Search Results

  1. Krowley

    "There are those who go through the realm of darkness and back, unscathed.
    And then there are those who must dawn the Black Coat..."

    In tandem with the Kingdom Hearts SOS Saga, Black Coats takes place during the time where the keybladers have fallen into darkness. As the wielders attempt, and new heroes will have to rise to the occasion until they regain their strength. To do this, they must don the black cloak to shield them from the temptations of darkness, but also use it to their advantage.

    "Black Coats" centers around the heroes that fight from the shadows. Since the Heartless and villains will be able to track our heroes that use the keyblades, new aliases and weapons must be found to combat the forces of darkness. With an aged Master Lea as the head runner for this ragtag group of misfits, an anti-organization is forged into helping to preserve and save the hearts of everyone, while also putting a stop to Nequa's devious intentions.

    The wicked witch herself has also assembled her own group though... Picking thirteen of the most powerful keyblade wielders to her beckon call, she prepares to stop the black coats in their tracks. Each member of Nequa's new brand of darkness is equipped with powerful techniques as they will constantly duel you for dominion of the elements. With a new challenger around every corner, Nequa's plot must be thwarted and her true plan must be unveiled...


    Chapter I - The New Black (Page 1-2)
    Chapter II - First Contact (Page 2-4)
    Chapter III - Change of Heart (Page 4-6)
    Chapter IV - The Pod (Page 6 - 8)
    Chapter V - Operation Pandora (Page 8 - 11)
    Chapter VI - Army of Darkness (SOS Page 415-436)
    Chapter VII - Charlie's Game (Page 11 - 16)
    Chapter VIII - Survival (Page 12 - 16)
    Chapter IX - Hitting the Mark (Page 15 - 17)
    Chapter X - Thunderdome (Page 16 - 18)
    Chapter XI -Saving Grace (Page 18 - 20)
    Chapter XII - Dearly Beloved (Page 20 - Present)

    VOLUME 2 - Children of Cosmos
    Chapter XIII -
    Chapter XIV -
    Chapter XV -
    Chapter XVI -
    Chapter XVII -
    Chapter XVIII -
    Chapter XIX -
    Chapter XX -
    Chapter XXI -
    Chapter XXII -
    Chapter XXIII -
    Chapter XXIV -

    VOLUME 3 - ??????????
    Chapter XXV
    Chapter XXVI
    Chapter XXVII
    Chapter XXVIII
    Chapter XXIX
    Chapter XXX
    Chapter XXXI
    Chapter XXXII
    Chapter XXXIII
    Chapter XXXIV
    Chapter XXXV
    Chapter XXXVI
    Thread by: Krowley, Feb 15, 2017, 394 replies, in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    Lea scratched the back of his head. Karina was currently Ina depressive and self destructive state right now. Being the only one among her traveling companions to fail was a heavy burden. "Believe it or not kiddo, there's a lot of scared kids out there in a worse condition then you..." He could tell those words weren't having much affect as he looked at her. "You know... Back in the day, I was kind of a renegade too... There was a part of my life that I didn't even use my name... Called myself Axel. Told everyone to memorize it. Boy, was that a mistake." He recalled the countless times of his life that where people mistook him for his nobody counterpart. "And I only called myself that because I... wasn't myself. I was some one seperate from the Lea you know and see today." He scratched his cheek and tried to remain aloof as he continued on. "All I'm saying is that if you don't want to be Karina for a while, you don't have to.| He reached behind him and pulled out a black coat. "I was going to use this to cloak myself in the shadows, but you could use it more than I."

    Lea handed Karina a BLACK COAT to wear.

    "There's a hidewaway I used to use not far from here. Has some more black coats, weapons. Something you could defend yourself with. In the end it's your call as to whether or not you want to go." He looked tot he rest of the group, huddling around Dreamer's book and talking to Yue. "If you were to leave, I'd say a goodbye or two..."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 15, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    "There's six members of the hellfire club left...No Heart and his apprentices are four...So, Ten that we know of...? Yeah. Ten i think. Ten? Ten. Yeah. Probably ten."
    After hearing Beuce's explanation, Dreamer stepped in. "Actually there are a total of 10 members. And with Mizrabel's defeat that puts them down to 9. And If I know Maleficent, they've probably got a keyblade wielder with them as well."
    "What can I do? I have not been much help so far and I just ended up here. I feel like i am probably met to be here." AJ added.
    "Every helping hand counts... As novice as some of you may be, this group of light will need as many heroes as it can.

    "Yue... what happens if we fail? If we don't pass, what happens to us?"
    "You said you knew the reapers, you could get them to modify the game. Why can't you make it less deadly... Why do so many have to die and not simply fail if they don't complete this little game of yours. They are only children some of them."
    Yue thought for a moment. "Well, even if I were to get them to make an exception, the game still requires a price for entry. And I'm not talking the monetary kind... Who knows what the Game composer would want to take at this point in your junction."

    "Yeah, hi, excuse me?" Gwendolyn shouted, putting her hand in the air, interrupting everyone. "Someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?"
    Hikaru stepped forward to try and ease some of the confusion for the newcomers. Far as he could tell everyone was still in one piece, with the addition of four new people. The blonde haired AJ, the older brunette, the guy who looked similar to Beuce, and this girl. With the disappearance of D'daear, this put the group at sixteen total. Just taking a moment to really look at everyone was a revelation for him. It appeared that wasn't the only one who went through an awakening. From what he could tell, Beuce's arm has been remade, Steel had become more of an anthropomorphic animal, Raisor had switched genders, and Karina lost her keyblade.


    "I'm Hikaru," he said, approaching Gwendolyn. "And, I guess I can try catching you up with what Beuce explained earlier." He took in a deep breath. "So, there are a couple of groups bent on achieving power via something called Kingdom Hearts. They've been going around destroying worlds and abducting special princesses to do so. Also messed a lot with the timeline... We are something of a small brigade of keybladers, I guess. Just trying to help others in repairing the damage that has been done and keeping the worlds safe. The tall red haired guy is Lea, and the brunette with the blindfold is Yue. They're part of a group of powerful keyblade weilders cause the order.... Kaida's part of the order too!" He pointed to the blonde girl not far off from them. "And the guy in the white cloak is Dreamer... he's uh..."
    "An overseer, the man in white replied. "Meant to keep balance and share knowledge," Dreamer commented.
    "Speaking of which, you children will be meeting new wielders all the time... I suppose it's time I gave you an official almanac."


    "This is an enchanted book that will supply you with knowledge over time. Use it well..."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Yue sighed as she swayed her hair behind her ear. "The Reaper's game is a very cruel and unforgiving gambit. The success rate is actually less than 2%. Meaning only one in fifty usually make it out alive." She could tell that comment would make a lot of people uncomfortable. "But... I'm sure you guys will do fine... maybe..."

    "E-Excuse me," Xara started with a quiet voice, raising her hand. "I kinda got placed in the Relam of Darkness for the majority of the events... So, am I still qualified for this Mark of Mastery exam even though I don't have the experience like everyone else?" She kicked the ground below her while placing her hands behind her back. "Is this Reaper's Game the only way out of this place?"

    "At this time, yes," Dreamer interrupted. "That hellfire club that Mizrabel was a part of set up the Lockdown procedure. This means that individual means of travel have been crossed off the list. If Yue and I were to travel through darkness, that means we could only transport ourselves. Which means an ixnay on the field trip back to the realm of light. Mickey and his friends were fortunate to find a vessel from one Scrooge McDuck... But a single trip to the realm of darkness could only last less than a minute. I assure you, they would have waited if they could." Yue seemed a little agitated at Dreamer's knowledge of their inner workings. "You know a lot for just an observer." She clenched her fist. "Rest assured, it's put to good use. The Lockdown protocol commands that seven signal towers are placed. Only once all seven towers have been destroyed can you travel freely again... No doubt they have been divided up among the rest of the club members' worlds."

    Hikaru nodded as he slowly began to understand. "So, since we took down hers... We still have to find the other SIX, right?"
    "Precisely," Dreamer confirmed.
    "Please just tell me that at some point we get to fight a reaper. I've been dying to get my revenge on one for a while now." Ignis mentioned. "Not that of reaper kid.. They're more like... rule enforcers. Making sure you stick to the games rules..." She looked to Kaida sternly. "Or else..." At this point, the tensions among the party grew a little thick and after some more squabbling with each other, things began to settle again.
    "what's a 'Master'?" Stratos asked.
    "A keyblade weilder with exceptional skill. Upon completing the mark of mastery, the masters that pass the trial are able to use a multitude of new abilities. They can extract hearts, take on apprentices, even pass on keyblades to other people."
    Hikaru's face lit up. "Wait, if you and Lea are masters... you can give Karina a new keyblade, right?!"
    "Wrong. That girl had a key and lost it within the demons of her heart. We can't give her something to replace what she lost. Keyblades don't work like that."

    Lea had lifted Karina, still shaken up from things. He pulled her aside from the group and began to console her.
    "What exactly do you want of me?" she asked.
    Lea scratched the back of his head. "Well when you put it like that, you make it sound like a bad thing," he chuckled a bit, quickly switching back to a more serious tone. "The request is more of an opportunity. Take it from me that you don't need to fight with a keyblade to still be able to make your mark. Granted, it's a real shame that your key is gone... but that doesn't mean you have a weak heart. Your fight doesn't have to end here. I'm on a journey to find more warriors that are stuck straggling in darkness. If you'd be willing I'd like for you to come along with me... Without a keyblade the heartless won't be able to swarm us like they will the others. We could travel nearly undetected..."

    Back with Yue and Dreamer, Yue had stepped near the cornerstone oflight to make her last announcement. "Look, it's like this. You have two options... Option One. I take you to the Underground and put you through honestly one of the hardest trials to turn you into stronger keyblade wielders to fend off the looming chaotic threats that lie ahead," she took a depp breath after that one. "Option Two. You go with Lea and the angry one to find lost drifters in the realm of darkness." She motioned to Karina, whose name escaped her.

    "It's your choice." She stood, waiting for confirmation from everyone.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    Hikaru watched Kaida as he awaited Yue's answer.

    "Since we're in the realm of darkness, your mastery test will have to be... unconventional. But I'm going to suggest it because it's the only way I know to get all of you back to the realm of light." Yue replied.
    Dreamer folded his arms. "Unlikely. The only way you'd get back without a strong connection of the heart is-" his heart skipped a beat as his arms unfolded. "Tell me you aren't serious! That is a dangerous and immoral method! Why would you recommend that be their test?!"

    "Because it's dangerous and immoral. Two things that they should expect from all future enemies... besides. I made it out, didn't I?" Yue replied.

    "Made it out of what?" Hikaru asked.

    "A game of second chances... an event where you are given 7 missions to win passage back to the realm of light." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a tiny flat circle from her pocket. "You get a partner to help you. That's how I first met Rin. She helped me fight my way through the darkness. But for you it will also act as a test. I can talk with head of the game and modify it for our special needs in this case."

    "What's the game?" Hikaru asked determined.
    Yue threw the small circle to Kaida.

    The blonde wielder opened her hand and revealed a small black pin with a white skull on it.

    "It doesn't have a direct name, but most people call it... the Reaper's Game."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    Yue reacted calmly, but brashly. "We're losing, they'rr winning- caught up." She began to turn and walk away before Lea stopped her. "And where are you going?"
    "I learned what I had to. Now that you're here, you can help them get stronger. I have to go stop Rin."
    Lea sighed. "Look Yue, you've gotta stop pushing yourself like this... I promise you, we will bring back Mizu and Rin. They're obviously needed for something so that alone buys us some time. Until then, You have to be the one to help them."
    "Me?!" She stepped back.
    "Her?!" Hikaru stepped back also. "I mean... her?"
    "Yes, you. No one knows the realm of darkness like you do. Besides, you still have a connection with-"
    "I thought we discussed that that was not an option! Besides they have Mr. white coat there."
    "I am not to meddle in the battle of light and darkness. Only keep it balanced," Dreamer replied.
    "Typical," she shrugged. "Then why can't you do it?" She looked at Lea. "Originally it was to bring you back... but then I realized something. A lot of people are probably lost in darkness too. People with or without a keyblade." He looked to Karina on the ground. "They'll need a guiding hand to help them until this has all been sorted out. And look at it this way; quicker you pass them, quicker you can continue your search."

    "Pass us?" Hikaru asked.
    "Yup. You kids are strong, but you need something more if you plan to take on the big baddies." He looked at Glen after he made his comment. "I know you've accomplished a lot, but trust me, darkness eases up for no one. You need to be at your best to stand a chance. We're still supporting you from the shadows."

    "What for?!" Yue barked. "Why are we making them fight our battles? We're the lines of defense for light! We're the order!"
    "Exactly. And we will keep. Order." Lea replied sternly. "The more we lose, the stronger they get. Every battle they win gives them an edge... Mizrabel was a good win for us. Let's keep that streak going." He took out his hand to shake hers, causing Yue to sigh.
    "I hate it when you appeal to my humanity."
    "It's why I keep getting called back," he grinned. He looked back to the kids. "Yue will be taking you all to complete your mark of mastery. And all of you are going to pass." He gave a quick nod to Kaida before approaching Karina. "Anyone without a key can travel with me." He offered Karina his hand. " I have a little side project you'd be perfect for," he smiled.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    "It appears Mickey and his friends have fallen into complications on the other side... as you know, time does not exist in the realm of darkness, things could be progressing quicker than normal here. Which is why I'm fortunate the beacon attracted these two." Dreamer motioned to Lea and Yue. "Was everyone successful in their trial?"

    Hikaru looked to karina, who was still being comforted on the ground, and looked around for any sign. "One of us is missing... but we all made it safely out. That's all that matters..." Dreamer looked on to Karina with discomfort. "I see..."
    "Did the witch know anything about Nequa? Or why she looks like Rin?" Yue spoke out. This caused Hikaru to freeze up a bit as his memory showed Nequa transferring her heart into Rin and Kurts into Krowley's. He didn't feel it was the right time to share all of this new information. Not while tension was still abound.

    "Not that we could tell, but-"
    "I wasn't asking you." Yue barked. She looked to Kaida. "You're a member of the order, so act like it. Report in. What happened after the fall of Central Haven?"
    "Yue, the kids have been through a lot. How bout we cut em some slack, huh?" Her eyes fell on Lea who was trying to mediate.
    "Slack is the last thing they need... it took more than a dozen of them just to take down one of the hellfire members! How many of them do you think it's going to take to eliminate vanitas? Or the horned king?" She looked back to Kaida. "I'm not going to ask again. Report in. Give me every detail you can."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Version 2.03

    New Musical Missions!!
    - As promised, 8 songs from the High School Musical films have been added to the Musical Missions page
    - Musical Mission crowns and pricing have been revamped

    Limits edited!
    - Mystic's Veil now replenishes CG by 100
    - Group and Special Limits can only be done ONCE per battle.

    Summons edited!
    - Marahute offers 5 rescues instead of 3.
    - Fairy Godmother's MP cost is equal to the recall summon's.
    - Mushu now offers a 25% Luck increase
    - Maximus can now counterattack!
    - Bambi sticks around for 3 cycles instead of 2.

    Abilities edited!
    - Dodge roll now increases dodge rate by 25% + "X"% (The X represents your speed stat divided by 10)
    - Summoner Job added!
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 7, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. Krowley
    Castle of Illusion Complete!
    All players gain 2,000 EXP!

    Pockets of light began to burst from Mizrabel as the darkness of the witch was slowly being eviscerated. The Castle around them, too began to dissolve as all the hearts she had captured were liberated across the dark world's sky, seeking their original owners. While the castle faded, Karina was lowered from her magical orb and placed on the ground. As the castle now vanished, Dreamer was waiting outside with both Lea and Yue in sight. The two members of the order sighed in relief as Dreamer approaches the group. "Thank goodness you children are alright.... It seems much has transpired in your absence... Is the witch defeated then?"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 15

    657/5,000 HP

    [Guardian Wall - 50 HP]

    AISLINN - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 0%

    ANANTA - 10/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 270% [REZZED]

    AJ - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]

    BEUCE - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 90%

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    D'DAEAR - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED] [REZZED]

    GLEN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280%

    GWENDOLYN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    HIKARU - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 290%

    IGNIS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    KAIDA - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    KEL - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [REZZED]

    LUNA - 23/43 HP - 2/4 MP - 280%

    STEEL - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STRATOS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290%

    XARA - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Hikaru freed Xara!
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 4, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 14

    972/5,000 HP

    [50% Dodge rate to all! - 1 Cycles]

    AISLINN - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 290%

    ANANTA - 10/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 270% [REZZED]

    AJ - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]

    BEUCE - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 90% [LOCKED]

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    D'DAEAR - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED] [REZZED]

    GLEN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [Mushu - 1 cycles] [LOCKED]

    GWENDOLYN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    HIKARU - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 290% [LOCKED]

    IGNIS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    KAIDA - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    KEL - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [REZZED]

    LUNA - 23/43 HP - 2/4 MP - 280%

    STEEL - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STRATOS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [Aerora - 1 cycles]

    XARA - 10/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250% [LOCKED] [REZZED]
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 4, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Krowley
    Granted while there has been no confirmed worlds from final fantasy, I'm sure they will add more final fantasy characters. In terms of new OC and FF characters per game, it's been as follows;

    5 new OC characters (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ansem SoD, Kairi's grandma)
    9 new FF characters (Squall, Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie, Cid, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Sephiroth)

    9 new OC characters (Axel, Marluxia, Ansem the Wise, Larxene, Zexion, Lexeaus, Vexen, Namine, Repliku)
    0 new FF Characters

    1 new OC character (Xion)
    0 new FF characters

    6 new OC characters (Master Xehanort, Terra, Master Aqua, Ventus, Master Eraqus, Vanitas)
    7 alternate OC characters (Braig, Even, Dilan, Aeleus, Ienzo, Isa, Lea)
    1 new FF chracter (Zack)

    10 new KH characters (Xemnas, Xibar, Xaldin, Saix, Demyx, Luxord, Roxas, Hayner, Pence, Olette)
    10 new FF characters (Seifer, Vivi, Raijin, Fujin, Setzer, Auron, Tifa, Yuna, Rikku, Payne)

    Stands to reason they'll keep the new FF characters coming for the third Sora storyline installment. I'm guessing there will be a good amount of favorable characters from the franchise. Hopefully they'll still bring characters from the pre-FFX games.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 1, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Krowley

    Mizrabel writhed in pain.
    (More memories began to return to the players)

    "Oh no, no no no... This is MY DOMAIN!!!
    Return to me my fiendish fools, circle round; ghosts and ghouls...
    Spin and twist, twirl and whirl, let your phantom furies swirl!
    Phantoms and ghosts in grim collusion, band together in my castle illusion!

    Everyone's Skill Commands, Items and Jobs have been restored!!

    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 13

    1,000/5,000 HP

    [50% Dodge rate to all! - 2 Cycles]

    AISLINN - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 290%

    ANANTA - 0/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 70% [LOCKED]

    AJ - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    BEUCE - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 290% [LOCKED]

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    D'DAEAR - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    GLEN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [Mushu - 2 cycles] [LOCKED]

    GWENDOLYN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    HIKARU - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 140% [LOCKED]

    IGNIS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    KAIDA - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    KEL - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [LOCKED]

    LUNA - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 80% [LOCKED]

    STEEL - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STRATOS - 20/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [Aerora - 2 cycles] [LOCKED]

    XARA - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 50% [LOCKED]
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 30, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    A short roleplay I'd like to develop that centers around Kingdom Hearts, and the creation of the X-Blade. There's already plenty of lore surrounding the kingdom hearts franchise, but I was curious about what happened before the keyblade war, and how kingdom hearts came to be such a sought after entity. The roleplay would be for up to twenty people taking the roles of the original seven lights and thirteen darknesses.

    Back when the worlds weren't separated, the land was rules by seven sisters. Princesses in fact. Each maiden explored the land, offering gifts and spreading teachings that would bring out the most light in people's hearts. These seven beautiful maidens were powerful and kept peace in the world in their own individual way. Despite keeping light alive and well, they rarely got along and had disagreements with the quality and subjects of their teaching methods. As such, they kept to themselves and rarely interacted with each other.

    This story occurs at the very beginning of the age of fairy tails, and exists before the creation of the keyblade and assemblage of the foretellers, so the land was ruled and peacefully lead by the seven maidens until the day of darkness arose. The Lord of Darkness arose from the shadows with his 12 knights to create chaos in the world. In a short time, the band of thirteen had introduced darkness into the world. Alone, the maidens were no match for the knights of darkness. As such, they vowed to unite their efforts and challenge the newcomers of darkness to a clash.

    The Seven Lights
    The seven maidens follows the seven colors of the rainbow;

    Scarlet spread the teachings of bravery. As the eldest, the first child wished to fight for her kingdom and fend off any threats that would disturb the peace. With a strong sense of duty, she was always tenacious and never turned down a challenge. Stern and courageous, this red haired princess favors the sword and follows the path of the WARRIOR.
    Saffron spread the teachings of curiosity. Next in line, this maiden did something unheard of. She followed the paths of both warrior and mystic to create her own unique style. Encouraging others to follow their hearts' intuition, she manages to keep things fun, even in the heat of battle. Comical and strategic, this amber haired princess favors the spellblade and follows the path of the RED MAGE.
    Sun spread the teachings of passion. The third child connects with people, traveling from place to place in search of new stories and adventures. While she is bold and quick to act, her keen eye keeps her focused, and her quick reflexes keep her on her toes. Inquisitive and thrill seeking, this blonde haired princess favors the bow and follows the path of the HUNTER.
    Sage spread the teachings of guidance. The fourth and middle child was helpful and always wished to lend a hand to those that needed it most. She is highly protective and morally righteous to write things that have been wronged. Passionate and loyal, this green haired princess favors the shield and follows the path of the GUARDIAN.
    Skye spread the teachings of friendship. One of two twins, the fifth child was meant to follow the teachings of magic, but soon abandoned the prospect in search of bountiful company. With her twin taking most responsibility, she was free to enjoy what life had to offer. friendly and joyous, this sky haired princess favors the bangles and follows the path of the HERALD.
    Sapphire spread the teachings of wisdom. One of two twins, the sixth child was brilliantly gifted with knowledge and magical abilities. She excelled at the mystic arts and control over the elements with diligence and precision. Intelligent and bright, this indigo haired princess favors the staff and follows the path of the MYSTIC.
    Smitty spread the teachings of hope. The seventh and youngest child seemed lost as her sisters had taken most of the responsibility of their duties. Eventually she found the wonders of music and inspired people across the land. Her ability to support others is her greatest strength. Melodic and graceful, the violet haired princess favors the instrument and follows the path of the BARD.

    The Thirteen Darknesses
    The thirteen darknesses consist of a superior that leads 12 knights. These knights are represented by the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

    The Superior. The lord of the 12 knights. The master planner and leader.
    The Rooster. A cocky and unpredictable knight.
    The Horse. A democratic and diligent knight.
    The Monkey. An intelligent and adaptable knight.
    The Bull. A powerful and brutish night.
    The Rat. A resourceful and inquisitive knight.
    The Dog. A loyal and steadfast knight.
    The Dragon. A passionate and tenacious knight.
    The Pig. A lazy and manipulative knight.
    The Tiger. A patient and ambitious knight.
    The Snake. A vain and deceptive knight.
    The Rabbit. A speedy and impulsive knight.
    The Lamb. An innocent, but underestimated knight.
    Thread by: Krowley, Jan 29, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 12

    2,166/5,000 HP

    [40 HP WALL]
    [50% Dodge rate to all! - 3 Cycles]

    AISLINN - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 290%

    ANANTA - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 70%

    AJ - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    BEUCE - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 290%

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    D'DAEAR - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    GLEN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [Mushu - 3 cycles]

    GWENDOLYN - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 250%

    HIKARU - 40/40 HP - 5/5 MP - 140%

    IGNIS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    KAIDA - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270%

    KEL - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290%

    LUNA - 43/43 HP - 4/4 MP - 80%

    STEEL - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280%

    STRATOS - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 290% [Aerora - 2 cycles]

    XARA - 40/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 50%
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 11

    2,443/5,000 HP

    AISLINN - 28/43 HP - 0/4 MP - 290%

    ANANTA - 20/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 270%

    AJ - 0/40 HP - 0/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]

    BEUCE - 10/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 290% [REZZED]

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 1/4 MP - 250% [Sparky - 1 Cycles]

    D'DAEAR - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [REZZED]

    GLEN - 28/40 HP - 1/4 MP - 280% [Mushu - 3 cycles]

    GWENDOLYN - 20/40 HP - 0/4 MP - 250%

    HIKARU - 22/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 290%

    IGNIS - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [REZZED] [LOCKED]

    KAIDA - 10/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 270% [REZZED]

    KEL - 24/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 290% [REZZED] [LOCKED]

    LUNA - 43/43 HP - 1/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STEEL - 10/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 280% [REZZED]

    STRATOS - 28/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 290% [Aerora - 3 cycles]

    XARA - 0/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 27, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    Mizrabel writhed in pain.
    (More memories began to return to the players)

    "Apparitions soar from your crypt! Confuse his mind, bottle their grip!
    Wind about them to and fro! Keep from them all that they know!"!

    Everyone's Command Gauge and Summons have been restored!

    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 10

    2,500/5,000 HP

    AISLINN - 28/43 HP - 0/4 MP - 290%

    ANANTA - 20/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    AJ - 28/40 HP - 0/4 MP - 250% [REZZED]

    BEUCE - 20/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 290% [LOCKED]

    CELIO - 40/40 HP - 1/4 MP - 250% [Sparky - 2 Cycles]

    D'DAEAR - 18/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [REZZED] [LOCKED]

    GLEN - 28/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    GWENDOLYN - 20/40 HP - 0/4 MP - 250%

    IGNIS - 24/40 HP - 4/4 MP - 270% [REZZED] [LOCKED]

    HIKARU - 22/40 HP - 2/5 MP - 290% [LOCKED]

    KAIDA - 28/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 270% [LOCKED]

    KEL - 24/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 290% [REZZED] [LOCKED]

    LUNA - 43/43 HP - 1/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STEEL - 20/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 280% [LOCKED]

    STRATOS - 28/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 290% [Aerora - 4 cycles] [LOCKED]

    XARA - 10/40 HP - 2/4 MP - 250% [REZZED] [LOCKED]
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 24, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Mizrabel
    R O U N D 9

    2,500/5,000 HP

    AISLINN - 4/43 HP - 0/4 MP

    ANANTA - 20/40 HP - 3/5 MP

    AJ - 10/40 HP - 1/4 MP [REZZED]

    BEUCE - 20/40 HP - 3/5 MP

    CELIO - 24/40 HP - 1/4 MP [Aero - 1 Cycles] [Sparky - 3 Cycles]

    D'DAEAR - 0/40 HP - 4/4 MP [LOCKED] [REZZED]

    GLEN - 4/40 HP - 4/4 MP

    GWENDOLYN - 20/40 HP - 0/4 MP

    IGNIS - 24/40 HP - 4/4 MP [REZZED]

    HIKARU - 4/40 HP - 2/5 MP

    KAIDA - 4/40 HP - 3/4 MP

    KEL - 24/40 HP - 3/4 MP [REZZED]

    LUNA - 43/43 HP - 3/4 MP

    STEEL - 20/40 HP - 3/4 MP

    STRATOS - 4/40 HP - 3/4 MP

    XARA - 10/40 HP - 3/4 MP [REZZED]
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena