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  1. Odamadillo
    Banned because I wanted to.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Odamadillo
  3. Odamadillo
    Glad to see you took in what I said lol.
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013
  4. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    I am glad you like it.

    I am glad you like it.
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013
  5. Odamadillo
  6. Odamadillo
  7. Odamadillo
  8. Odamadillo
    I see most of the effects I gave Jaden for the cards were accepted.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Odamadillo
    It seems everyone feels differently about second chances here. Some don't believe while others would gladly give them. That makes this a most interesting place to reside.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Odamadillo
    I'm sorry this took so long but here is Chapter 7 I hope you enjoy it.

    Chapter 7: The Stalker's prey

    The NPC took the form of a silver minotaur bearing then name Amaury, "Amaury level 5?!" yelled Jin as the boss's stats became visible. "Wait there is something odd about this. I got it! A Virus has infected the Boss's data!" declared Jin as he was examining the Boss's stats. "Indeed I have been infected by not by any normal virus. I used to be real just like you but that is a long story" said Amaury as he pulled out two axes and began to charge towards Jin. The moment Amaury started charging both Bloo and Star ran at it from either side while Joser tried to get behind it. Myst pulled out his axe but felt weak when he looked at Amaury's much larger axes. Oda seemed distracted since he was messing in his menu ignoring the threat of the Boss before them. "Oda focus we are in a boss battle here!" yelled Bloo as he blocked one of the two axes with his shield. But then Amaury twisted around in circles sending everyone flying back from a strong force of wind.

    "Oda the boy who was last to set up his gear?" said Amaury shocking Oda with that statement. "According to the server logs The six who stand before me are rather unique individuals like Jin, Intern of the very company who made this game. Who has a secret passion for being a food critic since he loves to eat. Although in life he feels overshadowed by his siblings like his little sister who is the little angel his parents loves and can do no wrong. Or his older brother who is in his final year of university to become a lawyer. You poor middle child who slipped through the cracks. I bet your family haven't even noticed you are trapped in this virtual prison. Maybe I should do them a favor and remove the disappointment. Well what do you think I should do David?" said Amaury as he stared directly into Jin's eyes. Jin was shocked by all he just heard. "How could you.. how did you... HOW?!" Yelled Jin in complete shock from all the boss knew about him.

    "Or maybe I should take care of the man who wants to cast aside the very thing that brought him here. I wonder do you know I am talking about you?" asked Amaury waiting to see if he got a reaction and he did. "You are talking about me but you know nothing" said Star. "I know nothing do I, lets see i know you have a cottage by a lake waiting for you when you return to the real world. A place you will live in peace away from the the tech age. A nice free and simple life in the tranquil paradise of lake Varia. What i wonder is how could the heir to a car designer want to get away from the world of tech. Can you answer that Damien?" asked Amaury but Star just looked away from everyone. "Well that was dull but it will be more entertaining to talk about the thief who is here on someone else's dime" said Amaury as Myst dropped his axe alerting everyone it meant him. "You stole your game from a young girl in the park waiting for someone to collect her and take her home. she tried to stop you but you ignored her and ran away as fast as you could so you could play the game as soon as possible. Isn't that right Matthew?" said Amaury with a smirk on his face.

    Before Myst or any of the others had time to react they heard a laugh echo through out the room. "Who shall I do next why not the man with the voice? The man who lives alone and tries to live on odd jobs that involve singing or voice acting. The only reason he is here is because of Barney and children. You swallowed your pride so you can experience this world yourself. But you cling to a failed love, Lindsey the girl who has your heart. Yet she loves another and not you. Isn't that right Evan?" said Amaury as he stared at Bloo who was now frozen at the mere mention of her name. Amaury looked at the two he had yet to analyze. "But there is another not here is there not? The Girl who wants to be top chef because she feels that is her home. He hides behind her creations trying to make herself proud only to fail every time poor poor Georgia." said Amaury and he stared passed the barrier.

    Joser was uneasy knowing he could be the next one the boss spoke about while Oda didn't seem to notice any of what was happening. "The next one I shall do is the man doomed to fall, The man who has been told he has no hope at all. Yes I mean you poor poor Joseph. The man who needs a new heart but has been told no. Why have you come to this world when your time in the other one could end any day? How can a weak man who has nothing but sympathy going for him be of any use to this team?" asked Amaury leaving everyone speechless to learn of Joser's story. "But that isn't all is it? You dream of being a teacher, you dream of making a difference when you secretly envy everyone here. You always think Why do they deserve a heart and I don't? You have no control over your life out there and yet you have no control here either. But rejoice since you won't have to deal with your burdens anymore once I slay you." said Amaury as he turned away from Joser and looked directly at Oda.

    Oda wasn't worried about what Amaury would say about him or at least that is how it seemed. "Now all that is left is the last one to join the server, Yes I mean the man who followed me first. he is a mute by choice having only ever spoken once after watching Sword Art Online The Anime. You saw a world without limits, you saw a place so free and compiled of logic, The man made paradise you wished to call your home. That is your reason for coming here but there is more to you than people know. It seems you are not worried about what I have to say but in truth you have no idea what you are supposed to think or feel. You don't know how to process all this. The man who has been named a robot by his own Mother, who's father can not bond with. Who's brother only saw humanity in him on the day he first spoke. You are Oscar the Man who doesn't know how to deal with any form of reality." said Amaury looking straight at Oda's face.

    "How do you know all this!" Yelled Jin as he ran at Amaury with his sword ready to strike. Amaury was ready to block and replied with, "I used to be just like all of you but there was a failure in testing the gear. Instead of temporarily transporting my mind here like it has for all of you it trapped my mind in this game forever. I was separated from my body and since the log out feature was still functioning then when I clicked to log out my body logged out but my mind was trapped here in virus mode. I was able to infect this boss to maintain myself but now I am trapped on this level bored since in my true form I can not leave this room. So can you kill me knowing I used to be human just like you all are!" said Amaury leaving the group in shock and debate of what to do next. "Also factor into your decision the fact you are trapped in this room until I die, so the choice is either you kill me or I kill all of you" said Amaury.

    Amaury was focused on the six men in front of him he failed to notice Sapphire enter the room and use her Sword Ability. As her Feet began to glow he took to the roof where she banged her head and was knocked out but still managed to throw her spear from the height. Her spear flew directly through Amaury's left arm chopping it off weakening the boss by about a fifth of it's health. "So she did have some fight in her but now she is out of the battle Can the rest of you fight on?" asked Amaury when he saw Myst pick up his axe and begin to charge up his sword ability. Bloo, Jin and Star began to do the same while Oda still did nothing. Joser ran to Sapphire to make sure she wasn't in critical. After proving she was fine Joser began to charge his sword art ability leaving The one armed Minotaur named Amaury alone facing five different sword art abilities at once.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: Archives
  11. Odamadillo
    Banned because I don't need a reason.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Odamadillo
  13. Odamadillo
    "I... I don't think I can" said Spine as he seemed to flinch at the chance. "Go on without me I can't fly" said Spine as he turned away from the group and wandered off.

    Oda waited in the captains cabin for the heroes to come face him as he continued to play his harmonica.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Odamadillo
    Don't get me started at what I've dreamed in the past. But is does seem quite common to have dreams about somewhere you can consider your home.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Odamadillo
  16. Odamadillo
  17. Odamadillo
  18. Odamadillo
  19. Odamadillo
  20. Odamadillo