Haven't actually played it in a while, been busy on Disgaea 3 and Wii U
Please tell me I'm not the only one on here who has a Wii U.....anyway, Nintendo ID is: Psychomaster1
I'm shocked that I live in a world where people actually call dubstep "art"
Impressive looks! See this is what HD collections should be, something where I can notice the difference! I swear to god if this does not come to America....
Offline mode? You mean MvsM? Haven't gotten around to play it.
That's because its an online game, online games require luck besides skill, you never know who might be better than you at the game.
Just beat the Matador :D
Of course! That's where I got my sig quote from!
Same, having so much fun with Nocturne.
That's like saying Dark Souls is the next game in the LEGO game series.
I did, I wanted to play Final Mix because I hear it adds critical mode which actually makes it hard.
Pretty much yeah KHII is a casual game, KH was a challenging and unique experience, that's why I prefer it over KHII
My little brother can't even find Kairi in Kingdom Hearts. Before anyone says "help him out" I like for him to figure out because that's how I worked when I was his age. Is this the reason why kids like casual crap?
Yes :3
I'm scared
I'll have a reason to go back to Disney World. Yes please! Make Disney World awesome again!
People still watch Gangnam Style? I thought even since it came on the radio, than its just a sign that it's dead.
And you thought Jon was the only insane one.
But the capital of Switzerland is France!