Banned because I know that Zelda.
I may not have replied too soon But I was trapped by the giant buffoon Alas my rhyme shall be quite short Since this is my last resort Join in the readers here There is no reason to fear This is only meant for you to enjoy And a rhyme style is all you must employ.
Banned because it is the point of the game.
I may have something for you Judge. Well move this to Pm will you.
Once again I asked how are you Fuzzy?
We are on your profile mate all I had to do was look at the bottom left of my screen to see it.
Yeah well that place is right here on KHV!
Your birthday.
I hope you are well.
Keep me updated mate.
Banned for banning me because of Doctor Lancelot!
Banned because you got that right.
Indeed and the best thing is my mum is on holiday.
Banned because I had the chance to ban.
I do actually and now I'm hungry so I am gonna make a Pizza.
Thanks for that Jaden my friend.
I admit the guy got on my nerves but I still consider him a mate too. I would like to hear from him if you can pass on the message.
Wait your in contact with Starseeker still?
All I can tell is with the exception of The winged one you like characters in red jackets.
I have posted up chapter seven of my fanfic Amaury and I thought you may like to have a look.