Have you played it? Most people who've played both (including myself) agree that XIII-2 is a big improvement over XIII
Awesome! I'm going to go put $40 in a box so I can definitely buy it on release day. Since this is an important title I'm pretty certain it'll get a final mix (Seriously, you think they're going to pass up the chance to do insane recolors on the already insanely colored dream eaters?), and we won't be able to play it, and that sucks. Hopefully by then the 3DS will be hacked and region unlocked.
He abandoned it. He's making a movie now
Little late there, buddy
It's a fun fight, but Lightning won't drop her freaking crystal and it's pissing me off
Hey everyone! I'm just starting this fic. This is my interpretation of the Danger Days album by MCR in narrative format, there'll be one chapter for each song (Excluding Vampire Money), each chapter will be what I think that song is about. The exception to this is Look Alive, Sunshine, which I'm basically just using as a prologue/ infodump. You don't need to have listened to the album to enjoy this story, everything will be explained thoroughly. Note that this is *sort of* tied in the video series but for obvious reasons it will be sort of different. I'm taking a few artistic liberties, which you will see, but mostly the story I'm telling with this is what I'm pretty much sure Danger Days is supposed to be about. I'd really appreciate any reviews with regard to writing style, or whatever. Only chapter one (More of a prologue) is done so far, I'd appreciate reviews here or on fanfiction.net For those who haven't listened to Danger Days, the basic concept is that it's the post apocalypse in California 2019. The world has been rebuilt, but is ruled by an idealistic company that keeps the citizens happy on pills. The new world this creates is devoid of true happiness, and the story follows a small rebel group trying to take them down and bring the world back to how it was. link
I just finished Academia...this game is WAY too easy. My favorite part of XIII was the challenge. NOTHING has been able to kill me so far. I think I'm going to have to do a just Serah and Noel playthrough or something else to make it more challenging.
Infernities are very much a lucksack deck but they can be built well enough to be really powerful. Their problem is that they have to beat their...
Well for one, it's a pretty powerful card on its own that allows for serious swarming and synchroing if the right cards are available. Second,...
Kinka-Byo, Barbaros, and One for One are some pretty good ones. Also Spellcaster support goes great with FLs
So I finished the first chapter/prologue of my fic and fanfiction.net won't let me register. Fuсk you, planet Earth. D:
I love Soul Eater so much. I'm going as Stein to comic con this year. Got friends going as Soul, Kid, and Spirit. It's going to be epic!
Anyone enraged that this is still in beta? It was supposed to open in OCTOBER!
I guess it's possible but I've never heard of anything else like it. I'm in English class and everyone just looked at me wondering what I'd laughed at.
Makaze did not call you an idiot or bad mouth your logic. If you're proud of the fact that you've never lost an argument I'd suggest you don't start one with Makaze.
That's not sleep paralysis, that was a really vivid false awakening. In hypnagogic sleep paralysis, you are conscious of the fact that you can't move. In your "hallucination", you describe reaching out to touch a spider. False awakenings tend to become very common when one is trying to lucid dream. Some people induce sleep paralysis on purpose because they claim to be able to easily shift from a hypnagogic state into a lucid dream. I've tried this, only once, and not only did I not have lucid dream, it was a terrifying fuсking experience. One of the things about sleep paralysis is that for whatever reason, everybody who has it (Anyone from whom I've read descriptions of experiences with it anyway) feels a heavy weight on their chest. I felt it too, of course. Now, since you hallucinate during hypnagogic sleep paralysis, apparently a common thing for your brain to do is come up with some kind of explanation for the weight on your chest- some people hallucinate up a rock or a dog or something. I was prepared for that. What I was not prepared for was this motherfuсker STANDING ON MY CHEST while I heard this song playing at an ear shattering volume. And again, I could not move. At all. Fuсk sleep paralysis.
---------- Wait a minute...Sony are Nazis? O_o You serious bro? O_o ---------- Not Nazis as in they literally have Nazi agendas, Nazis as in they...
I can do whatever I want when I don't know I'm dreaming. Just last night I had a Harry Potter/Portal dream, I was flinging spells around everywhere and it was awesome. But once I realize I'm dreaming, I can't do anything. It's incredibly frustrating.
For a while I tried very hard to lucid dream, but it wouldn't work out for me. I got to the point where I would reality check in my dreams and realize I was dreaming (I could do this every night) but I could not do anything I wanted to do. As in, I knew I was dreaming and had control of myself, but when I tried to earthbend or fly or change the scenery, nothing happened. This would go on for a few frustrating minutes, and then I'd wake up or lose my "Lucidity" and go back to regular non-controllable dreaming. It's a shame, really. Maybe I should try again, it's been a while...
I just wrote the chapter outline for my fanfic...in chemistry class. There isn't any hope for me.