Don't get me wrong, I have beaten the game with my main man Solaire before. But some things must be accomplished by myself.
If you watch Cinderella backwards its about a women who learns her place.
I should really get around to finishing that, and than I hear to stay away from 3 but than again, I'm reminded that the Wii u edition of 3 is actually good. Is it?
I could care less about achievements. All I care about is that I beat Dark Souls with no help. I consider that a personal achievement.
With no summons, not even from online. Beat that casuals.
>TOR What a failure of a game. I thought it was buried with its final nail in the coffin when it was announced for going F2P.
If you play Kingdom Hearts backwards it's about a boy who revives a madman working with him to cause chaos to various Disney worlds while slowly gaining his personal paradise on a island? Also if you watch Willy Wonka backwards it's about three guys in a UFO landing in a chocolate factory and rescuing innocent children who go back to their rotten ways while one of the guys has to give up his factory to a crazy man and live with his poor family. Lastly if you watch Code Geass backwards it's about a boy who comes back to life with a magical sword while giving birth to a corrupt government and setting controlled people back to their free will while watching his sister go blind again until they are forced to go to school and live in peace as the government grows a heart and gives everyone back their land.
Exactly when will then be now?
Exactly, the sad thing is, we've just passed now.
No sir, you are looking at now not then.
Any thoughts on where Season 3 is going to be based off of? Also these people say the found the hint but I can't seem to find it (its in the gif obviously) did anyone else get it? Please tell me what it is if you do:
Watching American Horror Story. You should, first seasons on Netflix. If you like it you'll like second season.
You're telling me what you think right now though.
Done. It was awesome. Last episode is next week.
New American Horror Story.
What a perfect title. "No" Just flat out tells you what the maker thinks.