Hey peoples! What did I miss? 29109
It's thanksgiving in Canada...
Ichigo stared at Trunks. "...You're the P.E. Teacher, how could this possibly be fair? Pfft Not like it matters anyway I still plan on winning!^^"
Ooh jingle keys in front of his face^^ That is a helpful distraction! Yumm! Pizza! *Steals Piza* >.> <.< *Eats*
Ooc: I made it back here without losing? O.o Bic: Ichigo was hanging on the tree, bored. "Who wants to be the first gone?" he said with a smirk. Ichigo grabbed the branch Anemone and Anna were on with his legs and began shaking it.
"Hehe! I am fine with those rules!" Ooc: Make me lose dignified! I have to go! Night Guys!^^
Ichigo stared up the tree. "How in God's name did you get up there so fast?!" Ichigo climbed up and waited for Anemone.
"Fine with me!" Ichigo ran to the same tree."And if you think so Anna why don't you come try!"
"I bet I could beat it^^" Ichigo scoffed. "Why you wanna challenge me?"
Ichigo caught up with Anemone and Jun. Ichigo turned around and shouted. "Hey Anna! Come Walk with us!"
"Should we join them Anna?" Ichigo sprinted down the hall
Me sorry! *grabs sheet and runs*
Roxma makes me laugh on the outside and Die on the inside!^-^ Jks
"So that's what was happening? I could hear you from the third Dorm!"
"Nice to meet you! I am Ichigo Kurisaki!"
Err...*hides under mattress* Whatever you think I was doing, I wasn't!
"Um hi! You are?"
"Really? Thanks then^^ I like your hair too!^^ And why are you so quiet now Jun?"
"You think my hair is cool?" Ichigo blushed. That has to be the first time someone has complimented it!
Nope! It's one of my favorite songs! I wish I was that creative to come up with that^^ Let me see if I can find the vid!^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWXJcbGmyu4