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  1. Krowley

    Hiro was in the garage putting some finishing touches to Baymax's new suit.
    "I have some concerns. This armor may undermine my non-threatening, huggable design." Baymax looked at his new dull green karate armor that was designed for him.
    "That’s kind of the idea, buddy. You look sick!" Hiro replied, adding the last bit of 3D printed armor.
    " I cannot be sick. I am a robot."
    "Just an expression."
    Hiro pressed Baymax's eject port to add the new combat chip into his database. His enthusiasm halted for a minute when he saw the chip that was inside him. The green healthcare chip that had Tadashi's name written on it. He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head "Data transfer complete," Baymax' robotic voice confirmed. "I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion."
    "You want to keep me healthy, don’t you?" Hiro ensured he was all well equipped and even managed to test some of his fighting moves in the process.

    "I’ll add fist bump to my care-giving matrix," Baymax noted.
    Hiro: All right. Let’s go get that guy!" Hiro dragged the slowly moving Baymax and headed for the decks a block down the road from his home.
    Hikaru looked at Kaida and offered a fist bump to see if he would get a reaction. Kaida rebuttled it which made him pretty hyped up. Fist bumps were nice...

    Hiro managed to catch up with the RG group who had led the microbots to the fog ridden harbor. Baymax's sensors managed to find them from his earlier scan. The Microbot flew away from out of the petri tray into the ocean's harbor. Emerging from the fog was a man in a long black coat wearing the kabuki mask that Hiro described earlier. He was floating on what looked like a dark black ocean.
    The amount of microbots he was using was overwhelming but Hiro seemed unphased.
    "Baymax, get him!" The man in the kabuki mask used his finger to command the microbots into pushing him to the side like a ragdoll. "Oh no," Baymax said before being knocked aside.
    From the RG side, the man in the Kabuki mask was about to throw waves of microbots at them. From the UG side of things, a heartless cresature could be seen behind the man massproducing microbots like a biomechanical machine!
    Hikaru looked around for his partner in concern as the battle was about to begin.

    UG + RG Players!

    The RG trio had went near the doors of Notre Dame before seeing a hooded man limp passed the rooftops and into the crowd. He seemed uncomfotrtable and kept apologizing as he passed people.
    At this time, Frollo had arrived on the scene with Phoebus to maintain order in the square. Taking that as his queue, the clown known as Clopin who was telling the story was now preparing a new competition for the festival. "Come one! Come all!!" He chimed loudly, striking up the band, he began breaking into song.


    On the last word, Clopin disappears in a puff of smoke, and Esmeralda appears in his place. Esmerelda was a gypsy woman with raven black hair with extoic brown skin. She wore many hoops and bangles with her white and purple dress. This appearance was most likely what Frollo was referring to. She danced a very sultry performance on stage, disgusting the like of the Judge.
    "Look at that disgusting display," Frollo winced.
    "Yes, sir!" Phoebus replied enthusiastically.
    As Esmerelda continued to dance, he pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it around Frollo's head playfully, using it to pull him closer. She moved in to kiss him, but jumps away at the last moment. Uncomfortable and embarrassed, Frollo yanked the handkerchief off his head.

    "And now, the piece de resistance!" Clopin announced.
    The crowd cheered along happily. "TOPSY TURVY!"
    "TOPSY TURVY!" They cheered louder.

    Clopin had been pulling contestants onto the stage getting multiple reactions from the crowd. His gypsy partner in crime; Esmerelda, pulled the hooded man onto the stage. Apparently he might have been wearing a mask under there.The festivities continued until Esmeralda reaches the man and took off his hood to take off his mask. As much as she pulled, the face would not leave his head. The crowd watched in horror. The man was hunchbacked and deformed with red hair and buck teeth.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic. We asked for the ugliest face in Paris, and here he is! Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame!"

    Upon hearing Clopin, the crowd once again grows festive, as Clopin crowned Quasimodo the King of Fools. Everything was well for this poorly misshapen man until darkness began to surround the square, changing people's hearts.

    "You think he's ugly now? Watch this!" A guard threw a tomato at the hunchbacked man, causing the the crowd to go quiet.
    "Now that's ugly! Hail to the king!" Another laughed mockingly, throwing another tomato.
    Soon, Quasimodo was being pelted with produce of all kinds. Shouts came from all directions as he was soon lassoed and tied down on a rotating platform. He sees Frollo watching and shouts for help.

    "Master! Master, please! Help me!" He yelled to Frollo.
    Seeing enough, Phoebus offered help. "Sir, request permission to stop this cruelty."
    |In just a moment, Captain. A lesson needs to be learned here." Darkness surrounded Frollo as festival goers in the RG were unaware that heartless had made their hearts grow dark. Players in the UG could see it all too clearly. UG would have to deal with the heartless, and RG with the people...

    Post by: Krowley, Mar 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    "Glen, I think that's a little overstepping..." Hikaru told him. But as he spoke those words, he was actually contemplating the uses of a statue-esque Yen Sid. While the trapped wizard wouldn't be much help in close combat, he could be useful as defensive measure. A sort of battering ram, perhaps. Could even add flight mechanics to the sides of his chair. Having the button that activates it being placed under his hat. Before he could express more vocal thoughts, Hiro had turned to the house that was supposedly his home.

    "Okay. If my aunt asks, we were at school all day," Hiro instructed Baymax.
    "WE JUMPED OUT A WINDOW!" Baymax exclaimed.
    "No! Quiet!" Baymax whispered.
    "You can’t say things like that around Aunt Cass..." Hiro puished the deflating white balloon bot up the stairs as his aunt was finished up dinner in the kitchen.
    "Hiro? You home, sweetie. I thought I heard you." His Aunt came from the kitchen to greet him. "Look at my little college man. I can’t wait to hear all about it. And wings are almost ready."
    Hikaru could smell the wings and groaned. He had never wanted chicken wings more than this moment.
    "Uh... The thing is that, since I registered so late, I’ve got a lot of school stuff to catch up on," Hiro hugged her as he took a plate upstairs. "Thanks for understanding."
    He took the plate and ran upstairs to get Baymax to his charging station. The robot was happily petting a fat cat, before Hiro shooed it away. He ketp calling it a 'hairy baby.' The UG group not far behind.
    Hiro plopped onto his bed as he was trying to review the day he had over in his head. Baymax was now fully charged and speaking normally.
    "Tadashi." Baymax spoke.
    "What?" Hiro asked.
    Hikaru looked around, in case there were any new keyblade weilders that showed up since then. He felt bad for not fully knowing the current party.
    "Tadashi." Baymax pointed to the empty bed on the other side of the room.
    Hiro sighed as he put a cover over that side of the room. Only a red hat could be seen on his untouched bed. "Tadashi’s gone."
    " When will he return?"
    " He’s dead, Baymax," Hiro solemnly reported.
    "Tadashi was in excellent health. With a proper diet and exercise, he should have lived a long life."
    "Yeah, he should have. But there was a fire, Now, he’s gone."
    It was unlikely from Hiro's tone that he was the one that caused the fire, giving Hikaru a little sigh of relief.
    "Tadashi is here." Baymax stated.
    "No. People keep saying he’s not really gone as long as we remember him. It still hurts..."
    Hikaru had never dealt with loss, since most of his time was spent trying to chase or care for his friends.
    " I see no evidence of physical injury." Baymax reported.
    "It’s a different kind of hurt."
    "You are my patient. I would like to help."
    "You can’t fix this one, buddy..." Baymax was scanning his computer as Hiro finished that sentence. "What are you doing?"
    "I am downloading a database on personal loss... Database downloaded. Treatments include contact with friends and loved ones. I am contacting them now.
    "Wait, what friends?"
    "Your associates from the police station..."
    "No, no, no! I ... Don’t do that-" Hiro tried to stop him.
    "Your friends have been contacted."
    "Unbelievable," Hiro sighed.

    This moment made Hikaru a bit unsure. "Wait... How are they going to contact our partners?..."

    Not far from the docks, the Real Ground players received a beeping notification from their player pins. Baymax's voice could be heard as the white skull blinked with each sound of it's voice.
    "Hello. This is Baymax. Hiro's personal healthcare companion. Hiro is currently suffering the loss of his older brother and my creator; Tadashi Hamada. I have contacted his friends to help him recover from his personal loss. Treatments include contact with his friends ad loved ones. At the police station, Hiro called you his friends and so I have scanned for your DNA signatures and wirelessly found your signal. I look forward to working with you on Hiro's recovery. He is very thankful that you assisting him by finding where the microbot leads. You are all good people. When we meet again, you will get lolipops." The transmission ended. Apparently the pins also worked as a communication device between partners.

    Back at the house, Baymax was towering over Hiro and hugging him.
    "You will be all right. There, there."
    "Thanks, Baymax."
    "I am sorry about the fire."
    'It’s okay. It was an accident. Unless it wasn’t..." An epiphany had overcome Hiro. "At the showcase, that guy in the mask stole my microbots. And... then set the fire to cover his tracks. He’s responsible for Tadashi! We gotta catch that guy!"
    He looked at Baymax's big fluffy appearance.
    "If we’re gonna catch that guy, you need some upgrades..."
    "Will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional state?"
    "Absolutely," Hiro nodded, dragging Baymax down the stairs to the garage.

    It felt like Hiro had a muli-tracked mind always going from one thought to the next. If he was going to the garage to upgrade Baymax, he was wondering if it would be best to leave them be. But at the same time, he couldn't eat the chicken wings his aunt had made for him, so the first option seemed more likely. "If Hiro could upgrade Baymax.. think he could upgrade stuff like our keyblades?" he asked the group.

    The UG trio followed Captain Phoebus as he was escorted to the palace of justice. The guards has led him down a spiraling staircase to what seemed to be a dungeon of sorts. Frollo was just leaving one of the cells when Captain Phoebus was led directly to him.
    "Ah, so this is the gallant Captain Phoebus, home from the wars," Frollo greeted. His voice was very deep and their was an almost haunting aura around the dark robed man.
    "Reporting for duty, as ordered, sir.""Your service record precedes you, Phoebus. I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your calibre."
    "And you shall have it, sir. I guarantee it."
    "Yes. You know, my last captain of the guard was, um, a bit of a disappointment to me..."
    A whip crack and a scream interrupt Frollo, startling Phoebus at the sound of the cracked whip."
    "Well, no matter. I'm sure you'll whip my men into shape."
    "Uh, thank you, sir, uh, very, uh, trem--uh, a tremendous honour, sir."
    As Frollo spoke, he led the Captain up the stairs to the higher vantage point of the Palace so he and Pheobus could get a birds eye view of the entire city.
    "You come to Paris in her darkest hour, Captain. It will take a firm hand to save the weak-minded from being so easily misled."
    "Misled, sir?"
    "Look, Captain--gypsies. The gypsies live outside the normal order. Their heathen ways inflame the peoples' lowest instincts, and they must be stopped."
    A thin layer of darkness began to surround Frollo's aura. The players in the UG could see small puffs of darkness fluttering around his heart.
    Phoebus looked over the rooftop at the three woman he had run into earlier. Assuming that from their clothing, they too, may have been gypsies.
    "I was summoned from the wars to capture fortune tellers and palm readers?"
    "Oh, the real war, Captain, is what you see before you. For twenty years, I have been taking care of the gypsies," On each of the last three words, Frollo crushed one of three ants on a
    tile. He flipped the tile over, revealing scores of ants scurrying around underneath.
    "And yet, for all of my success, they have thrived. I believe they have a safe haven, within the walls of this very city. A nest, if you will. They call it the Court of Miracles."
    "What are we going to do about it, sir?"
    Frollo slammed the tile back down upside down, and turned it, crushing the remainder of the ants.
    "You make your point quite vividly, sir."
    Frollo's darkness slowly faded as the festivities below were beginning.
    "You know, I like you captain. Shall we?"
    He begins to leave, when the crowd below begins to cheer loudly. It seemed the festivities were already starting.
    "Oh, duty calls. Have you ever attended a peasant festival, Captain?"
    "Not recently, sir."
    "Then this should be quite an education for you. Come along..."

    In the city streets below, The trio of ladies in the RG were making there way to the steps of Notre Dame. The streets were restless with entertainers and gypsies alike.
    To their left, was a very colorful clown that was putting on some sort of theatrical story telling.

    "Listen, they're beautiful, no? So many colours of sounds, so many changing moods. Because, you know, they don't ring all by themselves... Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower, lives the mysterious bell ringer. Who is this creature? What is he? How did he come to be there?" The crowd seemed entertained by the tale. "They say that there was disfigured child who was brought to the church when he was only an infant. Nearly two decades have passed and they say that the child is the one who now rings the bells. People who have seen him say he walks with a hunch, a snarl, and large hulking arms... They he is a monster!" The crowd was terrified, but still well engaged. "Hush, and Clopin will tell you. The tale of a man... and a monster..."

    Clopin's tale seemed to be leading the RG group to the Bell tower.

    Post by: Krowley, Mar 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    New trailer;
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 3, 2017 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  4. Krowley
    "Oh chalk won't be necessary." He clapped his hands as he rolled back his shoulders. It was odd to see a man his age limbering up, but there he was. Limbering up. "Man, I haven't done one of these in a long time," He looked at Kiara quickly before he cracked his neck. "You may wanna hold on to something kid... This part gets a little heavy." He cleared his throat as he braced himself.

    "FINAL FANTASY!" He yelled, causing the room around them to transform. The ground beneath their very feet shifted and the room grew bigger and bigger. By the end of it all, the room had become over a hundred feet tall with Lea standing in front of a giant door. "Man, those theatrics never get old," he chuckled.


    "Alright kid... Whenever you're ready." He lifted his Chakrams up and pointed one straight at her, prompting the challenge. "Better hurry though. I hear these things have a time limit..." He was teasing her on purpose, as if testing her patience.

    Post by: Krowley, Feb 28, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley

    Hiro felt a little overwhelmed with all the questions. "Look, you guys are nice and everything, but I think my aunt probably will get weirded out if I bring home a bunch of people." He took the microbot in the petri dish and handed it to AJ. "This is a microbot. It doesn't look like much, but when it links up with the rest of its pals, things get a little more interesting. Originally it was my science project to get in to a better school, but then..." Hiro seemed afflicted by something and tried to detour his mind away from it. "Look, basically something happened and now some guy in a mask has stolen AND manufactured my microbots." He looked at Baymax and took him by himself as he began walking away. The microbot in the petri dish was pointing the group towards the dock, acting as a compass. "I have to go home and upgrade Baymax. If you guys wanna help, just follow the microbot to it's buddies and and don't move until I get there." Hiro seemed a bit cold on the situation, but at least the group was being lead somewhere.

    I. Follow Hiro

    I. Follow the Microbot

    Hikaru noticed the new mission on his keyblade. "Looks like we got our first mission. He turned to Gwendolyn and waved as both UG and RG players had gotten their assignments. "Looks like Yue wants us to stick with Hiro... We'll try and be back soon partner!" He looked to Kaida, Glen and Ignis. "I guess we'll just be following Hiro still? Kaida, you uh... gonna be alright?"

    Post by: Krowley, Feb 28, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    1K Bonus achieved!
    Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies.
    All players have been awarded 1,000 Munny for their hard work!


    "You have no idea," he said to Xara, trying to lug Baymax around. "And what's worse is that he's using my invention!..." He took a breath and tried to collect his thoughts. "Sorry about using you to get out of there... I'm Hiro. This is Baymax. He's a personal healthcare robot. Basically a Nursebot..."
    Baymax was still low on battery and was unknowingly responding to Glen's interactions. "The young adolescent is showing signs of inward loneliness and insecurity. Diagnosis: WwWEweweeeeeooOoooo"
    Hiro sighed. "Baymax is really getting low on power. I'd love to chat, but I should get home. My aunt Cass thinks I've been in school all day..."

    |Sorry madame, I'm afraid I'm under strict and secretive orders." At that moment, two guards approached phoebus in an attempt to guide him away. "Our gravest apologies Captain Phoebus. Judge Frollo is waiting for you eagerly." Phoebus' face lit up, relieved. "Ahh see, that's all I was really looking for. Some good old quality hospitality." He turned to Ananta and Aislinn. "As for Notre Dame, I'm sorry I couldn't take you myself, but just follow the music. From what I could tell, the locals are going on about the Feast of Fools. Seems like a festival of sorts... Well, either way, just follow the music."
    The guards approached him and took his horse by the reigns. "I wish I could help more ladies, but- Duty calls. Best of luck with what you're looking for.

    I. Follow Phoebus

    I. FInd Notre Dame
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    Hikaru shrugged as he followed Kel's suit and phased through the doors into the police station.
    Hiro was seen with his large marshmallow friend, leaning over an officer's desk, explaining everything that happened. The SOS group managed to go inside as the officer was reading back Hiro's claim.
    "All right. Let me get this straight. A man in a kabuki mask attacked you with an army of miniature flying robots?"
    "Microbots!" Hiro corrected, pointing to a a tiny piece of black machinery that he was holding in a petri dish.
    Unamused, the officer continued typing away the boys claim. "MIcrobots..."
    "Yeah. He was controlling them telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter!"
    "So, Mr. Kabuki was using ESP to attack you and balloon man?"
    The white balloon man at this time was using tape to cover tiny holes on his arm.
    "Did you file a report when your flying robots are stolen.
    "No. I thought they were all destroyed. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Baymax was there, too." He turned to the large white robot, eager to find a voice on his side. "Tell him!"
    Yes, Officer. He’s telling the truuuuuuUUUuutttHHhhh...." The robot's voice was tuning itself to a lower pitch.
    "What the ... What’s wrong with you?" Hiro asked, concerned.
    "LOooWw BATTery...." Baymax replied, his eyes becoming lazy.
    "Try to keep it together," Hiro replied, taking an arm over his shoulder. The police officer at this point had lost interest and began typing away at his computer. "Well you should get balloon man home then... Maybe I should call a unit or call your parents then-"
    "No no no! He's fine, really! And look! Here are my friends to help me now!" Hiro exclaimed, pointing at the SOS group.
    " I’m healthcare, your personal Baymax companion. THERE ARE 8 life forms behind you..." Baymax was apparently able to scan people in the UG and registered all 8 players.
    "I’ve gotta get you home to your charging station... An while I'm at it, I should fix your scanner." Hiro looked to the four people standing ahead of them.

    "You... know these kids?"
    Hiro tried to take advantage of an opportunity and tried to keep it going. "Know em? Hah! They're just my best buds... Uh... There's Wasabi... Gogo, uhh... Honey Lemon. and uhh... Fred?" He pointed to Kel, Xara, Gwendolyn and AJ respectively. The names were random and had no connection to anything. Maybe he was just hungry... "Come on guys," he chuckled uncomfortably. |Let's get ol' Baymax home..." He walked past them outside, trying to avoid much contact.

    A woman who shaked hands?" He chuckled at Aislinn. "You really aren't from here.... But for namesake you can call me Phoebus. Captain Phoebus," He shook her hand heartily. "I was called back from the war on the order of a Judge Frollo. Something about an invasion..." He noticed Luna trying to talk to the air around her confused. "Your friend seems to be... lost... But if that's the case, maybe you should take her to Notre Dame. I hear it's a place for answers..."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley

    Hikaru turned to face Gwendolyn; one of the newcomers from before the Mizrabel fight. Some prior confrontations with other people aside, she seemed like a fair enough wielder and he hoped that they could co-operate on a well enough level to beat this first part of the exam. "Gwendolyn, right? I'm sure you'll do just fine... Let's just try and do our best in there," he replied, giving a big smile and a thumbs up to reassure her. "You've got a lot of people to help guide you through it, so don't worry about strength. We've always had numbers on our side. And that's not going to stop now." He guided Gwendolyn through the portal and appeared in a new city.

    Hikaru opened his eyes after going through the portal, blinking to adjust his eyes.
    It was a very vibrant and active city, lots of people walking around and the buildings were covered in advertisements and modern housing. It was similar to the Shibuya world they had just left, but with a more vibrant presence. Hikaru looked at his hands. Nothing seemed to have been different. He didn't even feel much like a ghost.

    He saw a person walking by and thought he would try asking if they had ever heard of some one named 'Hiro.' He jogged a bit to cut them off and stood in front of the random walking citizen. "Excuse me, I was just wondering if-" he was cut off when the person walked straight on through them. "Oh, right... Underground..." He turned back to his partner. "Hey Gwendolyn, any luck on your end? We're trying to find some one named Hiro, yeah?"

    At that moment, by the police station, a young boy was seen frantically running past them. He wore a blue hoodie jacket, a red shirt, long dark beige capri shorts, and dark brown trainers with yellow laces. He ran his hands through his messy black hair as something seemed to have freaked him out.

    Behind him, was a very slow walking robot that looked like a giant marshmallow. It has small beady black eyes and waddled as it walked. "Hiro. It is important to look both ways when crossing the street." The robot spoke as he followed Hiro into the police station.

    The players who arrived in the City of the Bells were transported to the center of the square. The city was booming with festivities and there were even some entertainers performing in the street. It was odd, but some of the citizens seemed to be turned off by the entertainers. "Stay away, child--they're gypsies. They'll steal us blind," one mother said, pulling her child away.

    An out of place citizen was a blonde man in golden armor. He was pulling his white horse through the rustic city trying to look at a map. "Huh, ya leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything," he told his horse. He looked around for any sign of help, before spotting Ananta and Aislinn. They looked as out of place as he did. He had been ignored by most of the locals all day, so he thought he'd take a shot on some visitors like himself. "Excuse me, ladies, I'm looking for the Palace of Justice. You wouldn't happen to know where that is, would you?"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    "Well seeing as how this is a lot to take in, I'lll make the challenge simple." He took the orb of from before and placed in on a pedestal behind him. "In this case, I'm the challenger." He fiddled around the orb in his hand as he walked around Kiara. "Hmm, let me think, let me think..." he pondered as he circled around her. The more he thought back, the more he recalled his younger days. This gave him an incentive to what he was about to challenge next. "Since I know I probably wouldn't win in a battle of strength, let's try something a little different... My challenge to you, is to get to the orb behind me. Can use your new weapon or whatever else you need. Simple enough, right?" He gave a small chuckle. "But here's the catch. If I ta you, I win. That's the game... Now you get to set the conditions."

    Post by: Krowley, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    Yue approached the group and opened two portals.
    "Okay scrubs, listen up... I've managed to pick 7 worlds with a bridge between the Realground and the Underground. I'll be keeping you updating with new missions and objectives to keep you on the right path. Since you've already divided yourselves up between RG and UG players, I will be sending you messages accordingly. Your player pins will engrave the missions on your keyblade. You will seven in total. Six for every player and one main one.' Yue activate the main mission that appeared on the hilt of every wielder.

    La Cite des Cloches

    "Defeat the Monster. Save the Man."

    San Fransokyo

    "Help Hiro."

    "The world portals will only remain open for 24 hours. After that you'll have failed the exam. RG players will be able to only see other RG players, and your partner. UG players will be able to see everything, but can only affect and destroy heartless. As far as UG players are considered, they're just ghosts." She looked over the cast of players with a slimmer of doubt. She approached Kaida slowly and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Third times the charm," she offered a small nod and let the players choose their direct worlds.

    *NOTE: 24 hours = 1 Month real time.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Maka spent 430 crowns.

    +5 HP
    +26 STR
    +13 Speed
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Krowley


    I see your name every time I have to edit the starting post for one of my roleplays (Since yours is the next post under haha)
    Anyways, welcome back, and I hope you find lots of fun nostalgic things!
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Krowley
    The above is what I'm looking for in terms of format.
    Quotes should be in brackets, as well as what you spent in crown and munny totals.
    It just makes things simpler to update. Thank you.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  14. Krowley
    "That's the spirit," Lea smiled. He walked over to a small table that resided beside the wall of weaponry and placed his hand on it. The orb glowed a fiery red as it revealed a stone tableture that showcased rules to what looked like a peuliar game. "Because I'm gonna show you just how beneficial change can be..."
    The tablet read as follows;

    Rules of FINAL FANTASY
    Rule #1 - A Final Fantasy is declared when 2 or more parties are interested in fighting for over dominion of an element. This element can come in the form of a living or inanimate host.
    Rule #2 - The Challenger is able to choose the challenge while the opponent is able to set the conditions
    Rule #3 - The winner of the challenge gains dominion over the element and is granted judgement. To spare the loser's life, or to end it.

    "You see back in the age of fairy tales, there existed a giant crystal. An immense and powerful source of magic that held inside... Fire, Ice, Thunder, you name it. Darkness came into the world and shattered the crystal into millions of pieces, spreading it across the world. The magic manifested itself inside items and giant beasts. The smaller magical items are known to some as Materia, but the purest form of each element are known for their original name of 'FANTASIES.' Finding a Fantasy meant that it could grant the user great power and dominion over the element. When I worked for an organization way back when, I was offered the Fire Fantasy... game me incredible power to control fire." Lea lit his chakrams ablaze for a second before swinging them over his back. "I still have dominion over the Fire element. And I could share it with you," he gave a small smirk. "If you can beat me that is..." He pointed to the rules tablet so she understood what had to be done.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    "You can change your identity, but never forget who you are... It may be what forges you, but it's not what defines you." Lea pulled a lever that revealed an arsenal of weapons; both offensive and defensive. The wall was lined with different shapes of blades mostly. "Back when I was without the keyblade, I worked for an organization of very... serious... guys." He grabbed a pair of chakrams. He twirled them around in his hands getting a good familiar feel of them around his fingers. "Feels like just yesterday," he smirked. "As you can see with the keyblade, it's just like an extension of yourself. Which is why I'm letting you choose. And be sure to take your time. You don't want a weapon that you aren't comfortable using later on."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    "This is the main location of the reaper's game," Yue replied answering both Stratos and Kel.
    "The world itself is called Shibuya. It exists in both the realm of light and the realm of darkness. In a way, every world has two versions. The one in the realm of light is called the RG or 'RealGround,' and the one in the realm of darkness is the UG or the 'Underground.' Every world has a keyhole that bridges these two worlds together... Most often than not, we allow the keyholes to remain open for easy access to both realms. But if the infusion of heartless is too great, the keyhole has to be sealed to protect the safety of the world."
    "Because the heartless can destroy the keyhole and break the link?" Hikaru asked.
    "Right..." Yue replied. "The order have seen you all close multiple keyholes in your journey... For that we are grateful. But that alone won't stop them... All it takes is for some one with a keyblade to go into the realm of darkness and open the keyhole from the Underground version of the world, and heartless can continue to thrive." That comment seemed to put a damper on things. "But that's not to say what you've done so far hasn't been for nothing. Once you get back to the realm of light-"
    "Oh Yue, Yue, Yue... You make it seem like they've already passed." A man in a funky looking black soon came from the far corner of the street. He ware red headphones around his neck and wore silver shades with a black tint. His long black hair settles delicately over his shoulders. He had a very ominous and unsettling presence about him. And we was pale. Very pale...
    "Megumi..." Yue grunted.
    "Oh but that's so formal... Please. Megumi Kitanji if you would. Or Mr. Kitanji.... I sometimes go by Shades now and again..." His mind wandered as he snapped back into focus. "But enough about me, let's talk about the fresh meat you've brought into my neck of the woods... Quite young don't you think?"
    "They're here to complete their mark of mastery. Nothing more."
    "And let me guess, you'd like to use my specialized Underground for such a purpose?
    "Not for free. I know full well that nothing in the Reaper's game is without cost."
    "That you do... And here I thought you swore ever returning to this place. But I'm sure your little underlings know full well of that."
    Yue remained silent and looked away.
    "No? Well this is a nice time for a story then isn't it?... You see Yue here at one point was a Harrier Class Reaper in the Reaper's game. One of the most rigorous and cruel if I do say so myself. She played the game well. But all of that changed when one girl came into the game. Delicate looking thing. She didn't have a partner. Girl was going to face erasure. Then along comes Yue like an angel of mercy and makes a pact with her. Helped her finish the game and win. After that the two fled to the realm of light." He smirked. "But that blindfold tells me there's still darkness in you."
    "What's your price For their entry?" Yue asked, trying to deter away from her origin story.
    "Well seeing as how there are fourteen players, that would mean you owe me fourteen weeks of work as a Reaper's officer again... Which means you work for me for the next three and a half months once their game is complete."
    Yue sighed and relunctantly agreed. "Deal... But on three conditions... One. I'm the Game Master for their exam. No outside reaper interference."
    "Agreed," He smirked. "It's your game after all."
    "Two. The 7 day format will be altered to fit their case of urgency."
    Megumi chuckled. "Very well. The route of 7 days will change to 7 worlds to allocate their keyblader needs. They can seal the keyhole, but a mission still has to be implemented for them to complete along with a time limit. Rules are rules after all."
    "Agreed," Yue replied. "And finally, my third condition. The game will be exclusive to only these fourteen players. No one else to be added to the roster."
    "All very commendable and respectable choices- But I have on condition of my own... Their price is to be chosen by me."
    Yue begrudingly accepted. "Fine... Just so long as we can get this over with... What's their price?"
    "What was it?"
    "Oh Yue, where's the fun in that?" He chuckled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other games to attend to." He walked away waving his hand farewell.

    With Yue now left alone with them, she cleared her throat and prepared to speak.
    "Okay, let me explain a couple of things about this special reaper's game;
    1) You will be pacted into partners. This partner shares your HP, MP and all skills and abilities. If one of you is knocked out, you both are.
    2) When you and your partner will enter a world, One of you will be thrown into the RG version of that world, and the other will be thrown in the UG version. Only your RG partner can see you. (Like an imaginary friend)
    3) The player in the RG version will be able to talk and converse with people in the world, while the UG player is virtually invisible to howeworld people in the RG.
    4) Players in the UG will be able to see and fight any enemies and heartless that try to head into the RG. They can also follow into places that will be undetected."


    Yue tossed everyone a Player Pin.


    "Right, let's get this reaper's game done right done and quick then.... These new yanks are a bit iffy if you ask me. Especially the brown haired haired one with the green scarf. It's either too cold and you need a scarf, or it's too warm and you need a tank top. You can't have both, mate!" He yelled from Yue's pocket.
    "And take these three... they're messing up my pockets."

    Bernard was given to Luna.
    Bianca was given to Xara.
    Jake was given to Beuce.

    "Okay, now while I would be all up for letting you choose your partners, I need to get you guys moving as soon as possible... Here are the partners for this round of worlds;"








    Choose one player to go to the RG version of the world, and the other to the UG.
    "UG" Players are meant to act as combatants against any enemies coming from the realm of darkness as well as stealth missions."
    "RG" Players acts as diplomats and visual help for the homeworld denizens.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    It always surprises me the level of detail compared to the previous games. It really does show with the unreal engine.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Krowley
    Lea nodded to Karina as he turned to Yue. She looked away in a moody disposition. "Well I guess this is our cue to leave then." He looked to Yue and yelled; "Take good care of them!" Lea led onwards as he and Karina would make their exit.

    Their Story continues...

    Yue in the meanwhile looked to the rest of the 14 wielders. "Should be enough for at least 7 pairings. Let's get a move on."
    "Wait!" Dreamer interrupted. "Before you leave, I have a few parting gifts for the servants of sanctuary..."
    "The what?" Yue asked.
    "SOS... Keybladers that serve the worlds- Are you sure you're a member of the order? I would have expected members to have known more keyblade lore..."
    Yue grunted at him, causing him to explain faster. "Yes, well... as I was saying... Seeing as how your trials will only get harder from here, I thought I would offer a small upgrade.

    DREAMER opened access to the Summoner Job

    "And seeing as how you will be exploring more worlds on your journey, you'll need some one to help document your story..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the three rescuer mice.
    "These mice are protectors of world's, just like you... I'm sure you'll find them useful on your journey.
    "Just call us yer ace in the hole! Name's Jake, and that there's Bianca and the pudgy one is Bernard."
    "Very wonderful to meet you all," Bianca said excitedly.
    "Pleased to meet you- And I am not pudgy... It's just winter fur," Bernard added, covering his belly with his sweater.


    Bernard is a serious, alert, and superstitious American mouse.
    Miss Bianca is an intelligent, kind, and optimistic Hungarian mouse.
    Jake is a daring, suave, and adventurous Australian Kangaroo mouse.​

    Dreamer gave all three to Yue to hold on to. "Soon as you all pass your exam, you're getting these back."
    "Well geez lady, don't go treating us like property now," Jake commented.
    "Take good care of them." Dreamer added. He turned to the rest of the weilders. "Best of luck on your exam. I'll be watching." With that, he faded and left them all in Yue's care.

    "Okay then... Let's get moving." Yue pulled a card from her pocket with the letters 'CAT' on them. The card glowed in her hand as she tossed it into the air. Light enveloped the group as they were all trasnported to an entirely new world in the realm of darkness.


    "Welcome to the Undergorund... Shibuya district."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley
    [VOLUME 1]
    - CHAPTER I -

    "Welp, this is it."
    Lea's hand lay sprawled out against the dusted cavern wall, shaking off the old dust that covered the wall. He looked up into the nothingness of darkness, with his arms stretched out. "Been some time since I've been here. I doubt the Organization's needed it since-" He looked to the impatient girl known as Karina realizing she wouldn't have any idea what he was talking about. "Nevermind..."
    It hadn't been long since the search started, and he felt as laid back as ever. The cave entrance opened as a giant rock lowered, the torches inside instantly begining to light themselves. The lit torches brightened the entrance, as below the entrance into the cave was a large spiraling staircase that want down for a few levels. He stepped forward as he began to walk down the step, nudging his head for her to follow. "So how are you holding up kid? Pick a new name yet?"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Hikaru watched as Karina walked away. It was unfortunate that of all the wielders they'd come across, this could've been the only chance they'd gotten to say goodbye to one of them. Base, Aden, Anora, Eon, Kross... So many that helped start the journey had left to take care of more personal matters. As he watched her depart with Lea, everyone began to wave and yell their goodbyes at her. As much as he wanted to do so, Hikaru simply stood and watched her leave. He heard Kaida yell that they'd see her later. Which he thought best summed their departure from each other considering Karina's disdain for most sentimental things. He recalled the many battles he spent alongside her, from their first meeting in Dwarf Woodlands, to their showdown with the Shadow blot, to their most recent victory over Mizrabel. She was a tough and valuable member of the group he hated to see go. Despite her often cold personality, she still had her heart in the right place. Wherever it took her, he only wished her the best.
    "Thanks for everything," he said in a low tone.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 17, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena