You need to dump it from your own PS2, you can Google guides on how to do it.
In like the past week, I've come up with (What I think are) pretty awesome ideas for a fan fiction, an original novel, and an original RP. I can't do all of these things at once :( And of course this happens when I'm freaking bombarded with homework. But I can't stop myself. I need to read a 200 page book by Wednesday and haven't started, but I'm already halfway into the first chapter of my fanfic. I need to be restrained >___>
Torrents :)
I'm just going to concede here. You're right. Barring the existence of God, there is no basis for the existence of free will of any sort. I...
Chronicle was insanely good. The kind of movie that makes you think about the bad guys if superhero movies, as well as yourself. Quite a bit about yourself. I wish there had been a little more closure regarding what the source of The Force really was/ but it kind of seemed open to a sequel regarding that...hope it happens! Plus in the end that wasn't what the film was really about. I related to the main character a bit more than I'd like to admit...>________>
---------- Forgoing scientific basis; this is a logical conclusion, not a scientific one. A scientific approach would try to analyze what those...
ignore me, i'm testing something. herp derp derp herp
ignore me, i'm testing something. herpity herp herp
Again, I'd have to point out that other than dissolving of borders and pro-choice views, I support everything you associate with liberalism, and am against everything you associate with conservatism (except for pro-life views) I suppose using the definitions you brought up, I would have to consider myself liberal. However, I am politically conservative because I believe in limited government. What would that make me, socially liberal but politically conservative?
---------- Ah, late at night. /yawn ---------- This is an incredibly busy time for me, more than I've ever really been, so I will mostly be...
Under your previous definition of conservatism (Which is not the kind of political conservatism I subscribe to), yes.
This page contains links to plenty of studies. At the very least, it can be verified that the human mind does have a conscious mind in addition to...
Well of course it's not a good thing. Yes, I did mean "The best possible option at the time".
Fine, would it make it better if I said marrying your rapist was "The best possible option at the time" instead of "A good thing"? Would I then...
So, by your logic, it would have been better for raped women to have died or starvation or become prostitutes?
What graphics card do you have? That's what's really important.
Okay, when you're using conservative and liberal in the non-political sense, that makes sense. I usually use "liberal" and "conservative" as synonymous with "Democrat" and "Republican" while online to avoid confusion with non-americans
Well I don't think that's a very fair assessment. Whether you support social programs should depend on your way of thinking, not your current social status. I'm not wealthy in the slightest, but I don't support welfare or most other social programs. I think it's really, really lame that my parents collect unemployment (Though I'd never tell them that). Well, they do support all of those things, but I fail to understand how that makes them liberal. I also support all of those things (Except for dissolving of borders) but I am conservative. Literally speaking, a liberal is someone who believes that the government should be heavily involved with matters of the people, and a conservative is someone who believes the opposite (Which is I why I consider legalization of drugs and relaxing of immigration laws to be conservative views [Even though I realize many conservatives don't think that way]). I don't see how the views you're talking about should be associated with either party, those basically boil down to moral issues, which shouldn't affect which political party you support. ...And this is a false premise. Again, like I just said, a conservative is someone who believes government should not be heavily involved in the matters of the people. I don't accept this because your definition of a conservative seems to be false. You seem to assume that a conservative is someone who fears things they don't understand...this is false.
When is Demyx said not to have darkness in his heart? Are you sure that's ever said? Anyway as has been pointed out, everyone except princesses of heart has some darkness
---------- Your impulse to deny that impulse is still an impulse. Consider a fight-or-flight response. You have both in you. Whatever you choose...