"Val!" Alphonse said charging in for a full glomp. He was happy to be back with the others.
"Humpth!" Alphonse fired several fires while running towards Xenree. He jumped and tried to kick her in the chest.
The sad part is we are studying mythology at school right now. XD *sighs* edited again.... is it okay?
Ahhhh eff.
I edited it. Is it okay now?
Alphonse decide to try the direct approach.He ran up as fast as he could a threw a heavy punch.
OOC:my bad i thought somewhere back there xert said he had led everybody to their rooms BIC:Alphonse had been watching out of a window in horror."Xert kidnapped Glen!And for some reason he seems unable to use his darkness!This can't be good!"
"AAAAAAUUUUURGHH!!"Alphonse cried out. He grabbed its head with both hands and shot a fire from each hand hoping that would kill it.
Alphonse kicked down the doors immediantly to the left and right of Ellen's room. He peeked inside the rooms. One of the rooms had Sora and Riku. "Whooooaaaaa! Didn't need to see that!" The other was Eden's.
"Grrrrr NO!" Alphonse said agitated.He cast a fire at the heartless chest. He ran up and with all his strength stabbed his hand into it.(Alucard style XD)He cast another fire while his hand was inside it. He jumped back and cast two thunders each hitting a wing tip igniting them.
"Okay.......?" he said picking it up. It's shocks felt like those gag pens he used to have as a kid.Nothing serious just annoying.He continued following her."Which rooms are theirs?"
OOC:sorry :/ I feel like I should help but if i do i know the same thing will just happen to me
Alphonse seemed surprised by her cold reaction but he stood up."Understood." He cast a couple of fires at its head. Then he cast thunder on its wings hoping to prevent flight because he figured if it was flying around then he stood no chance. He went in for a punch and realized too late that he should really stop that strategy. He was clawed across the chest and knocked down.
"What!But.....but...... that thing......I can't beat it!" Alphonse said clinging to Xenree.
"Thank you." Alphonse said standing up."Is that it over there?" he said pointing.
"Agreed!" Alphonse said."So where are they?"
OOC:oh great ash from black and white got shorter and still hasnt aged sorry its off topic but ridiculous BIC:Alphonse felt bad but continued anyway."Ellen!" he said grabbing her shoulder. "We need to get the others! Glen and Xert are fighting!"
Alphonse was stillchasing after him when he spotted Ellen outside looking around."Glen can you handle him on your own for a while? I'm gonna get the others! They'll help!"
OOC: kay then Alphonse is behind Glen
Alphonse chased after him with his sword drawn.