depends.....not really have you accidentally swallowed something that you shouldnt (like a bug)
Riku, Zexion, Axel, and Sora
Hi i'm ~Namine_Hearts~ and welcome to kh-vids! hope you enjoy yourself here
12:07 in Tennessee :}
ha i used to when i was little >.> what's the coolest pet do you like to flick rubber bands at people?
I'm like demyx. i like music and water, and also might not be that serious all the time xD
Criss Cross Applesauce! Criss Cross Applesauce! Habenero Peppers! Habenero Peppers! Lipton Green Tea! Lipton Green Tea--With Citrus! May all your BACON burn.....
i think i've actually had that in my eyebrow O.o REALLY awkward...
I liked it but the ending sorta sucked.... and you really have to pay attention to the minor things in order to get the ending... and since its in a video camera's point of view, it made me sorta dizzy o.O
Hi I'm ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome to Kh -vids Hope ya have fun If you feel lonely you can message me ;)
When you do, make sure to video tape it just in case xD
I like XD O.o ^____^ :| O////O -.- 8D
yeah, i hate it when there is a huge chord and i have to stretch my hand extra wide :xp:
I bet it would smell terrible :P
i've never tried.....maybe :mellow: do you skip steps when you run up the stairs??? O.o
I think riku is both a girl and boy's name too. (accept with different spellings)