Erkz or Antiweapon, do u know Armax version for underground of Heartless Manufactory? after ansem study? i use this, but it freeze when i hold R2 and walking to a new map: E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 0000041B <-- Right Codebreaker? after that, i convert it to ar max: D7M7-6K7D-XPBD1 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU TVV5-6U21-G0X01 but it freeze when i hold R2 and walking to a new map, HELP ME!
you are welcome! did you mean this? Roxas Boss (Replaces Donald) C7Q5-2G9R-RP6XX VBAY-GQYF-XBYTH or Play as Roxas 1 Keyblade U7RF-YEUY-G587B AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Play as Dual Wield Roxas JAWZ-M10B-RPAEC 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F or DW roxas w/ Valor moveset YEQR-2AMW-3WAWP A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CRAW-CB45-GTR4X 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V DW Roxas w/ Final Form Moveset MWFY-9EAU-4B3R7 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N or Ultimate Roxas(During Battle with data roxas) 7H93-20FE-H8C8Z EPDE-ZR3J-XKQM0 NCCW-NKEE-ZYM4R TFYP-0RCT-WRR1K VBP8-JXMB-41TE0 WZ5F-DMVB-BHMFK what roxas code did you mean? thanks too
You're welcome! don't forget to put some ether or any healing MP!
Hey use Firaga to destroy water dancer, use wisdom form to make battle easier! use firaga with wisdom rapidly, thats my trick!
my Hack video done! for kh2 sorry, coz Kh2 Thread is closed Thanks to: EvilMan_89/Bloodyjab to tell me the best palace to use room mod codes and some codes, Antiweapon & Syoudous for giving me the code of Room mod. i die first time because sephiroth going to die, i don't want to sephiroth die early, i can't fight with him again if he die. Sorry for bad quality and bad sound! this video: :guns::)
Need A Help! some 1 HeLP ME!:wacko::cryinganime::crybaby: When i active this code, the game FREEZE! what should i do? i try this code at TWTNW, twilight view, to xigbar's palace! and computer room tho, ALL OF THE PALACE FREEZE!:nono: this code Soundless Prison G1GU-ADF8-Z422M YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 50T4-E820-M7VND
Need HELP! HeLP ME!:wacko::cryinganime::crybaby: When i active this code, the game FREEZE! what should i do? i try this code at TWTNW, twilight view, to xigbar's palace! and computer room tho, ALL OF THE PALACE FREEZE! this code Soundless Prison G1GU-ADF8-Z422M YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 50T4-E820-M7VND
oo, i know now! Thanks!
Evilman, do u have mickey as party jokered version AR Max? and other party member too, such as tron, riku, alladin, etc. thanks. i can't wait 4 ur new video again!:lol:
ooh! Thanks So much Antiweapon!:):bounce::D:D:cheers:
yeah i know it, but, it give me random codes, help me please! it give me this code Soundless Perison Fm PF7V-TJ3R-MMCNR YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 50T4-E820-M7VND or YDAE-PUGQ-000TV YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 50T4-E820-M7VND or M40Q-QX5Q-WUEHJ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 50T4-E820-M7VND too many! i can't put it on this post, what's the correct one? Please!:nono: First line is the problem!
yeah i have it too, but i get the random codes, how can i get the right codes, i have put the game id too:guns:
Do u have AR Max Version? i only have Destiny island, and Castle oblivion, i don't have codebreaker and Gameshark, thanks.
Antiweapon, can i have Room mod code of soundless prison at underground of Computer room? and Where Nothings gathers? Thanks! please answer me, i have ask you 2 times.
can you post.. can you post Ven's keyblade? and Master Xehanort's keyblade too. thanks!
i don't know it works or not, but, ThanKS!:) but who will replaced by him? donald or goofey? please give me another one, if it donald give me Goofey, if it goofey give me donald. thankS! so much! i'll test it at Friday (end of my school test, my father gets angry:yelling: when i played game now, i can't try it now, sorry:nono: ) :guns: :guns: :guns:
Cool! Roxas has triangle laser! at 02:01
oo i know, so, someone has post it right? yeah i have say "tell me if someone has post it" thanks for reply my post!
Some new codes (Maybe) It's GONNA COOL! I like ur video so much! i can't wait 4 ur new video!:lol::lol: :guns::guns: new codes (i dunno it works or not, tell me if works, not, or someone has post it) Code: oathkeeper at left hand of antiform U2KE-U5PQ-A8NY9 F67Q-207V-A75K8 play as mickey (with robe) JVHP-FWGF-XX7R6 CPG8-EV18-A1MPP Play as Roxas U7RF-YEUY-G587B AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Play as Dual wield Roxas JAWZ-M10B-RPAEC 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F Mickey (Without Robe) GV76-E5B9-MU9RD R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ Sora (Brave form) 5B3T-H39T-2J5QH QCHP-01YU-V5A9W Sora (Wisdom form) QWGJ-RXNC-N3FD2 6EG5-R2VM-9N0AR Sora (Master form) 2V6X-6JRT-TTH4N F1HJ-3DFN-0TVNK Sora (Final form) 803P-E58P-ZR3Q0 U9JD-J1GK-7CV8N Sora (Anti Form) HKX5-5QBW-QAXTH 8R84-9HVZ-UMBMQ Sora from KH1 FVH6-PXAW-MQQ9Q YAME-Q8W0-CZCU4 Sora (Limit Form) C9H8-CCHY-VKTE9 2FY9-WQQK-CDXVH Sora (Earth lions) 48M1-2MQ4-PAYN4 NDRK-W4DA-ZGM22 The allies of the World (replaces donald): Jack Skellington (Held Halloween) 13EA-TDD3-3G681 9JH9-9RWA-H9UWN Jack Skellington (Held Christmas) XG7W-9Z45-DQQK7 WYCM-Y53B-Z4KQW Simba JH5N-JVXW-D2F1E BVE1-31ZC-GMAGG Simba by teammate M5VH-RBQA-6VNPG 7Q99-HVK4-Z7X9U Aladin DA9V-UM9D-X504Y R5JF-AHZK-CKP21 Mulan R59M-953F-7W2A4 8HZ3-3KV9-5VFBF Mulan in Ping MYD7-1FDK-YJ9MW VAXU-Y3CR-N0T7A Auron MYD7-1FDK-YJ9MW VAXU-Y3CR-N0T7A Jack Sparrow 8GZU-PFR4-5AUZR MV58-AXYH-8HFYJ Hercules GKD4-KFFD-ET05V 73N2-9JE7-XVHWH Megara 0KT1-XUNG-1QB05 XF4M-A9T4-BRR9C Tron WR8D-R2RU-8FR78 0J1N-KAD9-Q02ZJ Léon 7RGK-98G6-DTU9C GAPP-8P9M-K4TV0 Enemies in place of an ally, it disappear again each new zone, a place of Donald: Shan Yu NPVF-3ZRM-BYFVA 8BP7-D2VJ-WB3RM Storm Rider AYWC-BXUF-UA556 4WV5-XADN-Q3E4X Axel (Second fight at Twilight Town) F87M-0CE1-00N2Y WCG1-X0QJ-J9HKF Oogie Boogie 3N1T-N0EG-4GEJB Z277-ZE62-7T3WQ Xigbar GVQF-C6M7-X7A80 F0Z4-PV22-79MEP Pete (In Olympus Colleseum) J14A-FR5V-F7DJ5 75JX-E12A-9T456 Hercules (enemy of course) 0051-6FR0-XDYB8 VBJJ-CJZ1-6V07X Hades ZJYX-GGGR-ZGHA3 7X9Y-MBFZ-KCCG2 tell me if the code doesn't work.:guns::guns:
oathkeeper at left hand of antiform U2KE-U5PQ-A8NY9 F67Q-207V-A75K8 play as mickey (with robe) JVHP-FWGF-XX7R6 CPG8-EV18-A1MPP Play as Roxas U7RF-YEUY-G587B AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Play as Dual wield Roxas JAWZ-M10B-RPAEC 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F Mickey (Without Robe) GV76-E5B9-MU9RD R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ Sora (Brave form) 5B3T-H39T-2J5QH QCHP-01YU-V5A9W Sora (Wisdom form) QWGJ-RXNC-N3FD2 6EG5-R2VM-9N0AR Sora (Master form) 2V6X-6JRT-TTH4N F1HJ-3DFN-0TVNK Sora (Final form) 803P-E58P-ZR3Q0 U9JD-J1GK-7CV8N Sora (Anti Form) HKX5-5QBW-QAXTH 8R84-9HVZ-UMBMQ Sora from KH1 FVH6-PXAW-MQQ9Q YAME-Q8W0-CZCU4 Sora (Limit Form) C9H8-CCHY-VKTE9 2FY9-WQQK-CDXVH Sora (Earth lions) 48M1-2MQ4-PAYN4 NDRK-W4DA-ZGM22 The allies of the World (replaces donald): Jack Skellington (Held Halloween) 13EA-TDD3-3G681 9JH9-9RWA-H9UWN Jack Skellington (Held Christmas) XG7W-9Z45-DQQK7 WYCM-Y53B-Z4KQW Simba JH5N-JVXW-D2F1E BVE1-31ZC-GMAGG Simba by teammate M5VH-RBQA-6VNPG 7Q99-HVK4-Z7X9U Aladin DA9V-UM9D-X504Y R5JF-AHZK-CKP21 Mulan R59M-953F-7W2A4 8HZ3-3KV9-5VFBF Mulan in Ping MYD7-1FDK-YJ9MW VAXU-Y3CR-N0T7A Auron MYD7-1FDK-YJ9MW VAXU-Y3CR-N0T7A Jack Sparrow 8GZU-PFR4-5AUZR MV58-AXYH-8HFYJ Hercules GKD4-KFFD-ET05V 73N2-9JE7-XVHWH Megara 0KT1-XUNG-1QB05 XF4M-A9T4-BRR9C Tron WR8D-R2RU-8FR78 0J1N-KAD9-Q02ZJ Léon 7RGK-98G6-DTU9C GAPP-8P9M-K4TV0 Enemies in place of an ally, it disappear again each new zone, a place of Donald: Shan Yu NPVF-3ZRM-BYFVA 8BP7-D2VJ-WB3RM Storm Rider AYWC-BXUF-UA556 4WV5-XADN-Q3E4X Axel (Second fight at Twilight Town) F87M-0CE1-00N2Y WCG1-X0QJ-J9HKF Oogie Boogie 3N1T-N0EG-4GEJB Z277-ZE62-7T3WQ Xigbar GVQF-C6M7-X7A80 F0Z4-PV22-79MEP Pete (In Olympus Colleseum) J14A-FR5V-F7DJ5 75JX-E12A-9T456 Hercules (enemy of course) 0051-6FR0-XDYB8 VBJJ-CJZ1-6V07X Hades ZJYX-GGGR-ZGHA3 7X9Y-MBFZ-KCCG2
You're welcome:) give a thanks to Notul/ Syoudous for givin me a code.