My friend thinks I got her pregnant, did I? Samus vs. Link, whou would win? Why are you such a perv.? What is the meaning of my existence?
*clicks* My Eyes!!! TT.TT Poor Samus!
Yayz! You gots a sig that will kill epileptic people^^ XD 29135
*Watches* ... *dies*
Lawlz!^^ Funny Sofa^^ *Revives Ctr* No dying! Edited: ... TT.TT Roxma beat me too it.. But if I revived her after him, then what does that make her?
Yep I did the same^^ Aww Easter don't say that. Everyone has someone, you just haven't found YOUR someone yet^^ ...neither have I...I'm still Looking though^^
Yep I loves it!^^ :D Hello Single Peoples!
I am good!^^ Glad to hear you're better! That's how you play!^^ *Pulls trigger* *Is shot with water* *Laughs* 29129
Okay then!^^ *holds gun to head* Ready? 29126
TT.TT Sorry Country is my only Love^^ Dear Mom and Dad Please send money I'm so Broke that it aint funny Well I don't need much Just enough to get me through Please don't worry cause I'm alright Playin here at the bar tonight This time I'm gonna make our dreams come true Well Ilove you more than anything in the world Love your baby girl! Country Rocks^^
...You'll find out^^ >.> <.< 29124
Easter! :glomp: You wants to play russian roulette right? 29118
Fine then Cowards, I'll go first! *puts gun to head* *Pulls trigger* Agh!! *Is shot with water* 29114
Ichigo swung to another tree before hitting the ground. "What is wrong with you?!" he shouted.
:glomp: Yep! Me loves it!^^ And I always put the internet above my education^^ But that's because my teachers will believe anything! In French I forgot to do my homework and she said it needed to be done in French, so when she walked up to me and asked where my homework was I said "I am waiting on plane tickets to do it in France"...Se actually liked that so much, that I got an extra day to turn it in^^
I hope no one needs to copy from your notes^^ Who was the first president of the United States? Umm... *Thinks back to notes* Err...Lawiet?
Ichigo turned to the side "...What the heck was that??? ...I think it was a person!"
Okay then!^^ I am bored... My friends keep annoing me.... Who wants to play russian roulette? 29111
Yayz! KK!!^^ ...Le Gasp!! Roxma...How could you... :cryinganime:
I'm not even Canadian and I knew that... It's also Columbus's birthday