y dont u put some pic's of u
yah not that far i thought yu'd live on the otherside of the state later im going to put pictures up when my hair was purple
talking to replicloudstrife and rubbing my eyes
so yah im guessing you have whit hair me i live in houston tx and go to stephen f austin high
well wat school you go to
hi so wat u up to
thanks did i have you going
na i was just playing sorry but i know a dud named james
i have a brother named james
maybe im his brother
so yah hi wats ur name?
between riku and axel good by
for wat thingy thing
yah shes pretty kool (the great ninja yuffie)
of course i like kingdom hearts so im guessing you like yuffie
doing fine so im guessing you like kingdom hearts?
so who wants to hack youtube with cookies
hey im new here and i got dumped two months ago ever since then i'v never found enybody yet
so who likes inuyasha
so is it me or is yuna hot