midnight blue
i in ind indi indig indigo!!!!!!!
Hi! im ~Namine_Hearts~! welcome welcome welcome! hope you enjoy yourself here... if you wanna talk/be friends just PM moi!!
lime green ~!@#$%^^^&&*()_)+||}{?><
trade a cookie for the memory chip i cant fly....what should i do?
it'd be cool to play as riku and kairi......and namine too :D
I fit in more than one category.....
mmhmm do you remember your dreams often
lol go axel xD
Butterfly- konami-smile.dk
no but my brother is xD has ever typed so much that their hands hurt
the in between seasons has a trampoline
accidentally yeah >P favorite season?
no has watched a stupid show
ha.ha.ha >:]
nah has been dive bombed by a bird
lkj;laskdjf;alskdjlaskjdf;lasdkja ever wish you could fall off the world
no -----------------------------