evil plan thing, we're out here, preparing for our next move. So the purpose of this little message I say is just a warning." DJ was prepared to end the message before he recalled something. "Oh, well that. And stalling you long enough to download all my files back. That's right. I just had to pause you long enough to get all my archives. Have fun trying to hack my system old man." He gave a quick peace sign before the message ended. "Clever brat. He's too smart for his own good," Krowley muttered. "Your heroes of light will emerge mightier than ever, Krowley. That was the promise I made to you. And as you can see, others will ensure it's success." No Heart got up from the table and began to exit. "I know you must be very disappointed. That person you thought I was turned out to be a lie. so you have two choices. Participate, and get your desire. Or defy me. Either way... I win." He exited as Krowley dispersed his keyblade. He smashed his fist against the council table. He looked up, upset, but still trying to keep his composure. "You and DJ aren't the only ones with back ups." he smirked, as his silver eyes burned brightly. "You'll get yours yet. I've been patient enough to get this far. I don't mind waiting a little longer..."
As Part II for SOS is approaching, I am now looking for people to fill the main roles of PLUTO and GOOFY. Let me know if interested!
With the exception of the SOS Saga I'm continuing, I began to develop others, both old and new that I'm curious to see what interests people around the site. What roleplays from the listed below interest you most? Genre: Kingdom Hearts In continuation to the SOS Saga, this takes place when all participating keybladers are thrown into darkness. This arc features the players revisiting their past as well as embarking on the dangerous mark of mastery exam. At this time, Vanitas has sided with Maleficent, Nequa has formed her own Organization XIII, and Aux continues his relentless quest for dark power. All the while, the enigmatic Master No Heart oversees it all, as things are going exactly as the masked man expected. Genre: Kingdom Hearts Black Coats takes place during the time where the keybladers have fallen into darkness, where new heroes will have to rise to the occasion until they regain their strength. To do this, they must don the black cloak to shield them from the temptations of darkness, but also use it to their advantage. "Black Coats" centers around the heroes that fight from the shadows. Since the Heartless and villains will be able to track our heroes that use the keyblades, new aliases and weapons must be found to combat the forces of darkness. With an aged Master Lea as the head runner for this ragtag group of misfits, an anti-organization is forged into helping to preserve and save the hearts of everyone, while also putting a stop to Nequa's devious intentions. The wicked witch herself has also assembled her own group though... Picking thirteen of the most powerful keyblade wielders to her beckon call, she prepares to stop the black coats in their tracks. Each member of Nequa's new brand of darkness must be defeated and her true plan must be unveiled... Part of the SOS Saga. Genre: Disney! In Kingdom Hearts SOS, the keybladers of light travel near and far to save the worlds. But when they are unexpectedly thrown into darkness, some one must pick up the slack in the realm of light! Join Mickey, along with Minnie, Pluto, Donald, Goofy, Daisy, Max, Pete and Oswald, as they join forces to rescue and salvage as many Disney characters from the clutches of darkness. Or even worse; being forgotten! With the help of a crack staff aboard an enormous space station, Mickey and friends are able to give the peaceful characters of the Disney Universe a place to exist until things can return to normal. Aboard the DISNEY STATION, characters are able to live their lives and explore the vast resources that the ship has to offer. And for more battle ready characters, party up with the like of Disney's strongest to defend the weak and salvage the light. So if you haven't already; buckle up! And prepare yourselves for what is sure to be a timeless Disney Classic! (May need to replace some main characters) Genre: Avatar series (Last Airbender, Legend of Korra) Happy Avatar Day! Our story celebrates the Earth bending avatar who followed as the successor to Korra. All is well and good with the close-to-futuristic setting of the Avatar world. However a terrible secret has been discovered that the avatar they've been celebrated is not the true avatar! Knowing that a group of young people have discovered this, the ones who know too much are now being hunted. A conspiracy hides beneath the seemingly perfect world, and many dark secrets lie beneath. While avoiding capture, it's up to a new group of heroes to find the true avatar, so HE or SHE, can once again restore balance to the world. We've all followed the great legacy that Naruto laid out. But what of the ninja who protected and fought before Naruto took center stage? From the start as a Genin, to the strength of a Sanin, these ninja followed their own Ninja way. Whether it be against conspirators, organizations, or even each other. You have 10 years to tell your story. What is your Nindō?... Genre: Superhero OC/Crossover Centuries ago, Earth was in great peril against an alien threat called "The Advent. Our people attempted to make peace with their leader; Brakkus, but negotiations went sour and war was declared. Though Earth fought valiantly, the Advent had seized control of Earth, draining our resources and destroying most of civilization as we know it, leaving a baron 3% of Earth's total population remaining. Though there is a silver lining to the cloud of darkness. Once the remaining population was moved to a new planet, a council decided that the resulting extinction was the result of metahumans and the dangerous war of the supernatural. The STRANGE initiative was put into place that treated anyone with special intelligence, abilities, or natural athleticism as criminals. Society thrives on a freak free society, but when villains rise, so do heroes...
EPILOGUE: CONTINGENCIES "SECRET ENDING #3" A Ray of Hope DJ sat in the center chair of the small spacecraft he was piloting. Through his glasses, he gave a concerned and most serious look. He was thinking about the trials ahead and how much planning he'd have to do since all his allies were scattered. Huey, Dewey and Louie were currently in the back of the hub maintaining the ship as best they could. "Good thing the Junior Woodchucks had a section on rocketeering!" Huey exclaimed, flipping through his scout guide manual. Louis jumped back as one of the machines made a loud glitching sound, letting out steam. "Too bad we couldn't build a better ship. Sorry we didn't have enough time to build you something better DJ," Dewey frowned. DJ let out a light smile. "You guys did just fine. I couldn't be prouder of my D-Boys," he reassuring, giving a thumbs up to the three of them. "Awww, shucks," Louie replied, blushing. "So what's gonna happen to everyone back home? Are we gonna go back for 'em?" DJ looked over to the world scanner, and sighed as the location Disneytown once was had vanished. He wasn't sure if he had the heart to tell them. "We can't go back right now... But we will save everyone. If I were to guess, Kaida and her crew are probably doin' a bit of struggling. But I've seen Kaida. She's kinda reckless, but she's one of us. She'll be fine." That last line was for his own reassurance rather than theirs. "Not to mention Mickey and them will probably be able to help out. And when they need some backup, we have to be ready. That's why we're out here." The three ducks still seemed a bit confused. "Why are we out here again?" "Do you guys remember what you were doing when Mickey returned to Disneytown?" The three searched their memory banks before Dewey spoke out. "We went traveling with Unca Scrooge, I think." "Right. He left for the summer with you for some adventures. Right now I'm tracking the ship you guys used on your journey." A light blinking on his scanner registered a gargantuan vessel just ahead of them. "Speaking of which..." He pressed an intercom and began to relay a message to Scrooge. "Is this a Mr. Scrooge McDuck? I have a proposition I need to talk to you about." There was a few seconds of static before an unfamiliar voice tuned in to reply. "Uhh, Mr. McD! Some guy on the radio wants to talk to yah... I didn't even know we had one of these..." "Launchpad, give the radio and focus on flyin' the ship." He grabbed the radio from him and talked into it. "I know what yer after and the answer is no! Wha'ever yer sellin', we don't want it!" Scrooge barked. "Hi Unca Scrooge! It's us!" Dewey yelled into the radio. "Boys! but... wait a minute. Yer right her beside me. What kinda trick is this?!" "Mr.McDuck, if you let us aboard, I'll explain everything..." After being let aboard, DJ gave a brief explanation on the situation. Huey, Dewey and Louie were meddling and talking with the past versions of themselves while the two were trying to come to an agreement. "So let me get this straight... You're from the future, aye? And those boys are actually my boys from the future?" "That's right." "And there are some bad people with more of these... err key-blades that are goin' from world to world and causing chaos, destroyin' worlds, what have ye?" "That about sums it up. Your nephews are an excellent crew. But we're on a special mission now and we need to commandeer your vessel." "And why's that?" "There are a lot of people that could lose their homes. We need a safeguard for them to stay until we've resolved everything. That place used to be Central Haven, but... it got raided. This place has enough to fit hundreds of passengers..." Scrooge contemplate this for a moment. "Sorry, not interested." DJ was surprised by his answer. "But you realize all worlds are going to be lost? Lives are at stake." "Aye. And I weep for me businesses back home. But that's why I've got to rebuild now. There's no money to be made in savin' folks... unless of course they'd be willin' to pay a royalty fee for passage, hehe..." DJ looked intently at the greedy duck as he can already see dollar signs in his eyes. After dropping off Kaida, he didn't have much money to his name since the evacuation. Not enough to entice Scrooge's interest. He had to try and give more incentive. "You know, we could help get those businesses back if you agree to help." "Regardless if I help, yer still gonna save the world. It's what you heroes do. And that's what I love about ye saviors. Yah always do it fer free! But I can see yer in a bind. So I'll let you have mah ship on TWO conditions... ONE! It's still mah ship. What I say goes!" "So long as we can use it as a base, the ship is your to do as you please Captain." "And TWO! As soon as yer done yer mission, yer gonna tell me all yer trade secrets..." DJ tilted his head. "Trade... secrets?" "You're from the future! so you know what businesses are worth profiting!" More dollar signs emerged in Scrooge's eyes. "That's my offer, so take it or leave it!" DJ didn't know much about the business world, but hopefully he could make up some stuff to appease the duck. "You have yourself a deal Mr. McDuck," He bent down to shake his feathered hand. "Right! Now where to first future man?" "Actually, I need to relay a message first... How good is your signal?" "Top of the line! But if you're planning to make a long distance call, you can just forget it!" "Pause for a minute, Mcduck. I can hook up the signal so it won't cost you a dime..." "What's the message gonna be DJ?" He gave a small smirk before answering. "Just a little spark to light the fire..."
Enjoying the secret endings? Haha
EPILOGUE: CONTINGENCIES "SECRET ENDING #2" The Witch's Brew Nequa had stationed herself deep into the realm of darkness. Even with Yue still after her, she sat on her throne of discarded keyblades. Each one unique to their own right, being melded together into a stable and commanding seat for the witch herself. With her helmet at her feet, she smiled to herself as she leaned back comfortably. "See, THIS is a nice chair. It's comfy, it's fancy, and best of all, it's all mine! BWAHAHAH!" She laughed humorously. From across the path, a brown haired, dully bearded man walked over to her. "So glad you enjoy it. The results of said throne are from the fallen applicants that failed to survive the cleansing." Still focused on the chair, she looked ahead and chuckled. "Oh yeah. Tell me Delta. How did my little purge project go?" Delta took out a clipboard and looked over the scribbles he had made on it. "Well, judging from the dozens of recruits that No Heart's apprentices helped you 'acquire,' only twenty-four were deemed eligible for the task you so desired. Seeing as how you wished to enlist only the strongest to your cause, the purge was successfully completed in 54 hours. " "My my, they really did jump at the chance to kill each other didn't they? Well judging by how you're here, I'm guessing you made it through?" "That I did, superior." "Oh thank goodness! I was afraid I would be the one who would have to do the organizing..." "Perish the thought. Taking on such a light prone vessel already affected your personality too greatly." "I dunno. I kinda like it. If you're going to do something that conquers time and space, might as well enjoy it, am I right?" Delta seemed unconvinced and went over his numbers. "That being said, the 24 were then paired into duels, leaving only twelve that were deemed worthy. That along with your own personal choice for number one put a total of thirteen." Nequa took note of the bits of sarcasm in his voice. "Don't tell me, you don't approve of the new roster?" Delta fained his lack of confidence. "Forgive me, it's just.. myself withstanding, these twelve may not serve your cause with as much passion as I do. Many of them are traitorous, selfish, and emotionally unstable." "Sounds like my kind of party! You shouldn't worry too much over it. It won't be hard to keep them in check. Besides, this plan benefits everyone. They don't have to be loyal, so all that leaves is for them to play their part." Not terribly convinced, Delta nodded anyways. "Now that all that noise is dealt with, tell me about everything else. What's on schedule?" Delta went down to his notes to reply. "Of the thirteen members in your new brigade, I've selected 4 that I believe will help keep all your affairs in order. Number four is still working on a new permanent base, but the efforts of Yue continue to deter his progress. Number Three is still in the search for the swords you asked for, and Number Six is currently in charge of commanding the other member assignments." "You do so enjoy ranking everyone don't you?" "One of the many joys I take in being the right hand," he grinned. "Number five has scouted ahead and reported back with news that Aux has defeated Kaida's small resistance." "Aww, I so wished to play with them more. I enjoyed kicking around Mel.... Or was it Ken? I really should remember their names..." "Needless to say, this may cause issues later on. If they survive being thrown into darkness, they will end up prolonging more of your plans... On the bright side it's worth noting, they've lost use of their keyblades. Something involving a book. Main point being that we can't track them even if we wanted to." Nequa shrugged it off. "Well neat as that is, I take no care in it. I just need to make sure no one gets in the way. We're already behind schedule enough as it is." "Speaking of which. What does Krowley think of all this?" Nequa seated herself up and took a small stroll while she reflected. "A long time ago, he and I made a bargain that would ensure both our plans come to fruition. He gets what he wants, and I achieve what I've been longing for. So long as we don't get in each other's way, he should be of no concern." "Well noted," Delta replied as he wrote something down. "Your new throne will be delivered to the fortress in the days to come... Is there anything else you need?" Nequa smiled as she looked into the deep void of darkness swirling around them. "I'm about to achieve the height of my power, my debts have been paid in full, and I have you to help me run my very own nefarious organization." She looked to Delta with her bright yellow eyes. "What more could a woman want?"
Welcome back to the forums mr. Brow. I hope you enjoy your time as much as you did back then :)
EPILOGUE: CONTINGENCIES "SECRET ENDING #1" Emptiness in it's Full Form Vanitas was still on patrol in the city streets of Central Haven. Begrudgingly working for his so called master all in the efforts of fulfilling his destiny in unlocking the gate to Kingdom Hearts. At most times, this wielder was often calm and composed, but No Heart's recent treatment of him was beginning to test Vanitas' patience. He was ordered by No Heart to search the world for any remaining resistance members that would go against his master's dearest wishes. "All that knowledge and power. And for what? To get some book maker help him restore something.... I should've just stuck with the old man... At least he had a plan." He kicked a nearby academy student helmet which rolled quite a distance down the walkway. The helmet eventually found it's way at the foot of an foreign woman to this world. Maleficent merely glided around the discarded head piece and arched her eyes as she waved her hand over her enchanted staff. "Xehanort may have planned for many things, but your master is some one he had not foreseen in his own affairs." Vanitas paid no mind to her as he took no time at all making a B-line around her. "Why do you think I switched sides, Witch? Whoever is under that mask is more powerful than Eraqus or Xehanort will ever be." Slightly irked from Vanitas' mistreatment of her evil presence, she continued on as he walked away from her in the other direction. "It truly is a shame that my bargain with him was cut short. However the deal with your new master poses new... potential for my own organization. As well as yourself if interested." Vanitas stopped in his tracks at the sign of some new information. "That freak show is no master of mine... And even if he was, what kind of play did you have in mind?" "Ahh, so the dark underling does have a mind of his own?" Maleficent scoffed. Vanitas drew his keyblade from the mocking gesture. "I am no one's underling." It was almost too easy for her to get his attention. Vanitas was cruel and powerful, but he could still be swayed if the situation benefited him. "There will be no need for a battle to commence. I simply offer a new path for you to take." Vanitas withdrew his weapon. "So why the sudden change of heart? No Heart not meeting your expectation? Furthermore... Why do you need me?" "Silly, boy. You’re like a son to me. I only want you to be happy. "I seriously doubt that," he replied bluntly. Maleficent had a sudden case of Deja Vu from the sheer irony of this conversation. "Clever, I see. Well if that's the case, allow me to make my proposal. As you know, Master Xehanort is the one who educated me about the seven maidens of pure light, and the fulfillment to unlocking the true power of Kingdom Hearts." She moved closer to him with caution as she went on. "Well, this mission that my fellow associates and I embark on still requires that of a keyblade... And seeing as how our predecessor proved to be a useless fool, a new one is now required." Vanitas folded his arms unamused. "So that's it? You need a new fool to use at your beckon call." "Perish the thought my boy. We would both gain the goals we crave. I would seize the power of Kingdom Hearts, and you would complete the X-blade for-" "Not interested," he interrupted. "In case you haven't noticed, No Heart has me on a tight leash." he motion to the unwavering eye on the edge of his keyblade. "Besides, only he knows the whereabouts of Ventus." "Worry not, child, for anything is possible with the right touch of magic." With a wave of her hand the eye stopped moving on his blade. "He can no longer track you now... As for Ventus, his role may not be required after all. My sources tell me there is another of pure light you may set your sights after if it interested you of course. I have the solution to all your problems completed to the letter." "Well joy, my very own scary godmother." "Mock me all you like, but I know you've been feeling inferior with the company you've kept. No Heart constantly degrades you and focuses solely on completing a book. Aux overpowers you on every physical level. And Nequa's plans are still unknown even to No Heart... You ally yourself in a pack of hungry wolves, who care nothing but of their own goals. Your desires will not be held accountable to them once they've lost their usefulness for you. " The more she continued to talk, the more Vanitas listened in. "And to show my gratitude for you allegience, I come bearing a gift... Something that you've missing since you severance from Ventus. Something that could very well put you on par with the power of Aux." Vanitas' arms unfolded. "Okay, you have my attention now. What is it?" Maleficent pulled out a small pink vial from her robe. "This vial is a specially elixir formed by a former colleague of mine. She mixed it's intended use to restore some one to full human form. And that of course means, every part of said human." Vanitas watched as she held it loosely in her hand. "I have the resources and you have the final piece we need... With No Heart out of your hair, you would be free to operate of your own volition." "What happens to me when I drink that?" "You will of course lose all your connection to the Unversed as a minor setback. You will however, gain a full heart of darkness that could match that of your former master. Your ties with the heart of Ventus would also be severed. Born from the same vessel, but made into your own. A complete copy that surpasses the original." Vanitas grabbed the vial from her hand with no hesitation. Maleficent's offer was too rich to pass up. "You've got yourself a deal witch... But I answer to no one. Got it?" "Our goals align. I wouldn't have it any other way." Vanitas' face is shown off screen as he removes his helmet and downs the vial in a few quick gulps. His body is surrounded by a quick vail of darkness before dispersing. "So do tell me... how does it feel to be your own master?" Vanitas burst into a small chuckle with his eyes wide in pleasure. A whole new sensation as he looked up at the sky in pride. "I feel... COMPLETE." Spoiler
Version 1.48 Update! - Updating Crown Pricing - Complete Stat Reset - All equipped abilities/items have been unequipped (Please do not add them back yet) - Brought back Dive to the Heart perks and re-opening the thread - Handed out EXP for Wasteland as well as bonus EXP(Everyone went up by 2-3 levels) In Progress! - Secret endings to be posted in the next few weeks. - Update Achievements and Rewards - Edit Job/Drive Form abilites - Hand out new Crown count - Complete Stat Reset - Bring back Black Coats and Mickey's Dream Team from the Graveyard - Edit Limits - Work on Secret Ending posts
(Credit to Cstar for the end credits! @Krowley @CrownMoksha @KHGrl15 @Aelin FireHeart @Iskandar @O.KnightofTwilight @Beucefilous @Glen @Usagi Tsukino @Glen @Hexin @Skyheart @cstar @Noroz @dabeatmaster123 @Te Deum @Droid @starseeker3 @Kross123 @NemesisPrime @NikkiNoNo @HeartlessOfLight @. : tale : . @Bloody Rose @Cloud.Strife. @ArosFarron @Hero of Time @Sessamaru @Maka Albarn @Vladimir Makarov @Tali @mindstorm787 @Sebax @Nananya @-Xero- @Sixcrh Brixon @Cat~ @Calxiyn @Ventus PSP Aqua
To-Do List (Not in any particular order) - Update Achievements and Rewards - Edit Job/Drive Form abilites - Update Crown Pricing - Complete Stat Reset - Look into Dive to the Heart perks and re-opening the thread - Bring back Black Coats and Mickey's Dream Team from the Graveyard - Edit Limits - Hand out EXP/Keyblade for Wasteland as well as bonus EXP - Work on Secret Ending posts -
Version 1.47 Mass Update! - The Guild Hall is now featured in the Realm of Darkness - Wiki pages receiving updates soon - Skill Points no longer to be used - Secret endings to be posted in the next few weeks. - Mass Stat reset in progress - More updates on the way.
Hikaru watched in horror as his best friends were about to battle each other in the most brutal of ways. His eyelids twitched in helpless as Kaida made the charge in what seemed like slow motion to him. Aux remained as unwavering as he'd always been. The fact Aux unmasked himself made things even worse. Now he had to watch his two friends eye each other in hatred. Faces he was laughing with no less than two years ago now at each others throats. Hikaru forced his mouth opened to warn Kaida, but it was far too late. By the time he could prevent something, she was already within his gripping range. "Kaida, wait!" he blurted out. A quick hesitation escape Kaida before she was held at the throat by Aux in one swift motion of his massive arm. She was left dangling off the ground, grasping onto his hand that was lifting her off the ground. A scene Hikaru recalled all too well from Beast's castle. He gritted his teeth as the scene had intensified past his comfort point. Hikaru charged in after to try and subdue Aux, or at the very least get him to release Kaida. "Aux, Let her go!" Aux's eyes flew to Hikaru who was now charging at him with the same ferocity as his friend. With little to no effort, Aux immediately dismissed him by performing a forceful kick against the boy. Letting out a painful groan, Hikaru slid back a couple of feet. He focused his attention back to Kaida. "How does this feel to you?" Tearing up from the deprived oxygen, Kaida refused to give him an inch of satisfaction. "W-weaker than I thought," she retorted, grasping his arms to loosen his grip in any length. This only made Aux grow more impatient with he girl. His grasp around her neck tightened. "I want you to remember this moment, Kaida. This feeling of air escaping you. It will be the last thing you ever feel." Hikaru had recovered with great pain in his chest and charged once more. "At least she can feel!" With no keyblade or magic to support him, he swung his inferior fist against his former friend in a last ditch effort to do some damage. To no avail, Aux barely even noticed it. He was busy trying to drain their last hopes before casting them into the darkness like the rest. Gasping for air, Kaida forced out more antagonizing words. "St-stop talking th-that prophet talk..." She let out a wheezing cough, tears streaming down her cheek. "Talk again... I-I'm not finish-finished with you yet." She kicked him a few times with her limp, dangling legs. Those words were eerily similar to the day she and he had their first sparring fight. He smirked as he replied with the same retort he used back then. "What's left for you?" He threw Kaida to the side, forcing air back into her lungs. He was almost enjoying this last reunion as an homage to their earlier days spent together. He grabbed Hikaru by the shoulder, who all the while was still trying to do hand to hand combat damage. Aux dug his palm into his shoulder until Hikaru fell to his knees from the intense pain. "All advances have been parried." he squeezed harder until a loud CRACK was heard, causing Hikaru's right arm to go limp. Hikaru let out a fierce scream as he was kicked to the ground. He held his arm tightly as he huddled lightly, writhing from the pain. As if half his chest was cracking with every breath. "Your predictability is what weakens you" Kaida was near him, trying to open up her windpipe by rubbing around her neck. She struggled to force herself up, holding her neck for a long moment before letting go. She stared at her defeated blue haired friend with sadness. "I'm still standing... I'm not out yet..." she told herself, slowly walking toward Hikaru. She weakly stepped in front of him in a fighting stance, prepared to defend him. "I'm gonna test my luck. And even if you finish me off, I'm not giving up on those who were really my friends. So go on, just keep showing me how weak you really are, Aux!" He looked at her with an unimpressed gaze, tilting his head menacingly. "How very noble..." He gave Kaida a quick sucker punch across her face, causing her to fall directly next to Hikaru. "But unnecessary." He lifted them both by their collars as the were weakly breathing and very much damaged. Kaida was barely conscious and Hikaru was about to black out from pain. "Enough is enough. As an atonement of whatever friendship you believe existed, I'm going to test your strength for the final time." He looked up into the dark void, slowly tearing apart Disneytown while he stood their with his two beaten friends in his hands. As if that darkness spoke to him in a way these two would never be able to fathom. "They say darkness is much like the waters we sail through. Once entered you either sink or swim. Let's see if either of you are up to the task. Who will conquer the darkness I wonder. The Failure..." He looked intently at Kaida, now with the left side of her face beginning to bruise, with her shut eyes giving the occasional twitch. "Or the Pawn?" He then looked to Hikaru whose eyes were twitching along with his trembling fingers. "Either way. I'm done with both of you." In a very slow motion, Aux released them from his grasp as he gently tilted them upwards. As if this were a viking funeral and he was sending them to their hallowed graves up above. Aux watched as the two drifted further and further like balloons. In their earlier days of bonding, Kaida made them all promise that they would never say goodbye to eachother. That they would always say 'see you later!' so they knew they would be able to see each other again. Looking back, Aux was scoffing at the mere idea of it. He watched them until they nothing more than tiny dots, edging into the darkness before his eyes pierced at the blackened sky with purpose. The screen goes black as Aux delivers his final line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Goodbye." . . . . . . . End of Part One Spoiler: Part One Battle Report BATTLE REPORT Game Level: PROUD MODE Final Play Time: 4 Years, 10 Months Posts: 6,433 Amount of players who joined: 38 Amount of players remaining: 12 Disney Worlds Visited: 20 Player Average: Level 25 Total Roleplay Chapters: 29-30
I missed mossed of it, but I'm assuming it went like this;