"Soooooo......SEAL IT!!" Alphonse said hyped up on his own energy drink.
"Haha ok." Alphonse said wondering why the others were taking so long.
Alphonse sat and waited."If this is the keyhole, then all of you have to drink your energy drinks!You said you would!" Alphonse said laughing.
"HEY GUYS!!!!!!OVER HERE!!!"Alphonse shouted even louder than before.
Alphonse was running now.As he came in close he saw a glimmer in the rock was it........is this the keyhole they were looking for"GUYS I THINK I FOUND THE KEYHOLE!" Alphonse shouted to the others.
"Let's go check it out!" Alphonse said leading the way.
Alphonse stood up.He hoped that noone had noticed him feeding on the darkness.He needed a distraction."Ummmmm.....whats is that huge rock in the distance?"
"MINE!" Alphonse said attacking and feeding on the heartless.
"NOOOOOOO!!!" Alphonse screamed running in the haze.He had to find Riku and stop him from being taken over by the darkness.
OOC:Animeeee r u busy?It says shes online.....
Alphonse jumped in front of Riku with his sword guarding them.He took the full force of the blow knocking him across the desert.
maybe something about how sora's sacrifice in kh1 and jesus's sacrifice for our sins? idk just a thought
"NOW!" Alphonse shouted as he attacked the monster with his sword and stabbed its leg. OOC:Why is everyone taking longer to post 2nite XD
A classic KH shield came up forming a circle around the area where they were."Well we are trapped...."
Alphonse threw the can at Ellen while holding his defensive stance.
The beast stood up and looked around tired looking spotting the group. "Too late! It's coming right at us!" Alphonse said drawing his sword and moving to the front of the battle to protect the others.
"UH OH!SHOULD WE RUN OR FIGHT THIS THING?" Alphonse said in a hurry.
"All I see is desert for miles!" Alphonse said a little too loud,still hyper from the energy drinks.
OOC:whatever BIC:"Wait this isn't the Opera house!" Alphonse said steppng out into the desert."Crap!" OOC:awkward silence...........o.0
"Wouldn'y dream of it!" Dan said sipping a coke.