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  1. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Krowley
    Late to this, but I really like these. Aqua got a lot of nice reaction shots in this opening
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 6, 2017 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Krowley
    post test
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 6, 2017 in forum: Social Groups
  4. Krowley
    The Stevenbomb this week was awesome. Without giving too much away, you get to see a lot of new gem faces behind the diamond regime with a lot of feels and space adventures. Also I find the Zoo episodeto be a pretty neat look at humans under homeworld gem care.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 5, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Krowley
    Decided to post the rest I had.. Played a lot with angles and filters.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Krowley

    The Tale of Hikaru
    ACT 5/7 - "Sleepy"

    Hikaru awoke once more. More exhausted and weak from the time before. His memories always kept ending in such bizarre ways. Shattering. Glitching. Blacking out. Every time he was within arm's reach, he would always be taken away. As far as he could piece together, he was definitely linked to Kurt somehow. Aux was Kurt's grandson, but he didn't know their relation to Hikaru just yet. Why Aux shared his memories. Or if they were even his to begin with. Nequa was in cahoots with him since before his arrival. And he didn't even know how she was linked to it all. The answers he needed was definitely beginning to make his head hurt. As he once again got to his feet, he found himself in a small lab. "Is this... still Central Haven?" The tiles and walls were reminiscent of the world's architecture, but it was still too early to call. Everything was dimly lit, with only faint light coming off the computers. Neon blue and white lights were the source of visibility as Hikaru simply stood in front of what appeared to be a sleeping pod. Next to that sleeping pod, he heard some light snoring from a small dwarf with a sea colored blue-green cap. 'Sleepy' was his name if he recalled correctly.

    "I do hope this is a suitable vessel." His thoughts were interrupted by a woman's voice in the next room over. He recognized it instantly. "Nequa..." he whispered to himself. He began to slowly walk out of the room to one where all lights were on and where computer lights filled the wall. Once he rounded the corner, he found Kurt talking with the masked Nequa that he knew from their fighting. Being unsure if he could be seen in this memory or not, he remained hidden. He looked back and saw Sleepy still dreaming away. "Well at least he won't be much trouble there," he spoke softly. He looked back to see Kurt discussing with Nequa. "I'm sure he'll make a fine vessel for me... And you're sure he can wield the keyblade?"
    "I wouldn't have brought him here if I didn't. I kept my end of the bargain..." Beside her was the unconscious body of Krowley. Hikaru's eyes widened in horror.
    "Wasn't easy taking him down. He's definitely an experienced one."
    "Who is he?"
    "His name was... Krowley I think. Now... where is my pretty new body?"
    Kurt moved out of the way to present Nequa the unconscious body of Rin. "A simple sedative knocked her out. Carrying her was not an easy task though. This frail body of mine is failing me..."
    "Tell me about it! This vessel I'm using could barely contain all my magic potential!"
    "Speaking of Vessel's... Why wait so long before asking of Rin? I could've taken her from day one."
    Nequa's "Because it's the most feasible way to keep my spirit alive. A while back, some very..,.troublesome people defeated my once glorious original form. Oh how powerful I used to be... But then somehow they defeated me... Using what energy that remained, I saved my heart and have been hopping from body to body ever since. The more magic they weild, the longer I am able to tay in their body. This girl should last me a couple of years at the least. I would've like to have waited until she grew stronger, but alas... this vessel I'm in now has almost expired..."
    "Not much of a long term solution. Makes me curious of your endgame."
    "Hey, you leave my plans to me Mr. smarty mouth."
    Kurt let out a very rough and horse cough.
    "You're really on your last legs aren't you old timer? Should've let your ward carry the girl."
    "Aux is becoming harder to control... I've made appropriate measures to keep him under my thumb." He began to wheeze heavily. "Please hurry..."
    "Very well," he tone grew more serious. Hikaru watched intently as Nequa placed both her palms together. A glowing purple magic circle appeared beneath them.
    "What will happen to our older bodies?" he yelled over the sound of her magic building.
    "They will fade into nothingness!" she announced. "They will dissolve into the time and space whence they came!" Her voice grew distorted as purple light engulfed both Kurt and Nequa's bodies, A flash of great light was made as Hikaru shut his eyes from the blinding sight. He opened them slowly to see the hearts of the two dissolved bodies approach Rin and Krowley's bodies.
    The two of them began to glow as they opened their eyes simultaneously. Kurt grinned as he stood and stretched. "Oh what it is to feel young again." Krowley's eyes shimmered with Kurt's auburn-brown eyes. Rin's eyes gleamed of a bright yellow as she too rose up. "Not as much magic potential as I was hoping for... but there's room for improvement."
    While he was enjoying his new form, Kurt forgot an important component. "Wait... the keyblade!! Can I wield it?"
    "Look for yourself," Nequa replied.
    The possessed Krowley held out his hand and summoned his keyblade. Bright and silver. Just like his hair and armor. "At long last... The power to unlock everything. In the palm of my hands..."
    "Our agreement has been complete. I wish you luck with your plans Kurt... Or is it Krowley now?"
    He stood their smiling, still impressed with his new abilities. "Krowley, if you please. Kurt is no more. I am now empowered with such light... it's so overwhelming."
    "Well, I've got my body, so if you don't mind, I have much to get started on." Nequa opened a portal of darkness behind her.
    "You won't assume Rin's role? She was a member of the order... Take it from some one who knows. They are a very resourceful group."
    Nequa stopped to conider this. "Unlikely. I'm not much of a team player. I won't accept anything less than superior. But don't worry. I'll return sooner than you think." She hopped through the portal, leaving Kurt in his glory and Hikaru, watching in disgust. He finally knew what happened to Rin, and Krowley's appearance of actually being Kurt.

    "I saw everything." Hikaru spun around to find an unmasked Aux walking past him and straight on to Krowley. Hikaru was still invisible to them. "I told you to leave them alone. They were good people!"
    "They are serving a higher cause. This is precisely why I didn't want you involved. You wouldn't have the stomach to understand."
    Aux gripped his hands tightly, clenching them into fists. "I'm done with you."
    "I beg your pardon?"
    "I said I'm done with you! I'm going to find the order and tell them what you've done. I don't care what happens to me. This whole time I thought you were doing what was best for me... I've been an idiot. This whole time you were only doing what was best for you! I'm telling the order, and then I'm finally going home to the family that actually cares for me!"
    Krowley waved his keyblade nonchalantly. "Oh poor misguided Aux... I'm afraid I can't let you go through with that plan. You see, I had a very different story I was going to tell them..."
    Aux sneered at him. "The story I planned was far more sympathetic. You see, 'Kurt' was taking you along on a training exercise. Unfortunately, a very powerful heartless came by. In an effort to protect you, he was struck down. Poor Kurt. And while defending yourself, you were knocked unconscious. And enter me. Krowley. Your knight in shining armor come to defeat the beast and return you home... But what's this it seems you suffered a terrible case of amnesia. And have forgotten your entire past."
    "What makes you think I'd ever play along with that story!"

    "Oh... it's not an act. Your memories are going to be taken from you..."
    Aux backed away slowly before an orb of green light struck his head, knocking him down. From behind him arose a short, elderly hag, who softly cackled as Aux passed out before her.
    "Aux!" Hikaru yelled out.
    "Ahh... Mizrabel. Perfect timing." He said, walking towards her. "I need you to extract the memories of Aux's childhood and implant them somewhere else."
    Hikaru watched his friend as he lie lifeless on the floor. Mizrabel was unimpressed to do anything just yet. "Not so fast deary... Before I extract his memories, you have to hold up your end of the bargain!"
    "Of course... According to the archives the heart of light you seek belongs to Minnie Mouse... She's a princess in the world of Disneytown."
    Mizrabel giggled with delight. "At last! A princess of heart whose heart will restore me to my younger self! Now I just have to infiltrate the world undetected... I don't have enough Magic to take her head on." Without her saying it, Hikaru pieced together that this was the moment where Mizrabel would disguise herself as Horace to try and capture her later on.
    "Yes yes, now what of the boy? Can it be done?" Krowley insisted.
    "Memories are just illusions inspired from the past... It's a simple transfer. What is the vessel I'll be transferring to?"
    Krowley began walking over to the wal and activated a switch. "While in the archives, I found a discarded journal by a man named Vexen. I would later discover all his findings and his work with tinkering the idea of replicas."
    "Replicas?" Mizrabel and Hikaru asked at the same time.
    "Incomplete copies from the data of another person. They have no hearts, or minds to speak of. This is where you come in."
    The sleeping pod from the other room appeared before them, it opened to reveal a sleeping Hikaru. Sleepy jumped off the pod, waking up from the sudden intrusion. He rubbed his eyes and walked to the wall near Hikaru.
    "This. Is a replica of my younger self." Hikaru backed all the way to the nearest wall as he looked in horror.
    "Wait... if you have the keyblade now. Why do you need a replica?" Krowley touched the glass of the child like appearance of his former body. "If there's anything my past has shown me, it's that contingencies are vital to any plan. If I should fail in my mission to rid the world of darkness, my replica will assume the mission."
    "Rid the world of darkness? Hah! Good luck with that," Mizrabel scoffed.
    "Laugh while you can. But that is why he must have Aux's memories. My memories or of a darker time. But my grandson's holds a much lighter tone. Hikaru will still have all my memories, but this way, he will be given a greater incentive... A hero's mindset."
    Mizrabel examined the pod. "Is there any other alterations before I begin?"
    "Yes... Instead of Kurt finding him, make it so that it was Krowley. As far as he knows, I'm just a keyblade master that took him to see other worlds on the opportunity of a lifetime. He won't have the keyblade. Which is an unfortunate circumstance. A lack of a heart could never give him one... But he will be my last hope... My light... My Hikaru."
    Hikaru looked down in sadness as Mizrabel was performing the ritual. He couldn't comprehend that, but all the pieces were coming together. He was a fake copy of a monstrous person. He was a replica with Aux's memories implanted into him. Nothing he knew from his past before Central Haven was real.
    Sleepy whispered to Hikaru. "Whose the guy in the pod... is he sick?" he yawned.
    "No... it's me... And I'm sleeping..." He replied mindlessly.
    "Maybe you should try waking up," he said, yawning.
    "W-what?" Hikaru was too distracted to hear him.
    "I said wake up.
    Wake up...
    wake up!."

    Everything turned to black.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    We used to have tons of younger users.
    But for some reason they stopped signing up after our last "Hunger Games" event. Weird...
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Krowley
    I just paused at the most clear moment I could find, and then sharpened the images a bit. I use a simpler version of photoshop.
    It's not the best program but it has a few functions that allow me to so dimple edits.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Krowley


    Welcome to the forms Paul!
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Krowley
    Working on one. But the theory goes deep.

    Part 21: How it connects to Disney's "Holes"


    Real deep.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Krowley
    The Story of Hikaru
    ACT IV - "Grumpy"

    Hikaru awoke once again. Like he was waking up from a nightmare, he shot upwards in a sweat. His breathing heavy and heart pounding three times as fast. His vision was still trying to adjust as the dwarf now in front of him, was scowling. Wearing a burgundy shirt and brown cap. This was one of the dwarves he could never really forget. He sighed, knowing full well that he wasn't going to be of much help, or even give him a break for once. "Oh it's you," he stated, before laying back down on the pavement.

    Grumpy did not approve of this. "Hey yah lazy bum! Wake up!" Grumpy gave him a swift kick to the side, causing Hikaru to cringe. "Acck! What was that for!"He held his side, as he sat upwards. "Cause yer a lazy good for nothing bum, that's why!" He looked to his surroundings. "One minute I'm in the mines, and the next thing yah know, Im stuck here with some... dang kid! It's witchcraft I tells yah!" He lifted his foot to give a warning for another kick. "Now start talkin, or my foot's a gonna be walking... all over yer face!" Hikaru suddenly recalled the last time he saw his face. "My face... My face!" He looked around for anything he could see his reflection is, before spotting the axe on Grumpy's belt. He put his hand on Grumpy's head, before grabbing the axe on his belt. "Hey what're yah- Ahh!" Grumpy was knocked back onto his rear as Hikaru swiped the axe. He anxiously rubbed the metal part of the axe until his reflection began to show. Staring back at him was his feathered blue hair and auburn eyes. He let out a huge sigh of relief.

    Grumpy got up, flustered as ever. "Haamf! Mother didn't teach you manners!" He flicked his large nose with his thumb, unsure if Hikaru was aiming for a fight. He looked at his own hands in the realization of what he was going through to try and keep his sanity. He was beginning to grow more desperate for answers. "Oh... I'm sorry Grumpy. I just-"
    "And another thing! How do you know my name! Waddya want! Diamonds? Gold? Well you ain't gettin' either of 'em!" While Grumpy was on his rant, Hikaru was looking around. They were back in Central Haven.
    "Hey! I'm talkin' here!" Hikaru helped himself up before offering a hand to Grumpy. He merely scowled at the offer and got up himself. "You know me," he tried to reason. "Never seen you before in my life! Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna try and find out where I am!" He began to march off angrily.

    "I'm Krowley! The guy in the armor!" Grumpy froze at the mention of the armor. "The fella in the blue and yellow suit?"
    "Yes! That's me!" Hikaru;s eyes lit up.
    Grumpy tilted his head to get a better look at him. "Ha! Yer too short to be that uniformed trooper!" He continued to walk off, much to Hikaru's dismay. His sadness turned to grudge as he scoffed at the woodlands character. "FINE! Go! Not like you guys are helping me much anyways..." He walked off in the opposite direction towards the Central Haven Library. He sprinted into a bit of a jog unsure of which point of view he would wind up in. Kurt's, Aux's, or his own. He still had to align the pieces of this messed up dream.

    He showed up at the library and spotted Rin in the head librarian's chair. "Rin!" he called out, relieved to see her. Rin's presence here must've meant that it had been just passed 2 years into the past for him. Rin remained unresponsive as he walked closer. He waved his hand in front of her. "Hey, it's me, it's Hikaru." He touched her wrist only for his hand to phase through. He looked at his own hand. It looked like he had gone into a third party perspective. Now it would be harder to see whose memories they were.

    "I hope I'm not interrupting," a raspy elderly voice spoke. Rin looked up and Hikaru spun around. It was Kurt, still as old and fragile looking as ever in his white robe. "You must be Kurt; the new librarian," she smiled. Hikaru looked at them intently. "Gotta say, much as I love the books in here, place can get a bit creepy when you're all by yourself."
    "Not to worry my dear," he smiled back. "Isolation is something I am all too familliar with." That last comment made him uncomfortable.

    "Anyways, we sure are lucky you came when you did. This place is in definite need or reorganizing."
    "Knowledge is my forte. I'll be sure to do what I can to help. The order has been far too kind to my ward and I." Kurt walked over to the Librarian's chair and sat in it. "A perfect fit!" Rin smiled.
    "I think thisis exactly where I'm meant to be... Oh, and speaking of my ward; how is he doing in your little academy for weilders... I wish I could teach him more but alas, I have no blade to instruct with."
    "Oh he's doing very well actually. Aux was his name, right?"
    "Yes, Poor boy was orphaned when I found him. After a few years of training, we found ourselves here." Hikaru was perplexed. He clearly wasn't orphaned, and even more so, why didn't he claim that they were related?
    "Well you've done a wonderful job with him Kurt," Rin smiled.
    He flashed her another fake smile. "I do what I can for the future generations."
    "That's wonderful... Well I'll leave you to be settled in." She began to walk out the door, but was blocked by a man in the academy armor. Hikaru was shocked to see him go from a teenager of his size to a fifteen year old behemoth of a man. "Whoa, hard to believe you're younger than I am," she chuckled. "Armor looks great on you though! Keep up the good work!" She walked around him and closed the doors behind her upon exiting. Aux, Kurt and Hikaru were left in the room, silent for a few seconds.

    "Why can't we tell people we're related again?" Aux finally spoke.
    "I've told you.. we can't trust these people... But it doesn't mean we can't gain theirs."
    "They seem fine to me. You wouldn't believe what they're teaching me grandpa-"
    "For the last time child, never use that term!"
    Aux lowered his enthusiasm. "Sorry..." Aux replied. Hikaru watched, feeling very uneasy at the tension in the room.
    "Save your apologies... For now just learn what you can. Especially with that Rin girl... She will make an excellent candidate for Nequa's vessel.

    And now Nequa too? How many connections were hidden in this story? the only memories he had were of Aux's childhood.

    "Nequa? Was that the girl in the purple hood we met before coming here? What does she need a vessel for?"
    "Never you mind. It's no concern of yours. She and I have an arrangement is all. We are helping each other reach our ultimate goals."
    "And what is that goal?" Kurt looked at him with daggered eyes. "Right.. No concern of mine."
    The fact that this old man was bending the wills of Aux was mind boggling.
    Kurt's expression change to that of a comforting grandfather. "Auxilius. I brought you here to become a master of the keyblade. That is your one and only goal. I brought you with me and offered to help you expand your horizons. I only ask that you not concern yourself with my affairs. They are simply regrets I must make amends to."
    Aux looked down and sighed. "Yes, sir."
    "Now please leave me to my studies... I have much to research."
    "Yeah... sure." Aux turned and began to walk away, emotionally defeated. It was like he sought after his grandfather's approval only to be shot down for it. As he walked off, Hikaru was conflicted as to who he should follow in this case. Grumpy passed Aux and into the library, spotting Hikaru as he walked in. "So what's the deal with nobody being able to see us?! More witchcraft!"
    Hikaru remained fixated on Aux as he walked passed Grumpy. "Uh-huh.. witchcraft. Hey, keep an eye on Kurt for me, I have to go deal with something."
    "I ain't takin' orders from you!" There was a small silence as Kurt was checking on the files and Aux had fled with Hikaru. "Fine, I'll watch him! But because I want to! Not 'cause you told me!"

    Hikaru followed closely behind Aux until he reached the training ground. He looked up at the sky and sighed. "Dear mom and Dad... It's me again... Aux. I wish I could send letters, but gran- I mean.. 'Kurt' says it could be dangerous. Saying that the worlds outside our own are dangerous enough as it is. I know it's silly trying to reach you like this, but part of me believes that maybe if I talk to a cloud or star or something like that... my voice will reach you. Or maybe yours will reach me." Hikaru watched teary eyed as Aux spoke to the sky. "He's trained me hard though. I've gotten really strong. Wish you could see how much I've grown in this year alone. Definitely give dad a run for his money, hehe..." He was silent for a few seconds after that. "I miss you."

    Aux began to glitch in front of Hikaru's eyes. "No! Not now!" Hikaru blurted out.
    The rest of the world began to glitch out like if it was a computer program. He still didn't know where he came from or what was going on.
    "Aux! Grumpy! Anyone! I have to know who I am!"
    The world grew pitch black again.

    "Who am I?..."
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 28, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    Profile Post Comment

    Merry Christmas Amaury

    Merry Christmas Amaury
    Profile Post Comment by Krowley, Dec 25, 2016
  14. Krowley
  15. Krowley
    80-100 = A
    70-79 = B
    60-69 = C
    50-59 = D
    49 and below = F
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Krowley
    Video Editing - 90
    Producing and Directing for Acting 2: Pre-Production - 85
    Stage Production - 80

    Term GPA: 3.81
    Cumulative GPA: 4.06

    This was actually my lowest term yet. :/
    They guys in charge of a play I was doing were very unprofessional.

    Acting 4: Improvisation & Musical Improv - 97
    Voiceover - 92
    Points of View & Stage Combat - 93
    Auditioning for Camera - 84
    Advanced Writing for Actors - 100

    Term GPA: 4.12
    Cumulative GPA: 4.13
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Krowley
    The Story of Hikaru
    ACT III - "Sneezy"

    Some one's loud Sneeze woke Hikaru in a flash. At this point passing out only to wake back up again was becoming very tiresome. But at the very least, he was learning more. He looked to his left to find the dwarfl 'Sneezy.' Rubbing his nose. "Sorry," he sniffled. "Hay fever..." Hikaru once again lifted himself up and nodded to the dwarf. "It's fine, Sneezy." The dwarf rose his eyebrows. "Gosh, how do you know my name?!"
    "Long story. Let's just say we've met." Sneezy took this into consideration. "Oh, I see... So we're not friends then?"
    It was hard for him to answer that without explaining Krowley, and the armor. Since it was all just in his head, he was wondering if going into detail was even worth the effort. "I uh... I don't know."
    "Aww, well that's too bad," the dwarf seemed a bit saddened by this. Hikaru felt bad.
    "I mean I'm sure we are, but we haven't really had much time to catch up. Not to mention there's some stuff I need to find.... out." Hikaru's thoughts were trailing as he began to look around his surroundings. "This is... this is my home."
    Sneezy sniffled. "Huh?"
    "This street! I know it! There's the accessory shop!.. And the synthesis corner!" Finally, something he could recognize. "I didn't recognize it, since It just wasn't as developed as it is now!"
    Sneezy looked around, puzzled. "Where are we exactly?..."
    Hikaru smiled brightly from the familar surroundings. "This is Iridescent Falls... My home..." Hikaru watched as the waterfall behind the small local village shone through the place they stood as colors rained over them.
    "Oooh, pretty," Sneezy exclaimed.
    "I've missed this place... so much."
    "Well, why'd you leave then?"
    "Training... Krowley found me and thought he could teach me how to use the keyblade. He offered to train me for a few years away from home. That's when he brought me to Central Haven. I didn't really gain it until a while after I met Aux and Kaida though..." He looked to the edge of the small pathway they had been on. "My house is just right around this sandlot..." He smiled, brimming with anticipation. He hadn't seen his parents since he left home 4 years ago. "I left home when I was 12... I wonder if I've left yet." He walked with Sneezy close beside him, thankfully the dwarf hadn't made any major noises in quite some time. Hikaru froze in front of the door, unsure if a happy memory would be on the other side. "I don't know if I can do it..." Sneezy turned his back to the door and looked up. "What if my parents see me as I am now? What would they think? I don't even have the keyblade... Maybe I should just-"
    "A-CHOOO!!" with a ferocious sneeze, the dwarf Sneezy knocked his body back, creating a large thud against the door. Hikaru panicked momentarily before the door opened.


    A woman with bright blue eyes and long flowing blue hair opened the door. "Well there you are, your father and I were wondering when you'd be back home..." she smiled, looking at the poorly dazed Sneezy. "Oh, and I see you've brought a little friend? Is he new to town?" Hikaru didn't even think before he had his arms wrapped around her so tightly. "Mom..." he spoke softly, gripping her tightly. Sneezy got up on his own and sniffled as he shook his head. The woman was taken aback by the sudden attack hug, but simply smiled. "Well come on now, you weren't gone that long... I know your planning to go off and train, but you haven't left just yet you know!"
    "I'm sorry," Hikaru wiped a tear from falling down his cheek. "It just want to remember you right now," Hikaru smiled with near teary eyes.
    "Oh honey, don't you start! You're gonna make me cry before you even leave!" The woman began to tear up also as she hugged him back.

    "Hey now!" a deep masculine voice called out. "Don't tell me you made your mom cry already!" A rugged, muscular man with red hair was stepping down the stairs, throwing on a jacket. "I was just about to fetch you kiddo, what held yah?"
    "Dad!" He ran past his mother and hugged the man tight as well.
    "Whoa now!" he chuckled. "Definitely getting stronger I'll give you that." He patted his son on the back. "Excited to go learn how to weild that light sword of yours?" Everything was exactly as he remembered it. From the brightly lit town, to his parents' warm hospitality. Everything was like a frozen memory bathed in light.
    Hikaru laughed a bit. "I know this is where I'm supposed to head out, but... I almost want to stay...." he smiled at them. It would be nice for him, his parents and Krowley to just sit down and have a talk. Make things nice and simple before the harder parts of his memory would come along.
    "Well, if you want, you could both stay a little longer before you leave. I'm sure he wouldn't mind," the mother suggested.
    "Yeah, he was always a bit of a pushover sometimes," the father replied.
    "Kai!" she scolded him.
    "Well I'm not wrong Izo! The man always goes on and on about his travels, but he just shows up out of the blue and wants to teach our son? You know that still kinda bugs me..."
    "Well this is his way of making it up to me... He's reaching out and I think it's a wonderful way of reconnecting."
    Hikaru was growing a bit confused. "Reconnecting with Krowley?"
    The parents looked at each other confused. "Whose Krowley?"
    "Is it your little friend here honey?" She motioned to Sneezy
    "Krowley... My teacher?"

    A knock was heard at the door. His father walked over to the door and turned the knob. "I don't know who that is there kiddo, but your grandfather's the only one who offered to teach you."
    Hikaru was a bit unsettled now. He didn't have a grandfather... At least not one he could remember.
    Kai twisted the knob and moved out of the way to show who the person was at the door. "Speak of the devil, I believe this face is familiar to you." The person at the door was an elderly man with a white robe and white hair. Man had to be in his eighties at least.
    "Izo, you're looking more beautiful every time I see you."
    She gave a soft smile. "Thanks dad."
    "Nice to see you again, Kurt."


    Hikaru's heart stopped. Kurt was his grandfather.... Why was he looking at his grandfather's memories? Something wasn't adding up.
    "And so there is my pupil to be I assume... Tell me. Are you ready to learn how to wield the key?"
    Hikaru stood, stunned, holding the counter in shock.
    "You okay kiddo?" Kai asked.
    "Aux, honey... are you felling okay?" She looked at him right in the eyes when she said that. Sneezy was beginning to react to an oncoming sneeze.
    "AUX?!" He looked around until he met his own reflection in the mirror. He had never seen Aux's younger face before, but the face that looked back wasn't him. Wasn't Hikaru. Looking back was a red haired boy with blue eyes. Not the dark piercing stare he thought would be from Aux... but a scared pre-teen.

    This was all wrong... This was his life. It was Krowley who took him to Central Haven... The more he thought, the more his heart began to race.
    "Ahh... AHH.... AHHHHHH-CHOOOOOO!!" With a loud bellow, the Sneeze shattered the scene like a mirror as everything faded to black again.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    Oh happy day! I love Simple and Clean, but I really was looking forward to a new song. Glad Utada will still be singing it!
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Krowley
    The Story of Hikaru
    ACT II - "Happy"

    Hikaru woke up, vision blurred, and body buzzed with a ringing sensation. It felt like some one zapped a taser through his entire body. "So that's what a thunder spell feels like," he shook. He dusted himself off to find him in the same place he was knocked out. He scanned the area. It was lightly populated, but looked a touch different. Some of the buildings had changed and it seemed all the commotion had died down. "Gosh, you were out cold!" He looked around for the chipper voice until he found another dwarf walking towards him. This one was mainly comprised of blue pants and brown-orange colors. "Oh, you're all here?.. Managed to find Doc?" The dwarf looked around. "Nope, just me!" He chuckled. "Say, didn't happen to catch your name, friend."

    Hikaru looked down to him, "We've already!-" He stopped himself from explaining more. If this was how his memory was going to show things, he would have to constantly be introducing himself every time. "It's Hikaru... You're uh... Smiley, right?" The dwarf chuckled heartily. "Nope! But awful close. Name's Happy!" He leant out his hand to shake. Hikaru winced a bit as it was still covered with dirt from the coal mine. he burshed the dirt off his pants and looked around. "Now I just have to find Kurt.."

    "Kurt?" Happy asked, with a light jump. "Aww, you probably wanna congratulate him on the new baby, do yah? Well, just follow me then! You should see her! Cute as a button she is! And she has his eyes." Happy began to walk briskly to the south side. "Wait, baby?! He's just a kid, he- Hey, wait!" Hikaru quickened the pace a bit to match Happy's. "You mean Kurt has a sister now? Did he find his parents?"
    "Hehe, golly you're a funny one! I'm talking about his daughter o' course!"
    "Daughter?! He's gotta be in grade school, how could he have a daughter?"
    "Well looks like you were out for a longer time friend! He's an adult now. Gotta be close to thirty from the looks of it." Hikaru began to panic a bit.
    "Don't worry, he's still a friendly fella. I've seen him grow. He got real smart too!"
    "So... You know this is just a memory then?"
    "Uh-huh! Don't know who you are though. You seem kinda familiar..."
    "How do you know where he lives?"
    "I've been to see him." Both he and Hikaru arrived on the steps and before he knocked, he turned to Hikaru and chuckled a bit.
    "What's so funny?"
    "He looks a lot like you!" He smiled, before knocking.

    He was unsure how to take that, but before he could reply, the door swung open. "Oh, hello again Happy!" a woman greeted.
    "Hi again! Just bringing by a new friend to see the new born."
    "Oh how wonderful," She stepped forward and gave Hikaru an embracing hug. "She stepped back and looked at him with intrigue. "Are you and Kurt related? You look just like him!" she smiled.
    "That's what I'm trying to find out," Hikaru replied. It had been a while since he'd been hugged, and it felt nice.
    "Well, Kurt's out back, working on who knows what, but the baby is resting if you wish to see her." Happy was giddy and asked to see her sleeping. The woman nodded and looked back to Hikaru. "Would you like to see her as well." Hikaru looked to the door, not sure what it all meant. But first thing's first; he had to find Kurt.
    "Ill uhh... catch up in a it."
    "Suit yourself," the woman replied. "It was lovely to meet you Hikaru," she smiled, leading Happy to the baby's room.

    Hikaru gulped as he opened the door to a large area, where a man with long blue hair, was throwing a couple of suitcases onto large ship. It almost looked like a pirate ship. He took notice of the man who had his back to him. "Kurt?" he called out.
    "Hmm?" The blue haired man spun around to face Hikaru. He almost looked like an older version of himself. He had his hair long enough to be tied back, and he even wore glasses. "Who are you."
    "I'm Hikaru... You don't remember me?"
    "No.. should I?" He asked, still lugging away at loading the vessel.
    "I guess not," he shrugged. He continued to watch him load up the boat, and felt awkward in trying not to ask him a very obvious question of their relation to one another. "Going on a family trip?"
    "Trip, yes. Family, no."
    "Oh... Your wife seemed pretty happy about being left behind then."
    "That's because she doesn't know."
    "Kind of a hard secret to hide," he chuckled uncomfortably.
    "I told her it was for a friend, and it's going to stay that way." He threw the last luggage on the boat before giving him his full attention.
    "Now who are you, and what do you want?"
    "I'm you... maybe? I don't know...I'm still kind of lost on this. One minute you're six, and the next-"
    "Well you're not me, that's for sure. I'd be able to come up with a less annoying answer."
    Hikaru furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "What's your problem? Abandoning your family made you cranky or are you always like this?"
    Kurt sighed. "It wasn't supposed to be like this.. I was supposed to continue my research, and gain the keyblade... But then I met her and I got... distracted. I can't let them interfere anymore."
    "You call a family a distraction?!"
    "You aren't exactly making this easier."
    "It's not supposed to be easy! How could you do that to them?! And all for what?! A keyblade!"
    "Keep your voice down," Kurt threatened. "The keyblade is a weapon I can use to fight the darkness. Maybe even get rid of it personally. What I do is for them as well. What I'm doing is to keep all worlds SAFE."
    "Do you even know how long you'll be gone?!"
    "As long as it takes... And I won't say it again; keep. your voice. Down."
    "No! You will look after your family and not be a bad father! Your job is to be there for them, not to martyr the worlds from darkness!" Hikaru turned and began marching towards the door.
    "Hikaru, wait!" Kurt called out, Hikaru's hands just skimming the doorknob.
    "If you think you know me, then you know why I have to do this... Darkness my home. I talked to a lot of folks here who also lost their home to darkness. I've read about something. It's a door. And beyond that door is something powerful... Pure light. And it can get rid of he darkness. I'm still missing a few pieces, but I know it's the answer."
    Still facing the door, Hikaru came to realize what Kurt was talking about. His eyes widened as he whispered out; "Kingdom Hearts-" He felt a quick chop to the back of his neck, as he began to black out again. Kurt's voice was heard in the distance.
    "You don't understand yet... But you will..."
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    The roles for OSWALD and MAX GOOF have opened up.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home