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  1. Krowley
    The Story of Hikaru
    ACT I - "Doc"

    After pushing the door open, Hikaru found himself in a place of absolute darkness. Every part of him was visible, but there was nothing but pitch black as far as the eye could see. He saw a small light arose in one of the corners. He heard faint sounds of people screaming and fleeing in terror. "Is some one there?.. Hello! What's going on?!" Hikaru was beyond confused. The door he entered through had disappeared and all he could do was run towards the sounds of people. What if they were the sounds of his party? He run further and further until the light overtook the darkness around him. It was nothing but bright blinding light as he shut his eyes tight.

    The screams grew louder and louder as he opened his eyes, to not the sight of his friends, but a completely different terrain altogether. It was a small village that was being under attack. "Hey, what are you running from?" He tried to stop one of the running people , but they all just ran passed him without even a second thought. He looked up to find the threat that was destroying their world. It was a Darkside. Several of them... And they were all tearing away at the homes and buildings. The sky was darkened, slowly sucking away at the bits of debris. Hikaru watched as flashbacks of the overtaking of Disneytown raced through his mind. He couldn't take his eyes of the dark creatures clawing at the village, and before could even think, lashed out his hand to summon his keyblade. It was a trigger, but unfortunately, he was still without the blade. Without a care, he leapt forth anyhow into action. He didn't have a weapon or a plan, but he couldn't fail these people. He couldn't see another world die. Not even knowing where he was looking, he tripped over a large lump of something, crashing down onto the ground. He shook his head and look up to find some one he hadn't seen in some time.

    Before him stood a small dwarf with a bright red tunic and brown pants. His eyes were squinted as he searching the ground for his small spectacles. "Doc?!" Hikaru exclaimed. "Wh-who goes there! I can't see a tharned ding- I mean darned thing!" Hikaru shook his head. "No, Doc It's me!" He found his classes and handed them to the dwarf so he could be more recognized. He brushed off the small bits of rubble off him and Doc adjusted his glasses. He took his head back, still confused. "Sorry, but... I've never seen you before in my life." Hikaru felt a bit hurt, but he still had a lot of questions. "How'd you even get here?!" Doc looked puzzled as he looked like a stranger to him. "I'm not sure... one minute, I'm in the mines, and the next I'm here... Say, what did you say your name was again?"
    "Come on, it's me; Hikaru! ... I was helping some other people with trying to find Snow White?... We had keyblades. Come on, how can you not remember my..." Hikaru felt his face as a realization came over him. When he first met the dwarves, he went under the name 'Krowley' and wore full body armor. As far as Doc was concerned, this wasn't even really him. "Face," he finished.

    Doc looked around at the panic, unaware of Hikaru's inner turmoil. Look Keepanu we can talk later, right now I have to find a boy!
    "It's Hikaru... and what boy?" he asked concerned. "Follow me, I'll show yah!"
    Doc led Hikaru to a small patch of rubble where a small blue haired boy was sitting, hugging his knees tight. "Don't worry little guy, this fella will watch ya till I get back." Doc nodded to Hikaru before searching off. "I've gotta go find his farents! I mean parents!"
    Hikaru looked back to the small boy. He looked like a younger version of Hikaru. But something was off. The boy was no older than six and these were never a part of his memories. this door dwelled into his consciousness and he never recalled any of this sadness. His childhood was recalled as much more friendly.
    "He's not going to find them." The boy spoke out. "I know they're already dead."
    Hikaru sat at the boy's level. "Hey, don't say that... Doc might be able to find them."
    "This always happens. Heartless come and destroy the world. It's happened for a long time now. Soon I'll be dead too."
    Hikaru couldn't get over how much the boy looked like him. Needing to make sure, he spoke lowly to the child. "What's your name?"
    The boy looked didn't make eye contact and spoke out; "Kurt."
    Hikaru sighed, but was still unsure of his relation to the boy. If these were supposed to be his memories, maybe this was a cousin? Some one related to him at least. "Does the name... Hikaru mean anything to you?"
    Before he could answer the ground beneath them began to crack. The world was dying.
    "Doc! Where are you!" He called out. There was no answer. "Kurt, try to remember! Do you know anyone named Hikaru?!" Hikaru grabbed him tightly, but Kurt sat lifeless as he accepted his fate. "Kurt! Try and remember!" The both of them began to rapidly ascend into the swirling vortex of darkness above them. "Kurt! Doc! ANY ONE! WHAT'S GOING ON!???!!" His voice trailed.

    Hikaru awoke with a vigorous shake from Doc. He blinked as he quickly jumped to his feet. They were in a completely new world.
    "You okay there uh... what was your name again?"
    Hikaru tried slowing his heartbeat, trying to make sense of the new situation. "Forget it... Where's Kurt?"
    Doc pointed to Kurt talking to group of young adults, not far off his own age.
    He walked up as he approached them. They had some how captivated the attention of the small boy. The child was looking at them with a newfound hope in his eyes. "So you guys know how to beat the darkness!"
    "Well we try," one affirmed, whipping out her own keyblade.
    "And that weapon.. That can beat them?!" Kurt asked.
    "They sure don't get up again if that's what you mean," Another added.
    Hikaru walked up to them. "You guys are keyblade wielders?" Hikaru asked.
    "Keyblade..." Kurt repeated, hypnotized by the light brimming power of the blade.
    "Yes sir. We're part of the Servants Of Santuary. 25th Regiment."
    "The SOS was that big?" Hikaru spoke under his breath.
    "We're just here to help move along the world refugees. We have wielders on standby to check the world to see if there are anymore stragglers..."
    Hikaru nodded. "Hey, is it okay if I ask him a few more questions?" he asked.
    "You his guardian?"
    "No, but he's a part of my past. At least I think he is... Kid, come on help me out here," Hikaru held his hand, only making Kurt hide behind one of the Soldier's keyblade.
    "Sir I think you're upsetting the child."
    "No it's okay, I'm a keyblade wielder too! Or, I was... But I think he's the key to figuring that out."
    "What division are you?"
    "We didn't have a division, there were barely a dozen of us."
    "Whose your Captain?"
    "I dunno, me... I think?"
    "What's your ID number?"
    "ID NUMBER?!" The conversation was escalating beyond what Hikaru could explain. He just needed answers.
    "Registered name then?"
    "Krowley... I mean Hikaru!" He paniced at which name would help him here.
    "Well which is it!"
    "I just need to talk to Kurt!"
    "Sir, calm down."
    "Suppressing Hostile!"
    Hikaru felt a stinging sensation along his spine, causing his vision to blur before slowly blacking out. "I'm Hikaru," he slurred out. "I'm..."
    Everything faded to black.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 19, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    I like that the nephews will now have more unique voices instead of sounding like they're more or less the same VA. They did this in quack pack too, but I think I like the voices they've chosen here (Trying not to fanboy too hard at Dani Pudi)

    David Tennant actually does seem like a good fit for Scrooge because of his background. He's done great voice work from what I've seen so I look forward to his interpretation. I will always miss Alan Young and hope they pay homage to him in the series.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 18, 2016 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. Krowley
    I feel like the Aqua clothes changing thing was purely for fanservice, but it would be cool to see in future games that the accessories that are equipped by the party can be seen in the cutscenes. I know this was something they toyed around with i early games with Drive Forms and Keyblades.

    Also Sora's last line just made me think of;

    Post by: Krowley, Dec 8, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Krowley
  5. Krowley
    Yeah you can, was just alerting the newcomers
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Krowley
    The Castle of Illusion arc has begun

    Here is your room number and assigned partner;

    V - "Hikaru" (partnered with the 7 Dwarves)
    VIII - "Kel" (partnered with Tarzan)
    XIV - "Luna" (partnered with the Beast)
    XVIII - "Karina" (partnered with Vincent)
    XIX - "Raisor" (partnered with Mulan)
    XX - "Xara" (partnered with Robin Hood)
    XXV - "Steel" (partnered with Panchito)
    XXVII - "Beuce" (partnered with Goofy)
    XXIX - "Glen" (partnered with Rapunzel)
    XXXI - "Ananta" (partnered with Jose)
    XXXVI - "D'daear" (partnered with Oswald)
    XXXVII - "Stratos" (partnered with Sorcerer Mickey)
    XXXVIII - "Kaida" (partnered with Max Goof)

    @Man of Steel

    You three are now free to post as your characters in your homeworld!

    *On a side note, the Anniversary event will last until December 11th.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. Krowley
    *Going to push everyone to the beacon just to move the story along. One month was given so I think that;s fair*

    With most everyone at the Beacon, Dreamer cleared his throat. "Yes... hello..." This was the first time Dreamer had appeared before them without leaving behind mystical, enigmatic sayings. From this point on, he would have to be direct and straight forward with the young teenagers in a very suitable and professional matter. "Yes. So...'sup everybody?" He said, striking peace signs in a boyband stance. There was not much reply to it as Dreamer stood there for an uncomfortably awkward amount of time. Bianca chuckled a bit as Bernard slapped his forehead in disapproval and out of embarrassment for the older man.


    "Alright, well enough of that nonsense," Bernard claimed, hopping off from out of Dreamer's coat, he and Miss Bianca slid down Dreamer's cloak tassels and drew everyone's attention onto himself. Before the group stood two mice, ready to speak their thought.
    "Yes, hello everyone, I am Bianca, and this is Bernard. We are part of a rescue organization, just like you little darlings!"
    "Well no, I wouldn't exactly call them... y'know organized- I mean they don't have any paperwork or Society approval, I mean.. what are we even supposed to call them anyways?"
    "SoS." Dreamer spoke out. He took a short breath as he finally found a good moment to chime in. "That was on the letter Yen Sid sent out to the small majority of you. On that letter the term SOS was inscribed for a reason. Now normally, it would be a simple call for a distress beacon. The distress call however specifically asked for a group of soldiers known as the SoS. Or... the SERVANTS OF SANCTUARY. An ancient group of dutiful keyblade wielders that Yen Sid was familiar with." He looked down to the two mice and introduced them. "These two mice are from a similar group that go from world to world helping others. The Rescue Aid Society. I figure that maybe they could travel alongside you, but at this current point in time, you all seem a bit defenseless to protect anyone right now... No offense." Dreamer shook his head afraid that he was rambling too much. "I took this Cornerstone from Disneytown, not to form it's demise, but to ensure it's revival. Every world has it's own core memory... something that preserves the memory of every person, place and thing in that world. I've sent Mickey and his friends on that quest in order to save the worlds. But they won't be able to do it alone for long... That's why I need you all to get your keyblades back as quickly as possible. The cornerstone will protect anyone in this area from heartless, but if you stand any chance at all you need to head into that castle. Mickey and his friends released her light side, but her darkness still remains. Luckily it still remains with all it's memory altering magic as well. If you can fight your demons, you're keyblades will be restored and you all can do what needs to be done..." He looked to them all and shrugged. "What are you just standing around for?... GO! You don't have much time."

    Not many of them seemed to be moving. Dreamer sighed. He wanted to stick to his own responsibilities, but he needed their trust. "Look, it;s like this; this job of the uh... 'overseer of all worlds,'originally belonged to my brother. But he's gone now..." He took a small pause out of sadness. "And so I had to take up the mantle. But I can't do it along. DJ is helping Mickey, but they can't defend the light forever. They need help... your help. And I don't know if you were the masters that Yen Sid was searching for, but you're here now. You have a choice as to what you want to be. If you don't want to called a servant, that's fine. If you want to tell me to take a hike, that's fine too. But groups like the SoS were formed because of people like you. Strong hearted people that could defend those who couldn't defend themselves." He folded his arms. "I wish I was stronger. That I didn't need to rely on children. But the universe these days isn't as kind to that notion." He pointed to the castle.

    "So if you're willing to fight for something bigger than yourselves. your key to salvation lies through those doors." The Castle towered over them in comparison. "I once asked you all very specific questions from past worlds. What wa most important to you, What you wanted out of life, and what you were afraid of. All things that this castle will show you... When you breach the opening doors, you will find a hall of doorways, You can only open one. And that door will take you to a memory of your home world. To test you in the most vulnerable of places... Where your heart lives. This castle is not kind, but remember... Your heart always remembers the connections you've made.

    "What does that mean?" Hikaru spoke out.
    "You'll see," Dreamer replied.
    Hikaru looked down for a moment, bracing himself for whatever past demons he would need to face. "I failed a world more than once... I won't let it happen anymore." He trudged forward looking past all his traveling companions as he silently leaned against the doors, hearing a large creak from the rustic castle doors. Just as Dreamer had said, the castle was nothing but a hall of doors that spiraled all the way up.



    Hikaru looked at the huge lines of floors and doors. He walked down and saw his name under the 5th door. Right under the letter "V" read "HIKARU." The rest of the doors were all blank however. They had roman numerals, but not names could be seen. Perhaps it was more of Mizrabel's magic?...

    He took a deep breath and looked at his door number. For most of his life seemed pleasant, he didn't know what demons slept within him. He pushed the door open...

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Hikaru's eyes widened in surprise. If this young girl had received the letter, then she must have been joruneying a different route than the core group. Since the days of Deep Jungle, he hadn't fully realized just how many other weilders may have gotten that letter and are still searching for them in the land of departure. A land that no loner exists in this timeline... Xara ended up in darkness, but this did give him a sliver of hope as to the fate of those in the realm of light. Since she described being an animal in an archery tournament, the only world that came to mind was perhaps Nottingham. He hadn't had time to fully catch up on Yen Sid's enchanted book, but the gist of her explanation seemed to match up pretty nicely. Maybe when they caught up with the others Kel could give shed some light on things.

    On a seperate note, with the book gone, there wasn't much of a way to keep track of their progress. Their was the moogle; Jax, but he hadn't been seen since Disneytown. The more she spoke, he felt a little uncomfortable at being called their leader. Originally he wasn't even part of this group. He just wanted to look for his friend, and wound up caught in all the world traveling business. He was caught off guard once Ananta gave him a hug. Some one he'd barely interacted with was treating him like a friend. Something Hikaru still had to adjust to being a part of. Outside Kaida, he still needed to act more like a team player. "Thanks for protecting her, Xara. You can travel with us for as long as you need," he saluted with two fingers. She didn't want to rope too many people into a cause that was growing more and more difficult. Xara was one of the youngest wielders he'd come across and didn't want much harm to come to the younger kids. He turned to Ananta. "Not too much has happened since wasteland outside losing our keyblades." He rubbed his shoulder, wincing. "And, maybe a bit of our pride." He looked at the beam of light that had grown closer since their reunion. "Anyways, we should probably get to that beacon. If anyone is lost here, I'd bet they're probably going to the bright light."
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 25, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    Pete shook his head in disagreement while Donald was walking obviously the wrong way. Ducks aren't exactly the kind of people you should be following directions for. Unless maybe they're migrating south for the winter maybe...
    "Oh no you don't! As Captain of the Royal Guard, I outrank you! And I say we go that-a-way!" Pete picked up Donald by the back of his shirt and turned him the other way, tossing him in the process. He marched along before stopping to see the green guppy-like creatures watching them. "Oh great, now I gotta deal with these toads now?! Can't a guy just catch a break?..." He sighed before picking up his big belly and taking center stage. He cleared his throat as if preparing a big announcement.
    "Ahem! Attention all frog people! I am Captain Pete! And seeing as me and the duck ain't from 'round here, I order someone to explain just what in sam tucket is goin' on!" The merpeople lurched out, revealing their increased numbers. The growled and shoved each other, displeased by Pete's words. Pete stepped back cautiously, trying to mask it with more gruff talk. "Oh, so you think yer tough, ay?" He put up his dukes and was prepared to fight them all. "I ain't afraid of no toady frogs!!"
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Krowley
    "In time my child, in time... You seem quite eager to face your demons," Dreamer responded to Beuce. "That castle belongs to one 'Mizrabel.' A witch with the power over memories." He led the teenager to the cornerstone of light, feeling the shame of his past transgressions. "Before I explain further, the rest of your group should be here to listen... There's much I need to tell you, and not much time to do it." He looked to the castle and sighed. "Let's just say that this castle shall be either your salvation, or your demise."

    Hikaru slumped behind Glen as he briskly jogged to catch up with the him. It didn't take long to see that he had already found two other people amidst the darkness. "Glen," he breathed heavily. "Please don't run too far ahead..." He waved to the two, who'm he thankfully managed to recognize. "Ananta?" he asked looking at her. He caught wind of Glen's reaction to her Blizzard spell. "Nice to see at least our magic is returning at a small pace... Anyways, it's good to see you again. I don't know what happened to you after Wasteland... where did you end up going?" He looked to the other smaller girl, who looked just about Mizu's age. "And I don't think we've beeing introduced. My name is Hikaru... and you are?..." He squinted, trying to remember where he last saw her, but nothing came to memory.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 17, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Version 2.01

    Happy 5 year anniversary!
    - Yes, hard to believe it's been 5 years since this journey began. But 30 chapters and dozens of OCs later, it still stands, having just entered the next phase.
    - As per tradition people who post this month will receive the "Trip around the Sun" Limit, as well as 365 Munny, 365 EXP, and 20 crowns to spend at the player's choosing!
    (New players should be able to post in a week or so hopefully)

    - Secret endings posted
    - Mickey's Dream Team open again
    - Updated Achievements and Rewards
    - Jobs edited to feature only 1 exclusive skill command that does not require an SC slot
    - Complete Stat Reset
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 11, 2016 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Krowley
    Surprised no ones posted this yet but season 3 has been announced for Netflix!


    Get hype!
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 8, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Krowley
    In another part of the castle, there sat a group of three merpeople were surrounded the precious gems they had found scattered around the Atlantis-like ancient setting. They were both ocean-like in color. The Indigo and Blue gems shimmered from the salt water that dripped alongside them. The green fish people were surrounded in a setting with broken pillars and traces of seaweed. It looked like it was a sunken coliseum of sorts that they had situated themselves in. Surrounded by a lake of water, they grunted and croaked at the precious gems they had discovered. They communicated to each other with shoving and tiled heads at why Mizrabel wanted to find such precious items. One looked intently at them as he touched them both. A light began to emit from each gem as the merman jumped back in horror. The other two grabbed him as they ducked for cover behind the pillars, not sure what would happen. The lights grew brighter until two of the Disneytown residents emerged; One Donald Duck. And Pete.

    Pete landed on his bottom, shaking his hands in disgust from the salt water all over his hands. His face was still pretty dazed, trying to get his blurred vision back. He shook his head until he could see clearly. "Oooh! My aching' head..." He looked around until his vision locked on Donald. "Wha? Hey! you! Small fry!" He slapped the back of the duck\s head to get him out of the same daze. What the heck are we doin' in this run down water park!"


    In a toyland of sorts, sat the jack in the box. A horrific clown face attached to a large spring, wearing a bowler hat and nothing else. His body was just a crank box and he always had a creepy smile on his face. This was the Jack-In-The-Box. One of Mizrabel's castle of illusion. His head bounced in a jovial fashion as his nutcracker guards slugged along, carrying two giant gems. One orange and the other green.
    "Ahh, perfect! Mizrabel will certainly be gleaming with color!!! Hahaha! I can practically see her face... gleaming! HAHAH!" The guards looked to each other and shrugged, not understanding their master's puns.
    "Oh what do you know?! Just put the gems on the ground. Whatever we do, we must not activate them. No doubt that mouse is still scurrying around the castle trying to find them." The guards walked over towards the Jack-In-The-Box only to trip over their own wooden feet. They fell over a top of one another and the gems rolled along, emitting a glow. "What? No! They can't activate. This is definitely turning my crank the wrong way!!" The lights grew brighter until Goofy popped out of the green gem onto the pair of trampled guards. Max goof popped out of the orange gem onto his own two feet.

    "Now look what you've done!" The Jack-in-The-Box scolded.

    @Captain Arch



    With Daisy now in the party, the four were left with two doors in front of them. One with a hammer on the front, and the other with a dragon. It was uncertain which their friends would be in, but hopefully the four could work out a good solution...
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Krowley
    Hikaru's shoulder had mended a bit since his confrontation with Aux, but it was far fully healed. Since his decent into the realm of darkness, the only other member of his traveling party he had come across was Glen. While he got to understand him a bit better during their time in the Wasteland, they never had a deep one on one with each other.

    As he walked with a heavy heart, he heard Glen talk back to him. "Hey Hikaru, what do you think the others are doing right now?" He thought about everyone that had gone into darkness with them with a head count nearing about a dozen. "Well," he said softly. "If they're like us, then they're probably trying to find a way out of here." He looked around for any sign of refuge or at least a meeting ground they could all re-assemble to. "I'm a little worried though... Since we don't have our keyblades there isn't a lot we can do to defend ourselves from the heartless." He looked at his hands and lamented that he couldn't summon they keyblade he'd fought with during this time. "On the other hand, heartless shouldn't give us too much trouble since we don't have our keyblades." Hikaru recalled how heartless drew themselves to light. Something that always put them in the line of fire before. "So hopefully if we just keep a low profile, they shouldn't be of much bother to us."

    He looked to Glen who was still in his own thoughts while he was explaining their situation. He was about to ask him something before a beam of light broke in the distance. A giant pillar that stretched as high as the eye could see. "Well, I think we've spent enough time in here. Last one to escape's a stinky black fungus!" he called out, before breaking into a run towards the beacon. Hikaru jogged at a brisk pace to keep up with him, still trying to keep any excess weight off his shoulder. He didn't know if this beacon was a good omen or a bad one, but it was the only sign they could find.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 1, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley

    Not even a few months after their journey began, the party of weilders find themselves scattered in darkness. In small numbers, they now travel towards a beacon to reconvine and plan their next move...
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    I usually pick up water starters. But I don't know something about this grass type really speaks to me
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Krowley
    "Falling into darkness is like falling into the ocean.
    If you don't swim, you'll sink.
    If you swim too far, you'll be lost...

    But you'll never be lost,
    So long as you have a light to guide the way."
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 28, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    I'm honestly drawing a blank on that quote... Sounds like a re-worded "Wherever you go I'm always with you" quote
    It sounds more like Alyson stoner though. Maybe it's just for the trailer.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Krowley
    I just thought there were a lot of nice moments in the trailer and made these really quickly.
    I encourage any graphic artist on the forum to see what they can come up with as well! The new trailer just looks so pretty ^^

    View attachment 45662 View attachment 45663 View attachment 45664 View attachment 45665 View attachment 45666 View attachment 45667
    Thread by: Krowley, Oct 27, 2016, 13 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Krowley
    Oh geez, I smiled so wide when I saw this on my feed.
    I think it causes so much feels just because the imagery of Aqua's friends all ways out of reach. They really like to hammer that in. That aside, I really love just some of the images they gave us. Ventus-Vanitas and Terranort in close up HD. The BBS Trio holding hands as they fall through the sky. The thirteen darknesses on their pillars.

    Lot of moments that can be made into signatures or avatars. (Hint, hint)
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates