just cuz u mad my eyes brighten hey quick question how do i put those smiley dudes on here
yeah thats true
no thank you
red is pretty kool (clover field,quarintine) escape from new york and u
what r u kidding u look cute
yes i love the autumn offering((do u know them)) wat band do u like
oh u look cute
yeah well i like being cold sohow long ago was that picture
yeah its peacful when ur peacful
wat pls the cold is better
dont get me wrong i love them and all but it gets fustraighting with everyone running around
waaaaat are u crazy!!!!!!!! snow is awesome it never snows here in houston only one time and that was x-mas that was the first time i ever...
wow u really enjoy playing kingdom hearts
unfourtinitley yeah
is it snowing were ur at
not exactly im cotholic its a lil diffrent
na im not a coder why r u a big gamer
yes my brother is 6 and my sister is 19 but has two kids who are 2 and 3 so it gets pretty loud
im guessing u like dogs and u own a rancherro(basically a farm)
oh so ur christian ur very religous