Back on the subject of suggestions, if we do Back To Hogwarts (AND WE SHOULD) We should use this instrumental, it cuts out most of the dialogue (Like in this video) so you don't have to cast people for speaking. I spoke to the person who cut the audio from FanisCi's instrumental and she said we could use it as long as we credit her (aur0rab0realis) and FanisCi
The same one. And it's still not luck, that doesn't exist. I just got the crappy end of probability.
Duel wasn't exactly eventful. I drew really bad at the beginning, worse than I ever have with this deck, and so I was playing defense for a really...
Password is KHV, let's go
Ready when you are
All right, my ID is Slaughtermatic
Sure, my ID is Slaughtermatic for whenever you can catch me.
You mean on DN, correct?
I feel like I could probably do a decent job at mixer, but for the next few weeks I'm really not going to have the time...for much of anything. When I'm not at school, I'm going to be watching my little brothers because both of my parents are working. I'm really sorry, Jayn...but I should only be this busy for a month or so. If whatever mixer you pick needs help after that I'll be glad to help out.
Holy shіt, you are adorable.
Monsters are in the demo. Personally I'm really excited. I adored FFXIII's battle system and am already loving XIII-2's improvements on it. I'm really glad they've fixed the linearity (Both of the maps and the crystarium). I'm not crazy about random battles, but everything else is looking grand. Can't wait for this game.
*Looks at video* Oh god damn it, I played this at Comic Con! How could it have taken this long to make this demo???
Anyone had a chance to play the demo yet? I'm downloading it on XBL right now
You truly have an amazing voice. I can't get into the original songs because I really don't like that style of music- but I adore your voice, and thoroughly enjoyed your covers of Sally's Song and Mr. Brightside. You also write great lyrics. I now have a new appreciation for how horrible it must be for someone with your kind of talent to bear listening to the stuff I record for KHV Chorus XD
Why isn't Back to Hogwarts on the pending list? :V
You're clearly doing it wrong. PCSX2 runs every game I own.
Looks maybe a little bit better than the average Hero deck, but not by much. Also there is no excuse for not running Duality at 3.
The best emulator to use is PCSX2. If it's slow for you, getting a different emulator won't help, it's because your video card isn't good enough. You'll need to get a new one. I use a GeForce GT 430 and it runs KH2 great. To get a ROM of KH2, you'll need to download imgburn and get a copy of KH2 (Like $5 at Gamestop). Insert your copy of KH2 into your computer, open imgburn, and click "Create image file from disc". Give it a few minutes and it'll cook you a ROM of KH2. Also, you don't need a ROM to play, you can just play it in PCSX2 while the disc is in your tray, but loading will be much faster with a ROM. Best of luck.
Oh wow that sounds fun. What do you mean a KH version? Were you hoping for people to do KH character voices?