I was the 207th person to sign up for the mobile version.
Hikaru smiled at Base's re-inclusion into the group. "Thanks," Hiro nodded to those willing to help. Taking into account what what Base had said, he went back to the computer and looked over the camera footage from the teleportation experiment. He fast forwarded to the part of the experiment that went haywire and saw Professor Callaghan viciously emerge from another room and attack Mr. Krei. "Krei! You did this! You knew it wasn’t ready!" "Callaghan? He was there?... What happened to him? He was such a good man... Well, whatever it was, the answer must be somewhere around here." Hiro investigated more of the different camera angles before finding one angle where it showed Callaghan hugging the pilot that got lost in the experiment. He zoomed in onto her name-tag that read 'Abigail Callaghan.' "The pilot is Callaghan’s daughter. Callaghan blames Krei!" He turned to the other weilders and told Baymax to spread his wings. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's fly back to the city and go get Callaghan" Meanwhile, at Krei's opening ceremony... Allister Krei is just about to set up the stage for his final speech to the press. "It’s all set up. This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream. But none of this would’ve been possible without a few bumps in the road. Those setbacks made us stronger, and set us on the path to a bright future." As Krei finished up his toast, microbots swarmed the arena. "What is that? Setback? Was my daughter a setback?" Callaghan cried through the Kabuki mask. Krei recognized the voice and stepped back in disbelief. "Callaghan! But you... Your daughter, that ... That was an accident." "No! You knew it was unsafe. My daughter is gone because of your arrogance." Callaghan commanded his microbots to rebuild the teleporter with the broken pieces he found from the harbor. As the zivillians fled the scene, Krei watched in horror as the teleporter was becoming online, thanks to the towering microbot stillts that made the arena look like it was covered in a dark wed. "What are you doing?!" "You took everything from me when you sent Abigail into that machine... Now I’m taking everything from you." "No. No, no, you can’t!" "You’re going to watch everything you’ve built disappear. Then, it’s your turn." Darkness surged around Callaghan as the Assault Dragon continued to supply Callaghan with hundreds of thousands of microbots. Hiro and the rest of the crew had just arrived back into the city with Baymax "Professor Callaghan! Let him go! Is this what Abigail would’ve wanted?" Hiro cried out. "Abigail is gone!" "This won’t change anything. Trust me, I know..." "Listen to the kid, Callaghan," Krei begged. "Please let me go. I’ll give you anything you want!" Callaghan turned to Krei and used his microbots to press him against the wall. "I want my daughter back!" Hiro put on his visor and hopped on Baymax's back "Go for the mask!" Hiro's suggested plan was going to be easier said than done, as his microbots swarmed around the group. (YOUR BOSS BATTLE BEGINS SOON! GEAR UP!) As the guards dwindled in the court of miracles, Quasimodo, lay on his knees in shambles for the mistake he had made. All of Paris was burning and it was all his fault. He looked up and saw a strange looking, cold looking heartless float towards the outer sewers. "Th-that creature!" He stood up and pointed to the three girls with him. "It looks like he's headed for Notre Dame!" Without even thinking, Quasimodo chased the creature in hopes the girls would follow when they were done. "The town's already in danger. That monster's gonna make things worse!" ------- Meanwhile topside, the UG crew had just finished off the red nocturnes, when they saw the heartless they were spawning from. "Hey! There's the ugly guy that's doing all the fire starting!" Hugo yelled, pointing at the heartless. "Hey ugly! What's the big idea!" The heartless blinked it's eyes and headed towards Notre Dame. (YOUR BOSS BATTLE BEGINS SOON! GEAR UP!)
@tamale Switched to Ursus for a change of pace. My ID is 207 Name is Krowley
As Kel inserted the healthcare chip into Baymax's panel, his eyes turned from red, back into it's usual black. On the Underground side of things, the Dark Baymax had dispersed at the restoration of Baymax to his usual lovable self. "My healthcare protocol has been violated. I regret any distress I may have caused." Hiro turned back to try and find Callaghan, but the man had already fled the scene. "How could you do that? I had him! I never should have let you help me! Baymax, find Callaghan!" "Your blood pressure is elevated. You appear to be distressed," Baymax pointed out. "I’m fine! Is your censor working?" "My sensor is operational." " Good. Then let’s get-" Hiro tried to get rid of Tadashi’s chip of Baymax access port in vain, but the port wouldn't open. "Are you going to remove my healthcare chip?" "Yes. Open!" " My purpose is to heal the sick and injured." " Baymax, open your access port!" "Do you want me to terminate Professor Callaghan?" "Just open!" Hiro tried again to no avail as everyone stood around him. Baymax seemed unwilling to go on the warpath as well. "Will terminating Professor Callaghan improve your emotional state?" "Yes! No! I don’t know! Open your access port!" "Is this what Tadashi wanted?" "It doesn’t matter!" "Tadashi programed me to aid and-" "TADASHI'S GONE!" Hiro slammed his fists againast Baymax. He began to tear up against the robot. "Tadashi's... gone..." Baymax's chest plate was removed as Baymax attempted to restore Hiro's faith. "Tadashi is here." A Hiro wiped his teaars, he looked up to Baymax. "Thanks, Baymax. I’m... so sorry. I guess I’m not like my brother..." He turned to the four of the keyblade wielders he could see and apologized. "Guys, I... I'm sorry... I'm going to catch Callaghan, and, this time, I’ll do it right. I understand if no one wants to help me this time. I've been a jerk." ---
As Kaida contemplated strategy, he took head of the words she asked to Kel. "Did you guys figure out a way to stop him yet?" The whole fight began when Hiro removed Tadashi's healthcare chip from Baymax's data matrix. He didn't know a lot about machines, but Baymax was a far more friendly robot, when he had that green chip inside him. He looked around cautiously as to not get bombarded again by his rocket fist, as he dashed over to the discarded chip. He bent down to pick it up, only for the chip to phase right through his fingertips. "Dangit!" He looked around for his partner; Base, but couldn't find him in the scuffle. He looked to one of his party members in the UG and yelled to them. "Guys! Try and alert one of your partners! If we can get Tadashi's healthcare chip back into Baymax, maybe he'll revert to normal! I mean... He only went haywire when Hiro removed it, right?" The Dark Baymax set his eyes on Hikaru as he prepared to fire another rocket at him. Quickly picking up his blade, he fired two blizzard spells in quick succession. One to hold his gauntlet in place, and the other to help keep it grounded. "Preferable sooner than later!" he yelled out. EXP Writer Total: 51 EXP Dark Baymax: 353/500 BP. (IF SOME ONE FROM THE REALGROUND INSERTS BAYMAX'S HEALTHCARE CHIP, THE BATTLE ENDS EARLY) With the help of the UG trio, Phoebus managed to struggle his way to Notre Dame. Watching from his clocktower, Quasimodo scowled at the Captain of the Guard. "What are you doing here?! I told you to-" "Frollo..." Phoebus slowly coughed out. He was holding his side, gaining the attention of a suspicious Quasimodo. "What happened?" "Frollo and his men... they're going to tear Paris apart looking for your gypsy friend. I didn't want to take part in it so he attacked me, claiming I was a traitor... We have to warn her- AGGH!" Quasimodo was still keeping his guard up, but climbed down the tower to get Phoebus and help tend to his wounds. As he lifted Phoebus back up, Three gargoyles with no bottom halves to speak of, approached Beuce, Stratos and Steel. "Now that's a tough kid. Old bucket head threaten's his girl, and he still tries to help the man," a short portly gargoyle stumbled along. "Well what'd you expect? We're made of stone, but Quasi's made of something stronger," an aged looking one added. "Indubetably. A man whose spirit will outlive the walls he hides in." The last gargoyle was taller than the other two and spoke in a very refined accent. The portly one nudged the taller one. "Uhh Victor, I think those three kids can see us..." "Perposterous Hugo. Laverne, tell Hugo he's just eaten too much croissants again and is imagining things." The elderly one took a closer look. "Look's like the fat one's right. They don't seem to be looking away. "Yeah!... And hey!" After some alcohol tending and bandage wrapping, Phoebus managed to lift himself "We have to find the Court of Miracles, before daybreak. If Frollo gets there first... are you coming with me? "I can't..." "I thought you were Esmeralda's friend." "Frollo's my master. I can't disobey him again." "She stood up for you. You've got a funny way of showing gratitude." He paused in silence as Quasimodo turned away. "Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch Frollo massacre innocent people. You do what you think is right." "Look. What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the jaws of death, and the whole town will cheer like I'm some sort of hero? She already has her knight in shining armour, and it's not me. Frollo was right. Frollo was right about everything. I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not!" Phoebus stood there, unwavered by his feelings made public. "I must be out of my mind!" Qusimodo left the Gargoyles in care of the UG trio as he chased after Phoebus. At ground level, Phoebus is exiting the cathedral. No sooner has he stepped outside, that Quasi hops in front of him. "I'm glad you changed your mind," Phoebus spoke. "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for her." "You know where she is? " "No, but she said this would help us find her." Quasi pulled out the talisman and handed it to Phoebus. "Hmm. Must be some sort of code. Maybe it's Arabic. No, no, it's not Arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek..." Quasimodo began muttering Esmerelda's words to himself. "When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand. "What?" "It's the city!" "What are you talking about?" "It's a map! See, here's the cathedral, and the river, and this little... "All right, okay. You say it's a map, fine, it's a map. If we're going to find Esmeralda, we have to work together. Truce? He slapped Quasi on the back. "Well...okay." Quasi slapped Phoebus back. Phoebus winced from the pain as they head off. "Sorry..." "No you're not." BACK IN THE COURT OF MIRACLES Not long after the RG trio's arrival, Quasi and Phoebus were tied and bound before being taken up to a platform. Nooses were placed around their necks. "Gather around, everybody! There's good 'noose' tonight!" The clown Clopin began. "It's a double header, a couple of Frollo's spies! And not just any spies! His captain of the guard, and his loyal, bell ringing henchman!" Clopin cracks his knuckles as he's about to pull the handle to drop the floor out from underneath Quasi and Phoebus. "Any last words?" Phoebus and Quasi mumble through their gags "That's what they all say!" "Stop!" A gypsy woman cried out. "That's the soldier that saved the miller's family!" "And Quasimodo helped me escape the cathedral," Esmerelda added. As Quasi and Phoebus were untied, Phoebus looked over the crowd. "We came to warn you! Frollo's coming! He says he knows where you're hiding, and he's attacking at dawn with a thousand men." "Then let's waste no time! We must leave immediately!" Gypsies began running everywhere, beginning to pack up. Esmeralda moves in close to Phoebus. "You took a terrible risk coming here. It may not exactly show, but we're grateful." As she moves closer, Phoebus notices Quasi's depressed look. "Don't thank me. Thank Quasimodo. Without his help, I would never have found my way here." Quasi's face brightened up, but only for a moment. The man whose voiced boomed into the room, ruined his shining moment. "Nor would I!" Frollo added. Frollo and his men appeared in the doorway. Soldiers surrounding the people and taking the gypsies into custody. "After twenty years of searching, the Court of Miracles is mine at last... Dear Quasimodo, I always knew you would someday be of use to me. And look what else I've caught in my net--Captain Phoebus, back from the dead. Another miracle, no doubt. I shall remedy that." He turned to the frightened gypsies as his hordes of guards surrounded them. "Lock them up!" "No, please, master." Frollo pulled away Esmerelda as his guards increased in numbers. Quasimodo was held down as the guards loomed in on the RG ladies...
All accepted. @cstar - Please add your stats and any other missing info.
"There are those who go through the realm of darkness and back, unscathed. And then there are those who must dawn the Black Coat..." BASIC INFORMATION Name: (Your name and what you go by. If a nobody, you cannot have an X in your name.) Proof of Existence: (Your title. Example: Roxas is "The Key To Destiny.") Age: (How old are you?) Race: (Somebody or Nobody) Birthplace: (Homeworld or place you became a nobody) Catchphrase: (A motto or saying you frequently have. Optional) Personality: Main theme: (The music that plays when you make your entrance) APPEARANCE Hair: Eyes: Skin Color: Height: Distinguishing features: (Tattoos? Piercings? Scars?) BATTLE STYLE Weapon: (You may select any main weapon that isn't a keyblade) Stats: (allot 40 points into Strength, Intelligence, Magic, Speed, Defense, Critical, and Limit Break) Element/Power: (Dominion over an elemental power you would like to gain in the roleplay) Techniques: List down three techniques done in battle and how they're done. Fighting Style: (Offensive? Defensive? Strategic?) Limit Break: (Your ultimate kamikaze technique. This takes a lot of energy to perform) Battle theme: (The music that plays when you begin a battle) ACCEPTED CHARACTERS BC-01 - Karina BC-02 - Melus BC-03 - Luther BC-04 - Vallus BC-05 - Aeira BC-06 - Arctus BC-07 - Koa BC-08 - Finlay BC-09 - Dastgir BC-10 - Rydia BASIC INFORMATION Name: Karina, goes by Kiara Proof of Existence: The Raging Avenger Age: 18 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Blackcreek Catchphrase: Piss off Personality: Short tempered, easily annoyed. Kiara doesn't deal well with people. She is closed off and self destructive in a way. She hates herself more than anyone and because of that limits herself. Main theme: Hikari APPEARANCE Hair: Medium-long straight black hair. Eyes: Blue Skin Color: Pale white Height: 5'10" Distinguishing features: Two long scars down her back, several micro scars on her hands, arms, and back. BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Whip blade Stats: Strength: 10 Intelligence: 4 Magic: 5 Speed: 5 Defense: 3 Critical: 6 Limit Break: 7 Element/Power: Fire Techniques: Ring of Fire: Creates a flaming wall around an enemy causing damage if they try to leave the space Flame eater: Absorbs fire and gain HP back from it Flaming Strike: Channels fire through the whip in fire adding additional damage to a strike Fighting Style: Offensive Limit Break: Kiara is able to channel the power of the sun and create a great glowing orb of extreme power to throw in a large radius of the area. Battle theme: Theme Name: Melus Proof of Existence: The Harmonic Sough Age: 18 Race: Nobody Birthplace: Sonorous Valley Catchphrase: N/A Personality: Melus comes across as very friendly and playful, she's loyal to her team even though sometimes she can forget details or tasks. However, when something is wrong with her, she often pretends like nothing is wrong, keeping up the playful facade in order to keep people from being down. Main theme: Melus' Theme APPEARANCE Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Skin Color: Peach Height: 5'10 Distinguishing features: N/A Picture: Melus BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Lyharp Element/Power: Wind Fighting Style: Strategic Limit Break: Wind's A Round- Creates three wind clones of a party member. The first clone's attack does 75% of the damage, the second clone's attack does 50% of the damage, and the third does 25% of the damage. Battle theme: Hymn of Hostile Winds BASIC INFORMATION Name: Luther Fullbright Proof of Existence: The Resplendent Flash Age: 25 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Fullbright Manor Catchphrase: "Eyes forward." Personality: Luther is an adrenaline junky. He grew up in the lap of luxury, but this life caused him to be prone to perpetual boredom. He longed for thrill, adventure, combat. He wanted to be thrown into the jaws of danger and not know if he can pull through. He thrives on unwinnable situations, and goes out of his way to find them. He has a strong sense of honor, and believes that battles should begin on equal terms. He refuses to participate in any kind of ambush. Though, once a fight has begun, your goal is to eliminate your opponent, and all is fair game. Main theme:Flash of the Blade APPEARANCE Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Skin Color: White Height: 6"1 Distinguishing features: A scar down his right cheek onto his neck. Picture: ~ BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Rapier and Dagger Stats: Strength: 4 Intelligence: 7 Magic: 2 Speed: 10 Defense: 3 Critical: 10 Limit: 3 Element/Power: Illusion Fighting Style: Strategic Techniques: Riposte: Luther's ability to parry and counter is almost unnatural, letting him swat aside far more than blades before he thrusts out in a counterattack Bladeworks: Luther makes a series of six feints in quick succession before striking at his opponent's heart Look at me, I'm a cool guy. I do cool guy things. (Name Pending): Luther flourishes his weapon in a very showy manner. One would assume this to leave him entirely open, but if an opponent attacks him in this state, he is behind them in the blink of an eye, striking his hapless opponent wasting their time on air. Limit Break: Manibus Stupefy: Pierce the invincible with naught but a clap - Luther channels all of his killing intent into a single strike with his dagger. When his enemy's attention is focused on this blow of certain death, he drops the knife seconds before the strike would connect. While their focus is trained on the knife as they register what happened, he claps in front of their face to rip them out of their state of concentration. Dazed from being pulled from their intense focus so suddenly, they cannot gather the thought needed to defend from his next stab. Battle theme: The Only Thing I Know for Real - Crossing Blades Mix BASIC INFORMATION Name: Vallus Proof of Existence: "The Blade of Frozen Time" Age: 19 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Saint's Altar Catchphrase: "It'll be over in a second" Personality: Vallus is as headstrong as he is restless. He hates it when things stand in his way and impede on any progress that he could be making. At best this makes him come across as being impatient, but usually its kept in check buy him tapping his finger against his wrist or the bottom of his blade. Main theme: Stand Proud APPEARANCE Hair: Blonde Eyes: Red Skin Color: White Height: 5"9 Distinguishing features: N/A Picture: Vallus BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Wakizashi Stats: Strength: 10 Intelligence: 5 Magic: 4 Speed: 10 Defense: 4 Critical: 3 Limit Break: 4 Element/Power: Time Techniques: Tempus Mico (Time Flash): Basically Zantesuken, cept it can be used twice back to back and damage isn't dealt til the last Zantensuken ends. Tempus Coit (Time Freezes): Vallus freezes time for 2 seconds around his intended target allowing him to gain a upper hand or quickly close the distance between them. Tempus Mora (Time Delay): By freezing time in quick, brief intervals, Vallus can make after images of himself appear that will mimic his actions shortly after he makes them. Fighting Style: Offensive Limit Break: Tempus Inanis (Time Void): Let naught stand in your way, not even time - Vallus creates a space around himself and the target of his attack and freezes time around them. In this space only Vallus has the freedom to move. This space lasts for only five seconds, but that's more than enough time for Vallus to unleash a flurry of slashes towards his foe, all of which being dealt once the five seconds have ended. Battle theme: Master of Time with the Lunar Dial Spoiler: Click the Spoiler Killer Queen has already touch the spoiler tag BASIC INFORMATION Name: Aeira Erde Proof of Existence: The Enduring Mantle Age: 19 Race: Somebody once told me... Birthplace: Krovall Personality: Aeira tends to keep a serious expression on their face. While she is not adverse to company or the idea to friendship, she has difficulty making them. She is easily irritated, and when a person does something to make her so, she has a tendency to scold them. She does not have an inherent respect for anyone, and doesn't really get that she comes off as rude. She does not have a good understanding of the moods and feelings of people, and has a tendency to downplay other's issues or just flat out think one is stupid for having them. She is not smart and is slightly gullible, but has an overly simplistic way of thinking that sometimes compensates. Main theme APPEARANCE Hair: Green. Long, draping over her shoulders and stretching halfway down her back. Eyes: Red Skin Color: Caucasian. Pale. Height: 5'10" Distinguishing features: N/A Reference Image BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Gauntlets Stats: Strength: 10 Intelligence: 4 Magic: 4 Speed: 8 Defense: 10 Critical: 2 Limit: 2 Element/Power: Earth Techniques: Stoneskin: Aeira hits her fists together, causing their skin to temporarily become as tough as stone, giving her extra durability and defense. Earthbreaker: Generally done by Aeira quickly stomping on the ground with her foot. This causes the earth in the general area to break and shake, causing people nearby to be thrown off balance. Rock Satellite: By punching the ground, Aeira forces five rocks, roughly the size of her fist, to be conjured and orbit around her. By punching, Aeira commands the rocks to fly towards that destination, 1 rock per punch, in the direction of said punch. Fighting Style: Defensive. Limit Break: Hephsin Yulind - Earth Seraph's Fury: Aeira creates two large arms, roughly the size of her, out of rock. These arms hover on either side of her and mimick her movements made with each respective arm. Battle theme BASIC INFORMATION Name: Arctus Proof of Existence: The Nocturnal Hunter Age: 24 Race: Somebody Birthplace: The Valley of Cael Catchphrase: "I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation." Personality: Arctus knows his strengths and weaknesses very well so he never feels the need to show off or react when taunted about his abilities. He's fairly perceptive about others and is usually a willing talker. He likes to avoid fights when possible but when battle is inevitable he's learned from experience that the best defense is a ridiculously strong offense. Main theme: Arctus's Theme APPEARANCE Hair: Black Eyes: Gray Skin Color: White Height: 6'0" Distinguishing features: N/A Picture: Arctus BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Noctilucent Stats: Strength: 7 Intelligence: 6 Magic: 7 Speed: 6 Defense: 7 Critical: 1 Limit: 6 Element/Power: Gravity Techniques: Gravity Shift: Changes the direction of gravity in his nearby vicinity and can even increase gravity by choosing to add onto the downward force of it. Starfall: Arctus pulls in small comets to rain down onto an area. Nebulous Blade: Arctus's sword glows and every touch of his blade doubles the target's weight. Fighting Style: Strategic Limit Break: Stella Ruina (Collapse of the Star): With a snap of his fingers a dark rift appears to draw in enemies and crush them under its immense gravity. Battle theme: Rising Basic Information: Name: Koa Salavic Proof of Existence: Steel of Resolve Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Somebody Birthplace: Solara Lua Catchphrase: N/A Personality: Koa can be quiet but observant and perceptive. He is also loyal, honest, and humble. He puts others well being before his own well being. When tense situations arise, he keep a level-head as well remain patient and think things out before acting upon impulse. He can also be understanding and kind. Main Theme: Boop Appearance: Hair: Brown Eyes: Grey Skin Color: Slightly Tan Height: 6' 1" Definitive Feature: Wears glasses Link: Beep Battle Style: Weapon: Spear Stats: -Strength= 6 -Intelligence= 7 -Magic= 5 -Speed= 5 -Defense= 10 -Critical= 4 -Limit Break= 3 Techniques: Metal Extend: Allows the user to use any metal around him to extend the reach of his spear Metal Mimicry: Allows the user to transform any part of their body or their entire body into any metal they touch for a certain amount of time Metal Detection: Allows the user to sense any metal nearby Fighting Style: Defensive Limit Break: Gates of Babylon: Two gates of pure metal appear and from the gates, various weapons come bursting out from the gate raining down on the opponent Battle Theme: Bloop BASIC INFORMATION Name: Finlay "Fin" Loganach Proof of Existence: The Dynamic Viking Age: 35 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Drangar Catchphrase: KILL IT! Personality: A very bold and electric personality, Finlay has almost no filter. He lives to fight and drink. Main theme: APPEARANCE Hair: Long orange hair Eyes: Dark brown eyes Skin Color: White Height: 6'4 Distinguishing features: Scar on his left eye, full beard BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Dual Axes Stats: 8 STRENGTH 2 INTELLIGENCE 5 MAGIC 4 SPEED 4 DEFENSE 7 CRITICAL 10 LIMIT BREAK Element/Power: THUNDER Techniques: CELTIC MAGIC Finlay zaps a small spark against an enemy. Whatever it hits receives a static charge and will cling to anything else that is zapped. STATIC RECALL If Finlay throw's either of his axes, he is able to summon them back with a magnetic pull of electricity THOR ALMIGHTY Finlay is struck with a lightning bolt that triples his strength Fighting Style: Very offensive and aggressive Limit Break: VIKING FUNERAL Finlay charges electricity throughout his body. The longer he charges, the more of a blast it will create. If he charges too much into his body, he could overload and die. Battle theme: BASIC INFORMATION Name: Dastgir Proof of Existence: The Sovereign Spear Age: 27? Race: Somebody Birthplace: The town Larafeen on a world whose name he cannot remember. It's on the tip of his tongue... Catchphrase: Eh? Personality: Talks enough and tries to have a cool and calm demeanor. Is very worried the person they're looking for isn't alive anymore. Is also worried he may never remember the world he's from is named. He's been wandering around for a couple of years now and really just wants back in the realm of light. Can have a short temper when things aren't going right. Can be a little cocky at times, but keeps his cool...most times. Main theme: Path of Repentance APPEARANCE Hair: Dark green Eyes: Emerald Skin Color: Pale White. Formerly lightly tanned. Height: 6'4 Distinguishing features: Keeps a crystal firmly attached to his neck an in view. It has a faint glow to it that he uses to summon his weapon. BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Halberd Stats: (allot 40 points into Strength, Intelligence, Magic, Speed, Defense, Critical, and Limit Break) Strength 10 Intelligence 3 Magic 3 Speed 5 Defense 5 Critical 10 Limit Break 4 Element/Power: Ice Techniques: Freezing Blast: Sweeps his Halberd in front of him, causing a gust of freezing cold air to grip the enemy. Cold Heart: His body stays colder, causing him to take less damage from ice attacks. Frozen Strike: He imbues a weapon with the element of Ice, causing slightly more damage. Fighting Style: Offensive with some strategy Limit Break: 1000 Shards of Ice - Summons spears of ice that launch at the enemy with a chance to miss. On hit, they deal Ice damage that can freeze the enemy. Battle theme: Run BASIC INFORMATION Name: Rydia Proof of Existence: The Fluid Sharpshooter Age: 22 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Mythos Catchphrase: Fine, whatever Personality: Gives off an uncaring/apathetic/unsympathetic/stoic personality outwardly. Won't hesitate to offer or accept aid to any who need it. Is unwilling to talk about feelings with anyone and clams up, using only motions and sounds to communicate. Main theme: Here APPEARANCE Hair: Sea Blue Eyes: Icy Blue Skin Color: Tan Height: 5' 4" Distinguishing features: Dragon eyeballs, slightly pointed ears Image: Close Enough BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Dual pistols Stats: Strength: 6 Intelligence: 3 Magic: 4 Speed: 9 Defense: 4 Critical: 10 Limit Break: 4 Element/Power: Water Techniques: Flow: Shoots a compressed amount of water into the ground and explodes upward with high pressure, acting as a shield for incoming attacks, and knocking any close enemies into the air Deluge: Fires multiple water bullets into the air and rains down on enemies in an area Bubble Bomb: Shoots out larger, slow moving bubbles that float around and explode on impact Fighting Style: Strategic Limit Break: Hydro Cannon - Fires bubble bombs to encircle and trap an enemy then shoots a large blast of water, hitting the enemy and exploding the bombs for extra area damage; renders guns useless for one minute Battle theme: Meep Meep
"I don't see why not." As Lea lifted himself up, the arena dispersed and he walked towards Karina. "An I don't know if I appreciate being called 'old.' If anything, I'm experienced. I'm just glad you didn't end up and kill me to be honest." He took his own black coat and wore it proudly. Since you've got the power of fire now, you're going to feel a lot more tingly at times. Fire is a powerful element. It can be beautiful, but dangerous. So I'd start watching that temper of yours kiddo." He opened another torch as he unlocked it. "Now if you'd like, I have a few others that I met since I've been wandering the realm of darkness... Not keybladers per say, but they haven't tried to kill me yet, so that's a plus." Lea walked alongside Karina as he watched her. Still as glum as ever, but she hadn't been too out of control with her new abilities. They were currently walking to his safe haven amongst the realm of darkness where he would introduce her to some other people he had run across. "So how do you feel?... With the new element I mean."
Dark Baymax took close watch at Kaida as he headed her words 'Healthcare Companion.' It's armor was completely black, with devil satanic wings and red eyes. It seemed to be linked to the outburst of the RG Baymax's emotions. But if Baymax wasn't biological, than it would be harder to really try and piece why it would have a heartless. Hikaru dusted off his sleeves before whipping out his keyblade and casting a cure spell on Kaida, watching the mystic green veil to help restore her health. "See buddy... Heeaaaalll," He said cautiously as he tried to persuade the dark incarnation. It's eyes narrowed in on Hikaru as the boy nodded to try and get him to relax. For a split second the heartless looked like it understood. Hikaru looked into it's eyes in hopes of seeing if her could try and reach a deeper part of it that still had some light. Close enough to touch the robot, Dark Baymax's eyes widened as it looked down at Hikaru and pointed it's fist towards him. "DESTROY!" "Okay, not quite. You see, Heal starts with a-" As Dark Baymax fired his rocket fist, Hikaru immediately held up his keyblade to guard. as the rocket fist bounced off his keyblade. "Stop rocket fisting me!" he yelled before giving a jumping attack against the robot. He lashed away with his keyblade, creating a flurry of blows against the large robot. It barely seemed to be affecting him too much to the point that reminded him of when he would watch people spar against Aux. Unmoving and taciturn. "Feel the fury of Hikaru!" He yelled, slashing away. In the middle of a combo, Dark Baymax grabbed his keyblade with his hand and through Hikaru to the wall. "Okay... fury over. Some one else tag in..." EXP Writer Total: 30 EXP Dark Baymax: 441/500 BP. Esmerelda continued to lead Ananta, Aislinn and Luna through the sewers. "So where did you thee come from? I don't recognize you from the village..."
As they landed on the unknown island, Hiro and Baymax led the charge into the unguarded facility. Many caution and DO NOT ENTER signs surrounded the base, as Hiro continued on, ignoring them. The facility inside was very damp and seemed to have been abandoned. "Guys. Any sign of him, Baymax?" Baymax looked around, trying to scan the place. "This structure is interfering with my sensor." Well that can't be good," Hikaru thought aloud. Hiro went towards a control panel. "Look! That's the symbol I saw at the microbot factory!" Noticing the bird logo on the monitor, Hiro typed quickly away at the keyboard, trying to boot up the system. As the computer came on, there appeared before them, footage of a man in a business suit. He was a tall man with polished brown hair. He gave off a very suave vibe. Hiro told everyone to gather as he watched closely. "That's Krei! He's the guy that wanted my microbots!" Krei was seen on the monitor talking to several scientific and military personnel. "That’s right. We were asked to do the impossible. That’s what we did. We’ve reinvented the very concept of transportation. Friends, I present Project Silent Sparrow!" Two large circular devices were switched on that looked like portals. "General, may I?" Krei took the General’s hat and threw it into the portal before someone caught it from the second portal. "Teleportation. The transport of matter instantaneously through space. Not science fiction anymore. Now, we didn’t spend billions of tax dollars to teleport hats. Ladies and gentlemen, you’re here to witness history. Ready to go for a ride, Abigail?" The camera panned over to a woman in space suit, piloting a small shuttle craft. "We’ve invited all these people, might as well give ‘em a show." " T-minus 30 seconds to launch. 29, 28. 27..." As the countdown continued, an engineer spoke out. "Sir, we’ve picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment field." "Mr. Krei, is there a problem?" The General asked. Wishing not to fail in front of potential buyers, Krei ignored it. "No. No problem. It’s well within the parameters. Let’s move forward." " 3... 2... 1... Cabin Pressure is go. Pod engaged," The announcer declared, firing the pod into one of the portals. For a brief moment there was silence, before monitors and sirens began to blare off. "Field breach. Abort! We’ve lost all contact with the pod!" The engineer stated. "It’s breaking up! The pilot is gone. Portal two is down. The magnetic containment field’s down!" "Krei. Shut it down now!" the General barked. Mr. Krei pushes the emergency button immediately, causing the portals to shut down. "I want this island sealed off!" As the General commanded his final order, the cameras shut off. "The government shut down Krei’s experiment," Hiro said, backing away from the computer. "And he’s using my microbots to steal his machine back!... Krei IS the guy in the mask!" As he said this, a large swarm of microbots crashed Baymax and most of the RG keybladers to the ground. "Oh, no," Baymax uttered. "Everyone! Go for the transmitter behind his mask!" Hiro ordered. The masked man threw a large amount of microbots at the part, while Baymax is hit again and crashes into the wall. A small scuffled continued before Hiro tackled the man in the kabuki mask to the ground. The mask was knocked off, as the man was pushed to his side. "It’s over, Krei!" Hiro barked, walking towards the knocked down man. Recovering and revealing his face, the man did not look like Krei at all. It was an old man with a look of spiteful intent in his eyes. "Professor Callaghan? The explosion... You died." It looked like this was the man that supoosedly died with Hiro's brother in the explosion. "No. I had your microbots." "But Tadashi. You just let him die..." "Give me the mask, Hiro." "He went in there to save you. "That was his mistake!" That last line, made Hiro very angry. "Baymax, destroy!" "My programming preventing me from injuring a human being." "Not any more..." Hiro opened his chip access port and removed Tadashi's healthcare chip, leaving behind only his martial arts chip he installed. "Do it, Baymax. Destroy him!" In the Underground version of San Fransokyo, a Dark version of Baymax appeared. "A heartless?! Robot's can have heartless?!" Hikaru bellowed. The Dark Baymax fired a rocket at Hikaru, knocking him to the wall. "Ouch.." he murmured. MISSION START Esmerelda, now accompanied by Aislinn, Ananta and Luna, took them to the river as they would flee to the underbelly of the city. "Come I'll take you three to the Court of Miracles... Gypsies are safe there," she informed. Back with Frollo, the UG trio of Steel, Beuce and Stratos were accompanying Phoebus as they interrogated household after household to find Esmerelda. There most recent stop was a house on a hilltop. A poor miller's home with a windmill alongside it. "We found this gypsy talisman on your property. Have you been harboring gypsies?" Frollo asked , accompanied by hs guards. "Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord," the miller begged. Unphased by his pleases, Frollo made his judgement. "I am placing you and your family under house arrest until I get to the bottom of this. If what you say is true, you are innocent and you have nothing to fear." "But we are innocent, I assure you! We know nothing of these gypsies!" Frollo pulled their door shut, and exited th home, barring it shut with a guard's staff. e turned to Phoebus with an uncaring stare. "Burn it." "What!?!?" "Until it smolders. These people are traitors and must be made examples of." The darkness in Frollo grew stronger, as he handed the captain a torch. "With all due respect, sir, I was not trained to murder the innocent." "But you were trained to follow orders." Frollo mounted his horse. Phoebus took the torch and doused it in a bucket of water. "Insolent coward..." Frollo grabbed another torch and touched the flame to the windmill. The entire structure was quickly engulfed in flames, causing Phoebus to crash through the window and bring the family outside to safety. As the building continues to burn, Frollo's guards grabbed Phoebus. "The sentence for insubordination is death. Such a pity-- you threw away a promising career." "Consider it my highest honour, sir," Phoebus mocked. Frollo raised a spear and wass about to kill Phoebus, when Phoebus kicked Frollo's horse. The horse bucked, and Frollo was thrown off. Phoebus escaped the guards, hopped on Frollo's horse and ran off. As Phoebus rides off, he is showered with arrows. He didn't make it far before one of them went through his shoulder. This cause him to fall off the horse, and off the bridge that he was riding over. He landed straight into the river. A volley of arrows following him in. "Don't waste your arrows. Let the traitor rot in his watery grave! Find the girl! If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!" Unbeknowst to him, Phoebus' limp body followed the river before washing up on the edge of a creek. The party watched from above as it was up to them to get him somewhere safe... MISSION START
As one of the earliest members I've interacted with, to you I say; its been an interesting journey. I know you have a lot in mind for the future. I'll still reach you off site now and again. I salute you, good sir. Take care :)
"More or less," Hikaru shrugged, summoning his keyblade glider. "Some guy killed Hiro's brother and stole his science project. He mass-produced them and now has an army of microbots at his command." He said that so non-chalantly as if these plots were something they'd gotten used to. "Don't you think you should stay here? The masked man is rather dangerous and I would hate to see you get hurt." AJ asked Hiro. "Are you nuts? This guy killed my brother! I'm not leaving until this guy is dead!" He climbed aboard Baymax's back, unwilling to wait around for too long. "You guys look like you can get around... Just try and keep up!" Baymax blasted off as they flew towards the island. While Ananta and Aislinn bickered, Esmerelda looked out the window to the town below. "I bet the king himself doesn't have a view like this! I could stay up here forever," shem smiled, admiring the view. You could, you know. Yyou have sanctuary!" "But not freedom. Gypsies don't do well inside stone walls..." "But you're not like other gypsies. They're...evil." Esemerelda spun around. "Who told you that?" "My master, Frollo." "How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?" "Well, I.. I'm a monster, you know." "He told you that?" "Look at me." He showcased his arms out as he looked to the ground in sadness. "I am quasimodo... And you are not a monster," she looked at him and smiled. Sadly, there were guards rummaging around the castle to interrupt the moment. "You all helped me... Now I will help you!" He opened his window and showed the four ladies where they could exit safely without being watched. By scaling down the side of the building and traveling along the rooftops. "If my master finds you he'll punish all of you. It doesn't matter how well you fight. He has an army of guards with him!..." He looked to them one last time as he sighed. "I'll never forget you all," he shyly said. "Come with us... To the Court of Miracles. Leave this place!" Esmerelda suggested. "Oh, no. I'm never going back out there again. You saw what happened to me today. No. This is where I belong." "Very well. But if you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way." She handed him a pendant from around her neck "Just remember: When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand." More guards can be heard as Quasimodo was shooing them out of the room. "Hurry! You must go!" As he squng all four women out of his tower, he went to the staircase to see what or who was coming up the stairs. He stepped back as Captain Phoebus poked his head in. "Hi there. I'm looking for the gypsy girl. Have you seen her?" Angry at the sight of the captain, Quasimodo took a swing at him. "No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!" He yelled. "Wait! All I wanted was to-- "Go! "I mean her no harm! "Go!" Quasimodo grabbed a torch and began swinging it at Phoebus. Phoebus backed off, but Quasi continued to swing. Backed down the stairs, Phoebus finally drew his sword and swung at him, pinning the torch against the wall. Quasimodo has grabbed Phoebus by the chest and refused to put him down. Phoebus sighed. "You tell her from me, I didn't mean to trap her here, but it was the only way to save her life. Gypsies have sancutary and Frollo knows it... so will you tell her that?" "If you go. Now!" "I'll go... Now, will you put me down, please?" Quasi set Phoebus down. As the cpatain walked away, he turned around to say something. "Oh. And one more thing. Tell Esmeralda she's very lucky." "Why?" "To have a friend like you." Phoebus left as promised, leaving Quasimodo alone and hopeful that the women escaped. Time passed and the UG trio were back with Frollo. The Judge himself was leaning over a fireplace, conflicted. Darkness was growing more powerful with him. A guard burst him as his dark aura grew stronger. "Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped!" "What!?!" he roared. "She's nowhere in the cathedral. She's gone." Frollo looked to the fireplace again, gritting his teeth. "But how, and... never mind. Get out, you idiot!" The guard left as commanded as he took Esmerlda's scarf from his robe. "I'll find her. I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!" He threw the scarf into the fireplace as he stormed out of the room to his guards. Captain Phoebus had just arrived on his horse along with 10 other guards. "Your orders, sir?" Phoebus asked. "Find the gypsy girl," he coldly replied.
As Lea was knocked back, he saw the raven haired charge for the door. He fell back in slow motion and examined his options. He could summon his chakrams. Maybe even do a quick aerial reprise. But how long did he want to drag this fight out? He was going to give it to her regardless. The whole point of this task was to re-ignite her fighting spirit, which she seemed to have never lost in the first place. This battle wasn't about winning for him. It was about analysis. As far as strength went, she was quite the powerhouse. Her reflexes were on par with his own and she seemed to bode well under pressure. Her weaknesses lay in her temper. From what he'd seen and been told about in the past, Karina's flaws lay in her hot headed youth. Lea always wondered if giving her the will of fire was a good idea. For years, he'd perfected mastery over the element with a cool and level head. He'd rarely break that calm, but Karina was never hesitant on going in blazing. The element of fire would be powerful with her. But also dangerous. He would have to make sure it didn't overtake her. With that thought process done, he close his eyes and smirked as he fell to the ground. The door was left wide open for Karina. Also for game fans first person shooter, Titanfall Xbox game is sure to play.
"Base!" Hikaru exclaimed rushing up to him. "You're my new partner?!" Seeing a familiar face return was a good sign for him. Next to Kel and Luna, Base was one of the people he trusted early on this adventure. "Well, it's great to have you here... Okay so I don't know if you were caught up on what's going on, but this mark of mastery exam is set up a little differently... See we've been put in partners. One partner is in the Real Ground and the other in the Underground. Partner's in the underground are basically ghosts in the worlds we visit..." He tried to search his pockets for something. "I swear there was a picture or something explaining all this... Well regardless, you really saved my tail this time. So thanks..." he smiled, offering a handshake. Hiro made a small grunting noise. "As great as it is that we have another guest, you guys have to check this out!" He said excitedly, pulling a curtain back to reveal Baymax in his new red armor. "I’d like to introduce, Baymax 2.0." Baymax looked at the four of them. "Hello... I see you have made a new friend." He pulled out an orange sucker to Base. "Have a lolipo-" "Hey, hey, focus! Now show ‘em what you got, buddy." Baymax seemed confused. "The fist, show them the fist." Baymax held his fist in the air and turned it into a trickling motion with his fingers. "Balalala." "No, not that one. The thing, the other thing." Baymax complied and fired his armor hand like a rocket, before it guided back into his socket. "That’s just one of his new upgrades! Bymax, wings!" Baymax sprouted to wings from his back. As Baymax's wings became online, he turned to Hiro. "I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion. "I fail to see how you fail to see that it’s awesome!" Baymax blinked twice. "Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily." "Which means what?" "The treatment is working. Your emotional state has improved. I can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your care." "What? No, I don’t want you to deactivate. We still have to find that guy. So, fire up that super-sensor!" "Functionality improved. 1000% increase in range. I have found a match ... on an island off the coast." "Then that's where we're headed!" Hiro suited himself into purple armor that fit his body type. and locked himself onto Baymax's back. "Anyone that need a lift, climb aboard!" Quasimodo offere the three women shelter and showed them his own personal hideaway; the bell tower. "This is where I live. Master Frollo raised me. I know people say he's a cruel man, but he saved my life. He took me in when no one else would." He patted the giant bells that covered the ceilings of the tower. "Not much to keep my company aside from the bells and the gargoyles." He hunched passed three small gargoyle statues, patting each one on the head. "Hi Hugo. Hi Laverne. Hi Victor... They're really great once you get to know 'em," he smiled. The gargoyles remained lifeless to the three women. "Here you are. I was afraid I'd lost you..." Esmerelda was trailing behind the group as she looked at Quasimodo. "Yes. Um, well, I uh, I have chores to do. It was, uh, nice...seeing...you...again." Quasimodo was growing very uncomfortable. Never had he imagined he would have four gypsy women in his loft. "No, wait! I'm really sorry about this afternoon. I had no idea who you were. I would never in my life had...pulled...you...up on the...stage." She looked to the Aisslin, Luna and Ananta. "Thank you three for helping too..."
"It's okay," he nodded to AJ. "Right now we just have to get back to working on something to try and counter The strength of that guy's microbots..." As he guided the rest of the RG players to his home, His Aunt Cass emerged from the living room to greet the group. "Hey kiddo, was wondering where you got off to..." She wondered into the room and found Hiro and Baymax being accompanied by AJ, Xara and Kel. "Oh, and that's so cute you've already made some college friends. That is just precious! Well they do look around your age, but hey, that's what you get in a college full of geniuses!" she nervously laughed. "Yeah, well, since I've got some catching up to do, these guys are just helping me get the swing of things," Hiro shrugged. "Aww, how sweet... I'm making some evening snacks for everyone!" Cass insisted. "Aunt Cass, you really don't have to-" "Oh it's no trouble really! You're other friend is already in the kitchen. 'Other friend?' Hikaru thought to himself. Maybe Gwendolyn had managed to find her way back? Before he could further contemplate the possibility, a message came to him from Yue. ~NEW PARTNER.~ "What other friend?" Hiro asked unsure. "Oh you know, the tall guy with the long face. Oh he's just been a delight... He said he knew a few of you," she smiled. "You guys do your science thing and I'll send him in when you're ready." Hiro's Aunt returned to the kitchen, leaving Hiro to rush to his computer and start printing out schematics. "You guys seem to be well equipped for fighting, so the upgrades I'm proposing are for Baymax and myself. The nuerotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, and he can’t control the bots. Game over," he enthusiastically reported. ALL PLAYERS LEARNED FIST BUMP! The keyblade wielders had managed to dull the hateful roar of the crowd, as the gypsy Esmerelda released Quasimodo from his ropes. She looked outward to a very unforgiving Frollo. "You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help." The darkness in the crown began to slowly settle as Frollo's only grew stronger. "Mark my words, gypsy. You will pay for this insolence," Frollo threatened. "Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool. The only fool I see is you!" Frollo clenched his teeth as he turned to his guard. "Captain Phoebus! Arrest her." Phoebus motioned for his guards to move in and arrest Esmeralda as they surrounded the stage. Esmerelda looked to the trio of RG woman and warned them. "You three should get out of here." She disappeared in a puff of purple smoke that completely baffled the crowd. "Witchcraft!" Frollo barked, shielding himself. The guards began searching on foot, causing a commotion amongst the crowd as tables were flipped and citizens were shoved aside. A prisoner in a hanging cage was knocked down, breaking his old rusted cage. Brittle and fraile, the long grey haired prisoner was half naked and stumbling out of his cage. "I'm free, I'm free!" he joyfully yelled, before He tripping and falling into the stockade. Sad for him, it shut over his neck and locked itself. "Dang it..." he said. "Find her, Captain! I want her alive!" Frollo demanded. "Yes, sir. Seal off the area, men. Find the gypsy girl, and do not harm her!" Phoebus ordered as the guards spread out. Avoiding the disappointing glare of his master, Quasimodo picked up what was left of his dignity and somberly thanked Luna, Ananta and Aislinn. "Th-thank you... It was a mistake to come out here. But if you wish, I can take you into the cathedral. Even if you're gypsies, you will be offered sanctuary," Quasimodo encouraged. "M-my name is Quasimodo," he timidly said. "You don't have to look at me... just follow closely as you can." He led the women to the rear of Notre Dame before opening his own secret passageway, allowing them access to the higher bell tower.
Noticing he was outmatched for the time being, The man in the Kabuki mask collected all the microbots he could before heading out into the ocean. The fog allowed him to blend into the waters without seeing his exact location. The heartless that was aiding him also clanked back into working position before it's eyes glowed bright yellow again. It's wingspan revealed itself as the cogs in the mechanical heartless continued to turn. The frail wings lifted the large heartless, smoke exhausting from it's rear vents. "It could fly! Nobody told us it could fly!" Hikaru yelled. The heartless assault dragon flew behind it's source of darkness, coughing up bits of microbots as it replenished it's health. "You have all been very good. Have a lollipop!" Baymax handed out three red lollipops to Xara, AJ and Kel. "You're bio scans show no signs of allergy to cherry flavor... The lollipops are cherry flavor." Baymax turned to where Hiro was kept for safe keeping and helped him get on his feet. Dusting off any excess debris from his clothes, he watched as his brother's possible killer fled with the microbots. He looked at Baymax dissatisfied and sighed. "We should get out of here," he groaned. Baymax turned to the only three wielders he could see and stated; "Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro’s emotional state." Hiro thought to himself as he looked at Baymax. "We could barely hold that guy off the first time we faced him..." He hit his head in frustration. "I can't keep missing my chance... If only I knew something about him." Baymax assessed his database quickly. "His blood type is AB-negative. Cholesterol levels are ..." "Baymax, you scanned him?" Hiro's eyes lit up. "I am programed to assess everyone’s healthcare needs. "Yes! Ha ha. I can use the data from your scan to find him... But that might take forever..." Doubt began to cloud his mind before tilting his head. "No, no, no, I ... I just have to look for another angle. Got it! I’ll scan the whole city at the same time. I just have to upgrade Baymax’s sensor... Actually, if we’re gonna catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you." Baymax looked to the wielders to try and encourage them. "Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones." Hikaru shrugged as it seemed like the best thing to do. They might even be able to up their fighting arsenal in the process. He looked back at his timer that read; '42:30.' He saw his hand glitch for a moment, startling him and causing him to quickly cover it. "So, upgrade... sounds worth it," he smiled to the rest. MISSION START! --
Lea kept a level head as he watched her move. Kiara seemed to be a very powerful fighter, but he saw a lot of Yue in her. Hard as it was to believe, Yue was even more cold and brooding and he knew how to deal with someone with a hot head. "Taking the direct approach I see," he smirked. He caught the whip with his left hand and wrapped it around his wrist twice before giving it a good tug to get her off her balance. He outstretched his right hand to get ready to tag her once she got pulled in. "Shame, was hoping you'd last at least the first minute." Time began to move more slowly as she was brought closer and closer to his gloved fingertip.
Hikaru propped himself up after hearing his name. Something about using his magic on a crate, but by the he came to, Kel had already picked up the slack. He even managed to lower Xara gently back to the ground. As irked as he was that he didn't get a soft landing, he felt like he wasn't putting up his fair of the battle. "Come on Hikaru, get your head in the game," he told himself.A couple knocks to his head got him to pick himself back up and look for a new angle on things. He was examining the heartless closely as he kept his guard up. Heartless or not, that thing was a machine. And every machine can breakdown somehow... The quality and design reminded him a lot of the Infernal Engine from Beast's Castle. The gears in it's mouth were large and moving slowly. A wicked idea sprung into Hikaru's heads. "Hey guys!" he called to his UG group. "You think if we freeze the cogs, it'll stall long enough to do some damage?" he called out. 23/30 --
Hikaru looked around frantically for Gwendolyn. His partner was no where in sight, and since none of the other players could even see him. His only allies were now Kaida, Glen and Ignis. All he knew was that the man in the kabuki mask was the new threat, and from the point of view from the underground, there was a heartless machine just mass producing more microbots fro him to use.The microbots were moving out of the machine in the hundreds at a time, and al Hikaru could do was watch and be unsure if he had failed the exam or not. He felt a sharp pain on his hand as a timer was revealed on the back of his palm. It was at 59:59 and moving backwards every second. For one reason or another his partner had dropped out of the exam and by the looks of things, he had an hour to find a new partner or risk failing the exam... Seeing that Glen and Ignis had already jumped into the fray, Hikaru roled back his arms and took out his keyblade, ready to help. "Okay... It's Hikaru time!!" He took a long running start as he took a big jump into the air, preparing a Blizzara spell from the tip of his keyblade."Take this! Blizza-" A swarm of microbots hit him straight in the gut as he descended into the same direction as Baymax. "Falling hard," he groaned as he fell from the air and crashed to the ground.. --
Username: Krowley Name: Aux Age: 18 Appearance: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...X_final.png/revision/latest?cb=20180527215026 Personality: Anti-social and agitated at times. Will protect what he cares for no matter what. Homeworld: Iri Falls Keyblade: Darkgnaw What's most important to you? To make amends for my past mistakes What do you want outta life? To make a better tomorrow What are you afraid of? Letting the darkness overtake me