plastic dogs or cats
i can read it!!! 35996
yeah passion is so unusual and fits kh2 perfectly. and Dearly Beloved is just beautiful :}
Yep which is better: swings or slides
nope really dark brown likes to make funny faces
YES has black hair?
Hi im ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome to kh-vids!!! you can PM me if you want to be friends/talk by the way Mariana, i totally LOVE Hayao Miyazaki!!!!!!!:}
i sorta got no choice has been fly fishing
I love the road to el dorado....and avatar would be pretty cool!
I like the dancer nobodies :}
I'd have to say Nobodies....for many reasons ^_^
-.- me too.....
Shawty Get Loose--L'il Mama
*gags* :bored:
Sweet Sacrifice--Evanescence
yeah they're all squishy and....bleh
i totally agree with the spiders (im arachnophobic) and scorpions (BIG stinger....) ._.
I'll be your friend!!!:D yay you can PM me if you want!!! :}
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Friendly_Heartless!!!!:D:D:D enjoy yourself :}
teehee chicken dance xD woohoo!!!!