Hey Roxma!! I just finished reading the DaVinci Code!^^ Now my friends will stop calling me atheist^^ 28948
Hey tummer!^^ *is bored* 29845
I hate GreenDay!!! *hides*
Ooc: ...I feel so unneeded here TT.TT Oh well!^^ If anyone wants to explain???
??? Hello? Aww...Bye EC! *Hugs* Hey Kikame!!! 28941
Phase one... Is that the phase where you lull everyone into a false sense of security by giving them cookies???
Axel is mean TT.TT I am back peoples hug me! 28934
OOC: My computer crashed for three days... So where are we?
"It's nice to meet you two^^" OOC: Talk to ya'll tomorrow
"Yep I'm Ichigo! Who are you? and your friend?" OOC: I am shutting down for the night!^^ Goodnight all^^
"You know, I think this fight thing is a bad idea..." Ichigo was worried for his fellow classmates. "Besides, it's only the first day here, this can wait..."
Different answer than I thought... "Why is your friend there so quiet?"Ichigo said indicating Jun.
LAWLZZ!! My fav was Riku!^^
"Why do you want to be in this?" God, my first day here and I've already made enemies...
"Not allowed on school grounds genius..."
Yayz!! *puts shirt back on*
Ichigo looked up. I guess it couldn't hurt... "Hey!" he shouted. "No offense about earlier Okay?"
"Agh!" Ichigo was stunned. "What's wrong with him?"
"Yeah well playing three to one isn't exactly fair odds if you ask me..." Why hasn't Ruikia joined me yet!?
I is hawt^^ Look at me! XD *takes off shirt*