Looking at some videos and it looks fun, I just have a bunch of other games to play right now
If someone sends me the file I might be able to add a toggle to it
I haven't played that yet, I will eventually
I just thought it was really boring for a Fire Emblem game. I thought the story was really boring and slow
That's a part of what I like about them though. They really test you as a gamer. I kind of hated Shadow Dragon though.
Just finished it the other day and yeah, it was stupid easy. Post game content is also pathetic, 5-Starred Long Gui, Ochu, Immortal, and Yomi all on my first try. Pathetic really. I'm going to do a NPPU (No Paradigm-Pack Usage) playthrough now to see if that makes it more challenging. Spoiler Also that ending, wtf man
:V Someone get me a consolation cake
Personally by "For adults" I'm hoping she means it's a whole book that gets really intricate about the dirty nasty sex that Harry and Ron totally had after book seven. But in actuality, I'm really just curious about what she's going to do next. Her first post-potter book is going to be a very important step for her as an author, so I wonder what direction she'll go in. Another series maybe? I'll be reading it just because it's J.K. freaking Rowling but this is basically going to shape my opinion of whether I really like her as an author or whether I just loved the world she created with Harry Potter.
I'm very much against compulsory education, at least as it exists now. It's a complete waste of time, I'm really thankful I was given the opportunity to be homeschooled. It's a broken system and it needs to change. As for universities, they need an overhaul drastically as well, but I don't really hate anything about the system other than how ridiculously expensive it is in the US. Yeah it's definitely only in place to enforce corporate interests, that really can't be argued. But many people including myself want to work for corporations, so it really isn't a bad system as far as that goes. But as you say, Makaze, there really should be some kind of alternative for those pursuing their own self-interests or entrepreneurship.
IIRC that was pretty much where I was, so yeah. Now I want to play Radiant Dawn again, haha
People who bought the 3DS before the price drop (Like me) got to download 20 free games in exchange for the change in price, Sacred Stones was one...
Radian Dawn was one tough mother****er. But that's what's fun about these games, they challenge you. I'm playing through Sacred Stones on my 3DS...
That's a tough one...Kind of a tossup between Pokemon and Fire Emblem for me. With Zelda in a VERY close second.
Got my tickets to San Diego comic con today. 4-day was sold out so I got tickets for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Am I going to see any of you there by any chance?
Look at this point I really don't care. Think what you want to. Do you know what I'm worried about at this point in my life? The midterm I have on...
For anyone wondering whether to buy the Sazh DLC: DON'T. It's only about 30 minutes and contains nothing relevant to the story except for a lame reveal about Chocolina (That you probably guessed already). The only reward is Sazh as a SYN, and he's not even the best one in my opinion. Waste of $5, upset with myself right now. Only redeeming quality is the "cool factor" of having all 3 of my Paradigm Pack monsters as humans. Also I put another afro on Sazh's afro and it's hilarious. So there's that.
That doesn't make any sense, the trailer for BBSV2 was in BBSFM. Why would BBSFM have a trailer for itself unlocked in the secret ending? It's real, new KH titles are always announced through secret endings. You're completely wrong. First of all, Nintendo didn't hold Nomura down and say "YOU HAVE TO DEVELOP FOR THE DS," they chose to do that. Second, Nintendo didn't hold Nomura down and tell them to end Days with "Who else will I have ice cream with?", Nomura wrote that story himself. And as for Coded being filler, it was originally developed for mobile phones, not the DS. Nintendo just supplied the medium, they literally had nothing to do with the story.
Birth By Sleep Volume 2. Not confirmed, but extremely likely
The problem I have is the decision to make games of the same series span across so many consoles without going multiplatform. You've already abandoned exclusivity, what's wrong with multiplatform? It would be different if each KH game that came out on handhelds was just supplemental, but other than Coded each of these games are really important to the story. They started the handhelds on the GBA and then went to teh DS, that's fine, that's progression. But then they put an extremely important title on the PSP out of nowhere. That was a title, by the way, which could easily have been on the PS2. Then they put a title on phones. Now the 3DS and Vita are both getting a title, it's ridiculous. If you're going to be multiplatform, be multiplatform. Don't alienate your fans like this. Also, I was wrong about the fight with Xemnas being in the Realm of Nothing, that fight actually is in Kingdom Hearts, Xemnas was using his newfound power to shape the world to his will, that's why it kept changing. So yes, we've been to Kingdom Hearts.
The fight with Xemnas took place in the Realm of Nothing, it seems he was kind of "On the way" to Kingdom Hearts. As far as the article goes, whoever wrote it is a moron and just gave me another reason to hate IGN, but the one thing I will agree with is that I hate the system jumping. Especially now because I'm no longer buying Sony products, I know I'm not going to be able to play all of the KH games that come out in the future (until they're emulatable). I really don't see what the problem is with multiplatform, especially now that basically all consoles/handhelds can handle what all the others can(What runs on a PS3 should run on an Xbox 360 and Wii U, and what runs on a Vita should run on a 3DS). Why can't they just multiplat? There's literally no reason for it, 3D could easily run on a Vita (It wouldn't be 3D, of course, but still), and Days could have run on a PSP. BBS wouldn't have run on a DS so that one I can forgive, but all the rest are ridiculous.