This was win! XD
Anyone have any good Troll Pics stories or stuff?
Can I join?
OOC:We must do it again sometime XD
Alphonse was shaking. "Okay......" he said holding his hand out and focused.Another dark blast came out."Crap! That's not gonna work!."He tried again this time managing to shoot a weak fire."Yeah!" He cheared proud of his minor accomplishment.
OOC:AS seen in our whole energy drink episode XD
OOC:So we agree timeskip!
OOC:timeskip sounds cool but thats just me
Alphonse looked around worried."How do I fight these things?!"
Neohlaxps put down his binoculars."It's time."
"It was Ellen.We will portal to them once they land.So now we wait."
Alphonse took a step back. "What have I done!NoNoNoNo!" Unsure of what to do he ran and tackeled her holding her down.
OOC:That would mean that Australia is permanately overrun with Heartless Then our whole mission is failed.
OOC: that is sooooooo not how it works
OOC; Why are you not trying to go back to Australia to seal the keyhole? you still have to seal that keyhole before the world is sealed
OOC:it started to get epic and now TN13 isnt on *sad face*
WTF is up with people being seriously behind?!
"Kay call us when you land!" Alphonse said a bit dissapointed.