I bet you loved Superman 64
Love the second trailer! The three characters look interesting. The environment looks great. Vehicles and weapons and missions look fun! I have to say, Rockstar has never really disappointed me, and they continue to not disappoint me! Spoiler For anyone who says that GTA IV was boring, Rockstar just wanted to try something new, they wanted a more realistic type of game and a more darker story but at the same time keep all of the comedy of the GTA world in it. If you don't believe me that GTA IV was fun, play TBOGT or play the PC version and install some mods, trust me, its great
Thank you :3 Hey, I like FPS's also, I actually love the story for Halo, its just that the community and fandom that plays the games is horrible. I'm surprised that you don't have anyone who is an extreme weeaboo, every school I go to their is always that one guy or that one 8/10 girl who loves stuff like that. Also you should get some more people to like Persona and Touhou :-U[DOUBLEPOST=1352928781][/DOUBLEPOST] Yes, a dark side.
I get the feeling that the dubs are coming.
LOL OMGEEEEEEEEEE did u gis lik play the new kingdom hearts?!?!?!?! i mean oMo seriously it wus lik, so confusing DX but it totally had sora x riku in it <3333333333333 THEY ARE SO KAWAII DESU! I'M GOING TO LUV 4eva :33333333 i hop kiri dies in kingdom hearts 3 that way sora-kun will be with riku-kun XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Yellow Clifford is chocking!
1. Not really, sorry. 2. I would say that I usually hear the word "******" or something insulting gay people, I would say this for any group really, no I'm not going to be the usual and blame the COD audience, I've even heard this in TF2 and Left 4 Dead 2. 3. No, I just mute them, and just enjoy my game with mature people who just want to have fun. 4. Yes of course I have, I've been called autistic, ******ed, a jew, a *** (a "psychofag" as one person said) I didn't really stop playing, I either ignored the person or muted them, never to talk to them again. 5. I don't think there is a way to stop it, lets face it, I think people are going to keep doing it no matter what. Halo 4 now has a rule where if you sexually discriminate against anyone, you will get a lifetime ban, and already a bunch of people are freaking out about this.
Uhg, I don't really like Connor that much. Compared to Ezion and Altiar, he's just stale to me. Spoiler Now his father on the other hand, was awesome, I kind of feel like I could play the whole game as him and it would make sense, I mean the whole reason why Desmond was inside the Animus in this game was so he could learn where the key was, and we could have played as his father finding the key through the whole game and it would have made sense, even though he's a Templar, but I think that would be freaking cool!
I'm just not a positive type of guy. For years I've found it more fun to point out negatives out in life. And yes, I do like to think positive like the guy next to me. But its just my personality to act negative, and no I'm not saying "I'm smarter than everyone else" In fact I doubt myself also sometimes and usually whenever I see my 12 year old brother, I always say to him that I hope he isn't inspired by me, because I'm not a very inspirational person. Even if I had a million dollars and lived in a mansion and got whatever I wanted, I would still be a negative type of guy.
My prediction of this thread was right.
Trust me, I have more reasons why to hate younger generations, or humanity as a whole.
I remember reading this book in English in my Junior year. Didn't really care for it, I thought almost everyone in the book except Montog was an *******. At least it was better written than Twilight and Spoiler Fifty Shades of Gray
Sure am going to do them, but that ending will stick in my mind forever. Spoiler What an awful way to end off Desmond, after all the hype in every game, this is what we get.
None. I got them eventually, why would I regret it, oh the pre-order bonus? Who cares? It'll just be released as DLC in the future anyway.